نویسندگان: PETER O’DONOGHUE خلاصه: This introductory chapter introduces sports performance analysis by asking the following questions: What? Why? Who? Where? When? and How? What is sports performance analysis? What are sports performance data and information? Why do we analyse sports performance? Who analyses sports performance? Where is sports performance analysis done? When is sports performance analysis done? How is sports perform- ance analysis done? The answers to these questions are not independent. The reason why sports performance analysis is done and who requires the information can dictate what information is required. The informa- tion required can in turn influence when it is needed and thus when sports performances should be analysed. The time at which information is needed and economic constraints dictate the methods and locations of sports performance analysis tasks. These questions will be answered in turn but readers can expect some necessary overlap between the answers.
Execution Culture in Nineteenth Century Britain - Original PDF
Execution Culture in Nineteenth Century Britain - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Patrick Low, Helen Rutherford, and Clare Sandford-Couch خلاصه: In his diary entry of 23 August 1844 railway clerk Richard Lowry reflected on his attendance the preceding day at the hanging of Mark Sherwood on Newcastle’s Town Moor. Lowry noted that the streets of Newcastle were ‘literally crammed with people’ and that there were ‘countless thousands crowding’ towards the Moor, to witness the spectacle of a public execution. Despite taking up a prime position some ‘20 yards from the gallows’, Lowry was far from a proponent of capital punishment. He reflected: ‘what will future ages say at such barbarous proceedings as this. A time is fast coming when such murder will be no longer perpetrated.’1
Microbiology Handbook: Dairy Products - Original PDF
Microbiology Handbook: Dairy Products - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Rhea Fernandes (Editor) خلاصه: Milk and dairy products form a central part of the human diet, as they are rich in nutrients. On the other hand, because of their high nutrient value, they favour rapid microbial growth. In some cases, this microbial growth is beneficial, while in others it is undesirable. Dairy products may be contaminated with pathogens or microbial toxins; therefore, the microbiology of these products is of key interest to those in the dairy industry. 'Microbiology Handbook - Dairy Products' provides readers with an easy-to-use reference to microorganisms found in milk and dairy products. The handbook covers: initial microflora; sources of contamination; effects of processing on the survival and growth of microorganisms; spoilage; and hazards identified with the consumption of these products.
Fractal Energy Trading: Four Simple Rules to Profit In Any Market & Any Timeframe [Print Replica] Kindle Edition - Original PDF
Fractal Energy Trading: Four Simple Rules to Profit In Any Market & Any Timeframe [Print Replica] Kindle Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Doc Severson خلاصه: his book is dedicated to my father Allan for taking the ultimate risk as a young man so that the rest of us had the freedom to pursue opportunity. Lib- erty is a very powerful concept and one that he fought for with his life. This book is also dedicated to my mother Charmaine who understood at an early age that opportunity cost was defined by “staying put,” that not having the freedom to express one’s talents was akin to imprisonment, and that tea must only be brewed whilst boiling.
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Anti-Infective Agents and Their Use in Therapy: Expert Consult 9th Edition - Original PDF
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Anti-Infective Agents and Their Use in Therapy: Expert Consult 9th Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Roger G. Finch MB BS FRCP FRCP(Ed) FRCPath FFPM (Author), David Greenwood BSc PhD DSc FRCPath (Author), Richard J. Whitley MD (Author), S. Ragnar Norrby MD PhD FRCP خلاصه: Well-respected and widely regarded as the most comprehensive text in the field, Antibiotic and Chemotherapy, 9th Edition by Drs. Finch, Greenwood, Whitley, and Norrby, provides globally relevant coverage of all types of antimicrobial agents used in human medicine, including all antiviral, antiprotozoan and anthelminthic agents. Comprehensively updated to include new FDA and EMEA regulations, this edition keeps you current with brand-new information about antiretroviral agents and HIV, superficial and mucocutaneous myscoses and systemic infections, management of the immunocompromised patient, treatment of antimicrobial resistance, plus coverage of new anti-sepsis agents and host/microbe modulators. Reference is easy thanks to a unique 3-part structure covering general aspects of treatment; reviews of every agent; and details of treatments of particular infections. Offer the best possible care and information to your patients about the increasing problem of multi-drug resistance
India and the Silk Roads: The History of a Trading World - Original PDF
India and the Silk Roads: The History of a Trading World - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jagjeet Lally خلاصه: India and the Silk Roads is a global history of a continental interior, the first to comprehensively examine the textual and material traces of India’s caravan trade with central Asia. But what was the fate of these overland connections in the ages of sail and steam? This book brings the world of caravan trade to life—a world of merchants, mercenaries, pastoralists and pilgrims, but also of kings, bureaucrats and their subjects in the countryside and towns. Their livelihoods did not become obsolete with the advent of ‘modern’ technologies and the consequent emergence of new global networks. Terrestrial routes remained critically important, not only handling flows of goods and money, but also fostering networks of trade in credit, secret intelligence and fighting power. With the waning of the Mughal Empire during the eighteenth century, new Indian kingdoms and their rulers came to the fore, drawing their power and prosperity from resources brought by caravan trade. The encroachment of British and Russian imperialism into this commercial arena in the nineteenth century gave new significance to some people and flows, while steadily undermining others. By showing how no single ruler could control the nebulous yet durable networks of this trading world, which had its own internal dynamics even as it evolved in step with global transformations, this book forces us to rethink the history of globalisation and re-evaluate our fixation with empires and states as the building blocks of historical analysis.
Integrative Systemic Therapy in Practice: A Clinician's Handbook - Original PDF
Integrative Systemic Therapy in Practice: A Clinician's Handbook - Original PDF
نویسندگان: William P. Russell, Douglas C. Breunlin, Bahareh Sahebi خلاصه: This essential handbook provides clinicians with the tools to introduce Integrative Systemic Therapy (IST) into their practice working with individuals, couples, and families. Describing the "how to" and "how to decide what to do" aspects of IST, this book outlines a practical, problem-solving approach that considers client strengths and and cultural contexts in the process of integrating interventions from various therapy models and empirically supported treatments. Chapters demonstrate how problem-solving tasks can be accomplished using the IST blueprint for therapy and include scenarios that will challenge the reader to think through the specific steps for IST, encouraging them to consider the therapeutic alliance and the use of self in therapy. For supervisors, trainers, and clinicians familiar with IST, this book will enrich and deepen their understanding of it. The book is also relevant for clinicians and supervisors of all types of therapy who seek to become more integrative and systemic in their work.
Origins and Originality in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice - Original PDF
Origins and Originality in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Maria Borcsa, Peter Stratton (eds.) خلاصه: The founding volume of the European Family Therapy Association book series presents new ideas confirming the crucial importance of systemic family therapy for family practice. Spanning paradigms, models, concepts, applications, and implications for families as they develop, experts in the field demonstrate the translatability of session insights into real-world contexts, bolstering therapeutic gains outside the treatment setting. Chapters emphasize the potential for systemic family therapy as integrative across theories, healing disciplines, modes of treatment, while contributors’ personal perspectives provide unique takes on the therapist’s role. Together, these papers promote best practices not only for therapy, but also research and training as professionals delve deeper into understanding the complexity and diversity of families and family systems. Origins and Originality in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice offers practitioners and other professionals particularly interested in family therapy practice timely, ethical tools for enhancing their work.
Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy: Clinical Applications - Original PDF
Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy: Clinical Applications - Original PDF
نویسندگان: G. Pirooz Sholevar, Linda D. Schwoeri خلاصه: In the past decade, family therapy has evolved from a loosely defined aggregate of approaches to a mature field with codified schools of theoretical systems and concepts. Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy: Clinical Applications is the first book to draw together theories and techniques from these various schools and combine them with specific clinical approaches in a single comprehensive resource. Under the editorial direction of acclaimed expert G. Pirooz Sholevar, Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy presents the current body of theoretical knowledge in the field along with the latest practical applications for working with couples and families. The book is divided into seven major sections: Family Therapy: Theory and Techniques; Family Assessment; Family Therapy With Children and Adolescents; Marital Therapy; Family Therapy With Different Disorders; and Research in Family and Marital Therapy. Most sections begin with overview chapters to lay the groundwork for clinical applications. With contributions from todayAs leading practitioners, Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy includes unique features such as: -Family therapy approaches to specific mental disorders, including depression, psychiatric hospitalization, alcohol and substance abuse, incest, and personality disorders -Specific guidance for working with couples, with detailed approaches to problems such as sexual dysfunction, divorce, remarriage, and stepfamiliesAinvaluable for practicing in todayAs society -The unique considerations of treating children in a family therapy context with practical applications such as whole-family intervention and a method for parent management training -An overview of the evolution and theoretical underpinnings of family therapy which helps readers develop a solid foundation of understanding to support their clinical knowledge -The latest information on issues related to gender, culture, and ethnicity and how they affect family therapyAimportant for enhancing awareness and understanding -The state of family therapy research today and future research directions with perspectives from leading academics to point the way Blending theoretical training and up-to-date clinical strategies, Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy is a landmark event in the field. It is a must for clinicians who are currently treating couples and familiesAand a major resource for training future clinicians in these highly effective therapeutic techniques.
Working with Families of the Poor, Second Edition (The Guilford Family Therapy Series) - Original PDF
Working with Families of the Poor, Second Edition (The Guilford Family Therapy Series) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Patricia Minuchin, Jorge Colapinto, Salvador Minuchin خلاصه: Now in a substantially revised second edition, this widely adopted text and practical guidebook presents the fundamentals of family-based intervention with clients struggling with chronic poverty-related crises and life stressors. Grounded in Salvador Minuchin's influential systemic model and the extensive experience of all three highly regarded authors, the book illustrates innovative ways for professionals within substance abuse, foster care, and mental health contexts to build collaboration with families and other helpers, and to elicit families' strengths. The second edition features many new case examples and includes discussions of exemplary programs. It also gives increased attention to key factors that make agencies effective and enable them to maintain a family focus over time.

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