Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (6th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Barbara Montgomery Dossey; Lynn Keegan; Cynthia Barrere خلاصه: This market-leading resource in holistic nursing is published in cooperation with the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA)
Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies 4th Edition
نویسندگان: Michael H. Merson خلاصه: Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies, Fourth Edition brings together contributions from the world's leading authorities into a single comprehensive text
Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Global Edition 9th edition
نویسندگان: Scarborough Norman M. Et.Al خلاصه: For courses in small business management, entrepreneurship, and new venture creation and/or management
Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies 3rd Edition
نویسندگان: M. Gaie Rubenfeld خلاصه: Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses: Achieving IOM Competencies, Third Edition is a user-friendly and practical manual focusing on the day-to-day realities of doing, learning, and evaluating critical thinking in nursing
Crime and Social Organization (Advances in Criminological Theory)
نویسندگان: Elin Waring, David Weisburd خلاصه: This tenth volume in the Advances in Criminological Theory series is dedicated to the work of Albert J
نویسندگان: Brian Lane خلاصه: CRIME AND DETECTION (DK Eyewitness Books)
Models of Contextual Theology (Faith and Cultures Series)
نویسندگان: Stephen B. Bevans خلاصه: Stephen B Bevans's Models of Contextual Theology has become a staple in courses on theological method and as a handbook used by missioners and other Christians concerned with the Christian tradition's understanding of itself in relation to culture
Counseling the Nursing Mother 6th Edition
نویسندگان: Judith Lauwers, Anna Swisher خلاصه: Written from a teaching perspective, Counseling the Nursing Mother: A Lactation Consultant's Guide, Sixth Edition presents topics within a counseling framework with practical suggestions and evidence-based information interwoven throughout
Consumer Behavior 7th Edition
نویسندگان: Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters خلاصه: The popular CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 7E draws key concepts from marketing, psychology, sociology, and anthropology to present a strong foundation and highly practical focus on real-world applications for today's global business environment
Classroom Management Success in 7 days or less: The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource)
نویسندگان: Rob Plevin خلاصه: Teaching is made easier when you have a fast-acting classroom management system that works
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