1© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022 A. Gause, Presenting Without Pandering - Self-Marketing for Creatives, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64305-1_1 What I write down on the subject of self-marketing mirrors the encounters and development processes I have experi- enced in the course of my work as an artist, lecturer, consul- tant and manager. This gives a good insight into the current living and working conditions in the creative industry, which are directly related to what kind of marketing makes sense. A lot has happened since 1985, when I entered the art business professionally. On the one hand, a lot of good things have happened: #metoo has brought us intimacy coaches on film sets. Musical singers in many places are compensated as they are in the opera genre because it’s un- derstood that the vocal stakes are comparable. At some the- aters, evening rehearsals are waived once in a while if the team is well on schedule. There is the possibility of carrying out risk assessments of mental stress, tailored to the needs of artistic professions (as has long been the practice for other professions). Institutes specialising in medical care for dancers and musicians that provide profession-specific sup- port. The Internet offers artists a variety of platforms to build up a fan base or sell their products without the need for distribution groups. The first art fairs are exhibiting art- ists without the mediation of a gallery. On the other hand, many things are still as they always were: the cliché of the “crazy artist” who is the only one who can be a “true artist” is still widespread in many places.
چکیده فارسی
1© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany، بخشی از Springer Nature 2022 A. Gause, Presenting Without Pandering - Self-Marketing for Creatives, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64305-1_1 What من در مورد آینه های خود بازاریابی، برخوردها و فرآیندهای توسعه ای را که در طول کارم به عنوان یک هنرمند، مدرس، مشاور و مدیر تجربه کرده ام، یادداشت می کنم. این بینش خوبی از شرایط فعلی زندگی و کار در صنعت خلاق می دهد، که به طور مستقیم با نوع بازاریابی منطقی مرتبط است. از سال 85 که به صورت حرفه ای وارد عرصه هنر شدم، اتفاقات زیادی افتاده است. از یک طرف، اتفاقات خوب زیادی افتاده است: #metoo برای ما مربیان صمیمیت در مجموعه فیلم ها آورده است. خوانندگان موزیکال در بسیاری از جاها به دلیل اینکه در ژانر اپرا هستند، پاداش دریافت می کنند، زیرا درک شده است که سهم های آوازی قابل مقایسه هستند. در برخی از سالنها، تمرینهای عصرانه هر چند وقت یکبار در صورتی که تیم طبق برنامه خوب باشد، لغو میشود. امکان انجام ارزیابی ریسک استرس روانی، متناسب با نیازهای حرفه های هنری وجود دارد (همانطور که مدت هاست برای سایر حرفه ها رواج داشته است). موسسات متخصص در مراقبت های پزشکی برای رقصندگان و نوازندگان که حمایت های حرفه ای خاص را ارائه می دهند. اینترنت پلتفرمهای مختلفی را به هنرمندان ارائه میدهد تا پایگاهی از طرفداران ایجاد کنند یا محصولات خود را بدون نیاز به گروههای توزیع بفروشند. اولین نمایشگاه های هنری هنرمندان را بدون وساطت یک گالری به نمایش می گذارند. از سوی دیگر، بسیاری از چیزها همچنان مانند همیشه هستند: کلیشه "هنرمند دیوانه" که تنها کسی است که می تواند یک "هنرمند واقعی" باشد، هنوز در بسیاری از جاها رواج دارد.
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For the team idea, I have developed the concept of “The Three Personality Parts of Creative People”, which I would now like to introduce you to directly: As a creative person- ality, you already have a personal core team consisting of the first personality part, your private self, the second personal- ity part, your artist self and the third personality part, which I call the Third Person. This Third Person appears in situa- tions that are not clearly private or artistic, and these in- clude all around self-marketing without exception. Here one thinks classically first of professional presentations or applications. But also, for example, at the moment when A. Gause 3 your table neighbour at a private birthday party turns out to be an attractive employer for you, the first person—your private person—says goodbye and the Third Person appears. Or else at the rehearsal: you are acting, i.e. your second person—the creative one—is active. There is an interrup- tion and the director, the lecturer, the conductor, the chore- ographer or a colleague addresses you: at this moment you step out of your artist ego and the Third Person is called upon. The distinction between these three personality parts is important for many reasons, which I will discuss in detail later in the book. One, however, should be mentioned now: Each of these personality parts activates different states of consciousness and levels of competency. It is of consider- able importance for your success that you know about the strengths and weaknesses of your three personalities and that you can switch from one to the other without great irritation
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