The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean Regime - PDF
The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean Regime - PDF
نویسندگان: Bradley Hope خلاصه: Once his family had moved north to San Diego, Adrian had spent most of his life in Chula Vista just to the city’s south. The area had a distinctly low-key vibe: palm trees, strip malls, and the beach. Adrian had a high-octane personality, but he would occasionally let his SoCal origins slip through, talking in the laid-back, overly familiar manner of a Chula Vista “bro.” “Ah, the glorious life of a bachelor,” he wrote on his Xanga page one afternoon while at Yale. “Sitting on a couch watching dvds alone, eating out of a can sigh.” Those around Adrian back then recall a confidence about him that was offset by a strong sense of empathy. Fellow students would remember for years his ability to notice one person whose voice was being drowned out by louder students, taking them aside afterward and letting them know he heard what they were trying to say. And even from a young age, Adrian had seemed to hunger for something bigger than the chilled-out suburb he called home. Together with his best friend in high school, who would go on to become a key member of Adrian’s clandestine work, he’d speak with fervor about civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr.
Hope and Fear: Modern Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudo History - Original PDF
Hope and Fear: Modern Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudo History - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ronald H. Fritze خلاصه: Description: A myth-busting journey through the twilight world of fringe ideas and alternative facts. Is a secret and corrupt Illuminati conspiring to control world affairs and bring about a New World Order? Was Donald Trump a victim of massive voter fraud? Is Elizabeth II a shapeshifting reptilian alien? Who is doing all this plotting? In Hope and Fear, Ronald H. Fritze explores the fringe ideas and conspiracy theories people have turned to in order to make sense of the world around them, from myths about the Knights Templar and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, to Nazis and the occult, the Protocols of Zion and UFOs. As Fritze reveals, when conspiracy theories, myths, and pseudo-history dominate a society’s thinking, facts, reality, and truth fall by the wayside.
Django.for.Professionals.4.0 - PDF
Django.for.Professionals.4.0 - PDF
نویسندگان: William.S.Vincen خلاصه: This book covers in-depth how professional Django programmers do their job and build real-world web applications. Topics covered include Docker
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology - Original PDF
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Duncan Mara and Nigel Horan خلاصه: The purpose of this Handbook is to provide an introduction to modern water and wastewater microbiology, especially for water and wastewater engineers. The study of water and wastewater microbiology is very rewarding: better water treatment, better wastewater treatment, safer wastewater reuse, and thus healthier people – in all parts of our world.
Indigenous Resistance in the Digital Age: On Radical Hope in Dark Times - Original PDF
Indigenous Resistance in the Digital Age: On Radical Hope in Dark Times - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Olivia Guntarik خلاصه: 1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction: Wild Things Written with my mountain home and First custodians Aki Nabalu and Odu Nabalu This is a chapter about place and Indigenous resistance. I am writing out of the politics of the two homelands I occupy in my mind as an Indigenous woman moving between two worlds. My voice is the bridge between two worlds. Places are never captured precisely in words or pictures. They are always more. Mount Kinabalu, the highest peak on Borneo island, is dotted with rock edges. Before it was damaged by an earthquake in 2015, one rockface took the shape of a donkey’s ear and was named so. It was the image that came to mind for the person who named it long ago but I have to say: What a diminutive title! I have to muse when this person looked up to that enor- mous pinnacle whether he heard a donkey’s ‘hee-haw’ braying down to him. Conservationist David Attenborough climbed Mount Kinabalu in 1975, describing a landscape of magical beauty. Granite pinnacles jutted skyward. The sky seemed to move as you climbed, as did the rockpools at the peak reflecting the stars. We learn the ascent was challenging, that nature came bearing gifts. Wild myrtle, rhododendrons, orchids, ferns. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 O. Guntarik, Indigenous Resistance in the Digital Age, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17295-3_1 2 Fig. 1.1 Mount Kinabalu from Kundasang. My grandfather Tumbaki, my mother Molly and my aunty Wendy. Photo credit Moffen Gondoloi Gifts that carried not just life but ominous signs. Pitcher plants shimmered with poison water, tricking insects in a dance of death. And so we learn of nature’s realities. Life and death, doom and gloom, smoldering side-by-side. Words. Pictures. A perspective from high up. Reading his words today, Attenborough’s (1975) nature walk up the mountain rumbles with sound. Frogs bleeeerrk-bleeeerrk at the lower reaches. Birds trill louder and louder farther up the trail. Birds in this part of the world do not fly away on approach; so tame, they scurry at the walker’s feet in a cheeky game of chasey. Come play with us, the birds seem to sing. At the top, where I imagine the walkers resting, perhaps stooping to drink water from mirrored rockpools, the icy wind cuts through bodies razor sharp. But oh how the top is worth the hike! The panorama magnifi- cent—even as you become more conscious of your breath, wind howling in your ears. Imagine this: terrestrial moss, lichen, liverwort, tiny trees clinging to rock icicles for dear life. Imagine the sounds and sights, sacred custodian of my homeland Aki Nabalu tells me. O. GUNTARIK 3 Let us consider this and listen, sings another custodian Oku Nabalu. Both of them are caretakers of this mountain place. My original home. Custodian ancestors help us tell the histories of place and the legacies of our survival. They are our original storytellers. They evidence the ways storytelling pioneer modes of knowing, merging animal and human, the wild and the tame, nature and machine to draw attention to the political dimensions of our existence (see Seton 1898; Cloos 1954; Carson 1962). This politics draws out the musical nature of stories to crystallize purpose and meaning. Listen to the words, for instance, of Australian poet Eileen Chong (2021, 73). ‘There is merit// in quietude, in the precise layering of sound, /image, and object. In the simple acts of walking, /waiting/and witnessing’. A precision to sound, image, object. An intention. Image and object and language come into play for me too. Words offer ways to see, to hear, to read the landscape. The world tilts like an optical illusion or like the multicoloured gems in a child’s kaleidoscope into new configurations of speech. Poets sculpt history into story. So I must pose new questions of life, nature and humankind. I am that tree clinging to bare life on the mountain. Maybe it takes more balls to survive and to talk this way. We need a new way to think about theory, to bring ideas into practice and the world. Praxis we might say. Activism working with reflection, as Paulo Freire (1968) claims. So I am reflecting with Attenborough and the First Custodians on a “sound walk” up a mountain ridge that today rises above a surrounding plateau of a disappearing jungle with a disconcerting backdrop. Dwindling rice plantations. An invasive eyesore of African palm. This is also the home- land of my ancestors: Dusun people, an Indigenous hilltribe of Borneo who were once subsistence farmers. Who share land with the governing Malay, and multiple generations of Indian and Chinese migrants, along with more than sixty Indigenous groups. It is an incisive and empowering moment in my readings of walks through the wilderness, reseeing a don- key’s ear and ‘other peaks...labelled rather unimaginatively...I could not help reflecting that local Dusun names would have been far more appro- priate and musical.’ Attenborough’s words (1975, 103).
Kidnapped BY stevenson - PDF
Kidnapped BY stevenson - PDF
نویسندگان: Robert louis stevenson خلاصه: .
Media Today An Introduction to Mass Communication (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
Media Today An Introduction to Mass Communication (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Joseph Turow خلاصه: Media Todayputs students at the center of profound changes in the twenty-first century media world - from digital convergence to media ownership - and gives them the skills to think critically about how these changes affect their lives. Media Today, Third Edition 2010 Updateis built around four key concepts: A media systems approachallows students to understand the interconnected system of media products that surrounds them every day Unique insights into media trends give students an insider's perspective on how media industries are responding to changes from globalization to social networking Emphasis on the centrality of digitalconvergencedemonstrates in each chapter how digital media is transforming traditional mass media such as newspapers, magazines, and television A media literacy goalencourages and builds critical skills to make students more informed and responsible citizens in our media-driven society In the 2010 Update to Media Today,over 40% of the textboxes and photos were updated to reflect the latest cultural and technological issues affecting media industries, along with case studies and activities designed to build media literacy. Additional learning resources include an enclosed DVD with media examples for further study and classroom discussion, and a free interactive companion website with a full range of instructor and student materials at www.routledge.com/textbooks/MediaTodayUpdate.
The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism, - Original PDF
The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism, - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Tribe خلاصه: Now in its third successful edition, The Economics of Leisure and Tourism has been fully revised and updated to cover all the latest issues and changes, and more. Essentially a real world text in applied economics, it explains the necessary economic theories from first principles and applies them to a range of leisure and tourism problems and issues at the consumer, business, national and international level. Key themes discussed are: * How is the provision of leisure and tourism determined and could it be provided in a different way? * What are the key opportunities and threats facing leisure and tourism & environmental impacts? * How can economics be used to manage leisure and tourism? International in its outlook, this text uses examples from Brazil, China, India and Japan, as well as Europe, North America and Australia. With an accompanying website with links and Powerpoint resources for lecturers, this new edition provides: * New chapters on regeneration, tourism as an economic development strategy, globalisation and ppolitical economy of tourism. * Introduction of dependency theory and development economics theories * Liberal use of press cuttings, journal articles and international case studies * User friendly learning features such as: visual mapping of chapter contents, chapter objectives, summaries of key points' short answer questions. * User-friendly and relevant, no 'theory for theory's sake' * Visual mapping of the content of each chapter * Liberal use of press cuttings and international case studies (e.g. North America, Europe and Australia)
Tourism Development Revisited: Concepts, Issues and Paradigms - Original PDF
Tourism Development Revisited: Concepts, Issues and Paradigms - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sutheeshna S Babu, Bivraj Bhushan Parida, Sitikanta Mishra خلاصه: This book contains a collection of articles by leading experts in international tourism. It broadly covers the tourism business as well as the development of tourism. It documents the different views and paradigms on tourism development in an in-depth manner. In addition to discussing the concepts, scope and nature of the tourism business, the book includes a diverse commentary on: " The development of tourism in the 21st century " Emerging models in international tourism " Challenges faced in emerging markets of East Europe, India and China " Impact of Internet and online markets on the travel industry " Changing human resource practices and contributions by the informal sector " The importance of tourism as a source of economic development " The dynamics of the global tourist and corporate traveller " Ecotourism, exotic destinations and experiential tourism " Fundamental issues in leisure, recreation and tourism This book endeavours to a critical approach within a multi-disciplinary framework to relook at the complex phenomenon of tourism development. The unusual intellectual freedom of the scholars is clearly demonstrated throughout this book. It deals with the details in the conceptual and paradigmatic evolution of tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon and an industry, contradictions in its development process, tourism in developing world including the fast-growing Chinese and Indian economies, new tourism products and their development and management.
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Original PDF
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Kiyosaki خلاصه: “Life pushes all of us around. Some people give up and others fight. A few learn the lesson and move on. They welcome life pushing them around.” “A job is really a short-term solution to a long-term problem.” “It’s fear that keeps most people working at a job: the fear of not paying the bills, the fear of being fired, the fear of not having enough money, and the fear of starting over.

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