نویسندگان: Karpov Kinrade خلاصه: Grab the latest adventure in Karpov Kinrade's USA Today Bestselling Series, Vampire Girl, and find out why this series is one of the most popular fantasy vampire romances in the world today!***I'm a world-renowned archaeologist who happens to have a special gift--I can read artifacts and see their history
Materials Engineering, Science, Processing and Design (4th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Michael F. Ashby, Hugh Shercliff, David Cebon خلاصه: Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design is the essential materials engineering text and resource for students developing skills and understanding of materials properties and selection for engineering applications
Medizinische Fachsprache - leicht gemacht: Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch - Plus Einführung in Medical English
نویسندگان: Wunna Lippert-Burmester, Herbert Lippert خلاصه: Ob allein, zu zweit oder in einer Lerngruppe: Mit diesem bereits in 5 Auflagen erprobten Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch macht es richtig Spaß medizinische Fachbegriffe zu lernen!
ggplot2: Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R (Data visualization) (Volume 1)
نویسندگان: Alboukadel Kassambara خلاصه: This book contains 6 parts providing step-by-step guides to create easily beautiful graphics using the R package ggplot2
Cost of Living (TCG Edition)
نویسندگان: Martyna Majok خلاصه: “Immensely haunting… The first of many great things about Martyna Majok’s Cost of Living… is the way it slams the door on uplifting stereotypes… Ms
Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management 2nd Edition
نویسندگان: Bruce A. Seaman;Dennis R. Young خلاصه: Nonprofit organizations are arguably the fastest growing and most dynamic part of modern market economies in democratic countries
Armenian Christians in Iran: Ethnicity, Religion, and Identity in the Islamic Republic
نویسندگان: James Barry خلاصه: Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has promoted a Shi'a Islamic identity aimed at transcending ethnic and national boundaries
Essentials of Economics 8th Edition
نویسندگان: Mr John Sloman, Dean Garratt خلاصه: See Economics in Action!In a world full of volatility, uncertainty and conflicting approaches, this market leading, concise text in introductory economics looks at the key economic issues of today and helps you make sense of them
Elefanten sieht man nicht (German Edition)
نویسندگان: Susan Kreller خلاصه: "Max atmete ruhig und gleichmäßig, nur manchmal schnarchte er leise. Julia hatte sich zusammengerollt, aber nicht so, als hätte sie Angst, eher, als hätte sie nichts mehr zu befürchten, weil draußen jemand Wache hält.
Contemporary Human Resource Management Text and Cases
نویسندگان: Tom Redman خلاصه: Whether you're a student studying HRM or a forward-looking manager, Contemporary Human Resource Management is the book you need
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