Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (6th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (6th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Barbara Montgomery Dossey; Lynn Keegan; Cynthia Barrere خلاصه: This market-leading resource in holistic nursing is published in cooperation with the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA)
Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies 4th Edition
Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies 4th Edition
نویسندگان: Michael H. Merson خلاصه: Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies, Fourth Edition brings together contributions from the world's leading authorities into a single comprehensive text
Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Global Edition 9th edition
Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Global Edition 9th edition
نویسندگان: Scarborough Norman M. Et.Al خلاصه: For courses in small business management, entrepreneurship, and new venture creation and/or management
Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies 3rd Edition
Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies 3rd Edition
نویسندگان: M. Gaie Rubenfeld خلاصه: Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses: Achieving IOM Competencies, Third Edition is a user-friendly and practical manual focusing on the day-to-day realities of doing, learning, and evaluating critical thinking in nursing
Crime and Social Organization (Advances in Criminological Theory)
Crime and Social Organization (Advances in Criminological Theory)
نویسندگان: Elin Waring, David Weisburd خلاصه: This tenth volume in the Advances in Criminological Theory series is dedicated to the work of Albert J
نویسندگان: Brian Lane خلاصه: CRIME AND DETECTION (DK Eyewitness Books)
Models of Contextual Theology (Faith and Cultures Series)
Models of Contextual Theology (Faith and Cultures Series)
نویسندگان: Stephen B. Bevans خلاصه: Stephen B Bevans's Models of Contextual Theology has become a staple in courses on theological method and as a handbook used by missioners and other Christians concerned with the Christian tradition's understanding of itself in relation to culture
Counseling the Nursing Mother 6th Edition
Counseling the Nursing Mother 6th Edition
نویسندگان: Judith Lauwers, Anna Swisher خلاصه: Written from a teaching perspective, Counseling the Nursing Mother: A Lactation Consultant's Guide, Sixth Edition presents topics within a counseling framework with practical suggestions and evidence-based information interwoven throughout
Consumer Behavior 7th Edition
Consumer Behavior 7th Edition
نویسندگان: Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters خلاصه: The popular CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 7E draws key concepts from marketing, psychology, sociology, and anthropology to present a strong foundation and highly practical focus on real-world applications for today's global business environment
Classroom Management Success in 7 days or less: The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource)
Classroom Management Success in 7 days or less: The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource)
نویسندگان: Rob Plevin خلاصه: Teaching is made easier when you have a fast-acting classroom management system that works

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