Product Design A Product-Led perspective about digital product design - Epub + Converted PDF
Product Design A Product-Led perspective about digital product design - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Josias Oliveira خلاصه: The question is quite pertinent. Especially when we are starting a new project or we are faced with a situation that needs further study on a certain topic. Perhaps this discussion is more related to a natural tendency that every human being has. When we are faced with a problem, the brain's immediate reaction is to find a solution that is faster and requires the least amount of energy to solve. Nature works this way. As a professional, it is extremely important to solve any UX problem as comprehensively as possible, without trying to find the easiest solution or putting yourself in the user's shoes in a superficial way. What I have learned from nearly 20 years of professional career is that the greater the knowledge on a given topic, the less research I need. And that's not bad, on the contrary. The greater my knowledge of a task, the greater my empathic ability to provide solutions that are appropriate and that make sense to most users. The greater my knowledge of a subject, the greater my ability to sell that product or sell my idea.
نویسندگان: Eileen Z. Taylor and Paul F. Williams خلاصه: 1 INTRODUCTION Eileen Z. Taylor and Paul F. Williams “Ethics” and “morals” are two terms about which there is ambiguity. Some scholars consider the terms to be synonymous. Others make a distinction that ethics pertains to right conduct vis-à-vis others, while morals pertains to one’s personal sense of right conduct; still others reverse that distinction. Philosophers tend to regard the distinction between “ethics” and “morals” to be that ethics pertains to a centuries-old conversation about how we decide what is good and bad, right and wrong, while morals is the content of good and bad, right and wrong. The perspective on “ethics” taken in this book is this latter sense; thus the title Companion to Accounting Ethics. The book’s purpose is not to be a handbook of accounting rights and wrongs but rather a collec- tion of conversations employed by educators to assist students of accounting to become more attuned to accounting’s ethical aspects and to become more critical thinkers about the ethical complexities of the function of accounting in human society. As a social science, accounting is the creation of people, for the purpose of accounting for transactions (generally monetary) between and among groups of people. Accounting does not exist without people, and its rules of the day are determined by people; it is mutable and wholly dependent on both the decisions made by people with economic power and acceptance of those decisions by those same people. Similarly, ethics are enacted by people, and the ethicality of an action is determined by the individual affected by the action, as well as by the collective societal acceptance or rejection of an action. Accounting, because it is people driven, inherently has an ethical component. Every deci- sion about how to account for a transaction at some point affects an individual, either directly or indirectly. For example, decisions about recording revenue affect those whose income is commission-based. Decisions about recording an expense affects taxes paid (and received by the government for the benefit of society). Our primary goal with this book is to call attention to the intersectionality of accounting and ethics and to encourage students and researchers to consider the ethical implications of accounting decisions
Safety-Critical Automotive Systems - PDF
Safety-Critical Automotive Systems - PDF
نویسندگان: Juan R. Pimentel خلاصه: Preface The subject of safety-critical automotive systems is growing in importance, as one can see by perusing the latest publications of SAE International. Safety has become an integral and essential part behind the engineering process for the modern vehicle. Vehicle safety is a wide-ranging discipline covering many engineering activities spanning materials, ergonomics, environmental, functional, and so forth. This book covers functional safety, also referred to as system safety. Functional (or system) safety refers to aspects of the overall safety of a vehicle that rely on the vehicle sub-systems producing correct outputs or operating correctly in response to stimuli. The most important vehicle sub-systems are the following: 1. Sensors 2. Actuators 3. Electronic control units (ECUs) 4. Communication systems 5. Software (e.g., application, middleware, drivers) Thus, it is timely that a book covering the most important aspects of functional (i.e., system) safety-critical automotive systems is published. The goals of this book are threefold: 1. To provide a quick introduction to and summary of the subject 2. To provide a classification and analysis of the recent literature on the subject 3. To reproduce the most representative of SAE publications on the subject The task of assembling a book on safety-critical automotive systems is challenging because the subject is complex, involving several technical areas that have contributed to the existing body of knowledge. In addition, the subject is by no means mature. There will be many excellent contributions and publications in the years to come. There are also many good publications in a number of worldwide conferences and/or journals. However, the intent of this book was to consider only SAE publications. Nevertheless, many of the SAE papers in this book include references to other publications. After selecting a number of papers, the question arose as to what criteria should be used to classify these papers. One possible criterion was to organize the papers around the constituent elements of a system (e.g., sensors, actuators, ECUs, communication system, software). Another criterion was to organize the papers along the steps to be followed while building a complete final system. We have decided to use the second criterion. Accordingly, the papers are organized in the following sections: 1. Introduction to safety-critical automotive systems 2. Safety processes to be followed 3. Requirements to be met 4. Analysis and design methods and techniques 5. Prototyping and target implementation 6. Testing, verification, and validation meth
نویسندگان: DAEGAN MILLER خلاصه: Then the coal company came with the world’s largest shovel, And they tortured the timber, and stripped all the land. Well, they dug for their coal till the land was forsaken, And they wrote it all down as the progress of man. John Prine, “Paradise”1 What happens when the past’s oldest witness comes crashing down dead? A new day will dawn . . . but over what? Where are we, who are we, when the bough breaks? Bostonians opened their eyes on a Wednesday morning in 1876 to opaque February skies bleakly blanketing a city made suddenly strange. At 7 p.m. the evening before, the enormous Great Elm on the famous Boston Common had been toppled by a hard wind.2 Of course, trees fall all the time with never a thought spared them, but the Great Elm was dif- ferent. It was famous in the nineteenth-century as an emissary from the past, and it appears ubiquitously in prose, poem, and print, a people’s treasured heirloom, believed to be among the last living witnesses to the young nation’s milestones; its loss was disorienting. Paul Revere, on his 1775 midnight ride, was rumored to have passed by the tree
Fundamentals of Discrete Element Methods for Rock Engineering - Original PDF
Fundamentals of Discrete Element Methods for Rock Engineering - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Lanru Jing خلاصه: PREFACE This book is a summary of our collaborative teaching and research efforts over the last two decades relating to the subject of discrete element methods (DEM) and its applications to rock mechanics and rock engineering. We have not intended this book to be a thorough presentation of the most current cutting- edge research subjects in the fields of DEM and its applications in geosciences and geoengineering – because the advances are occurring too rapidly. Instead we present some fundamental concepts behind the basic theories and tools of DEM, its historical development and its wide scope of applications in geology, geophysics and rock engineering. We hope that, with this moderate ambition, it may be more helpful and useful for a larger number of practicing engineers, students and researchers alike and serve as a starting platform for more advanced and in-depth further studies. Unlike almost all books available on the general subject of DEM, this book includes coverage of both explicit and implicit DEM approaches, namely the distinct element methods and discontinuous deforma- tion analysis (DDA) for both rigid and deformable blocks and particle systems, and also the discrete fracture network (DFN) approach for fluid flow simulations. Actually the latter is also a discrete approach of importance for rock mechanics and rock engineering. In addition, brief introductions to some alternative approaches are also provided, such as percolation theory and Cosserat micro-mechanics equivalence to particle systems, which often appear hand in hand with the DEM in the literature. We provide a presentation of the fundamentals of the governing equations of the discrete systems concerning motion, deformation, fluid flow and heat transfer, to an extent that is currently considered in some available DEM codes. Special attention is given to constitutive models of rock fractures and fracture system characterization methods. These two issues are the basic building blocks of DEM and also have the most significant impacts on the performance and uncertainty of the DEM models. The DEMs were pioneered and continuously developed by Dr P. A. Cundall, the creator of the distinct element methods, and Dr Genhua Shi, the creator of DDA, block theory and numerical manifold method. The authors learned DEM basics from them and received continuous inspirations and encour- agements. This book presents only some basics of the distinct element methods and discontinuous deformation analysis, only small parts of their outstanding contributions. The first author expresses his special gratitude to Professor Xuefu Yu in China, who led the author into the fields of rock mechanics and numerical modeling in late 1970s and provided continuous guidance and encouragements
High-energy ball milling Mechanochemical processing of nanopowders - Original PDF
High-energy ball milling Mechanochemical processing of nanopowders - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Małgorzata Sopicka-Lizer خلاصه: Nanotechnology is an area of science and technology where dimensions and toler- ances in the range of 0.1 nm to 100 nm play a critical role. Nanotechnology encom- passes precision engineering as well as electronics, electromechanical systems and mainstream biomedical applications in areas as diverse as gene therapy, drug deliv- ery and novel drug discovery techniques. Nanostructured materials present exciting opportunities for manipulating structure and properties at the nano scale and the ability to engineer novel structures at the molecular level has led to unprecedented opportunities for materials design. This new book provides detailed insights into the synthesis/structure and property relationships of nanostructured materials. This is a valuable book for materials scientists, mechanical and electronic engineers and medical researchers.
The Coronavirus Pandemic and Inequality - Original PDF
The Coronavirus Pandemic and Inequality - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Shirley Johnson-Lans خلاصه: his book has been a long time in the making. It was first conceived in the summer of 2020 at which time few people expected a pandemic of the length we have experienced, dealing with a virus that is so efficient in morphing into ever more transmissible variants. Much of the world, including Europe, the United States, and Australia, now seems to have reached a point where COVID-19 is beginning to be regarded as endemic with occasional upticks, much like the annual influenza epidemics with which we have all learned to live. However, since we are not really out of the woods yet with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as vaccination rates in many parts of the world are well below where they need to be, this book can only be a provisional assessment of the effects and response to the coronavirus pandemic. It is an attempt to summarize and take stock of where many countries in the world stand as of October 2022
Finance Capitalism and Income Inequality in the Contemporary Global Economy - Original PDF
Finance Capitalism and Income Inequality in the Contemporary Global Economy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kuat B. Akizhanov خلاصه: Rising inequality in income distribution is one of the most persistent global challenges, widespread not only in low- and middle-income coun- tries but also in industrialised ones. There is an increasingly alarming sta- tistics on wealth and income disparity as, for instance, four consecutive Oxfam reports have witnessed. Thus, in 2015 the wealthiest 62 individuals owned as much wealth as 3.6 billion people compared with 388 individu- als in 2010. Their wealth had increased from 2010 by 44% or $542 billion, while the wealth of the bottom 50% of the world’s population dropped by 41%, or over one trillion dollars (Oxfam, 2016). By 2016, just eight mostly white men possessed the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the global population and the richest 1% controlled more wealth than the rest of the globe. Between 1988 and 2011 the incomes of the poorest decile rose by less than $3 a year compared with a 182-fold increase of the richest 1% (Oxfam, 2017). In 12 months of 2017 the incomes of the world’s elite increased by $762 billion which was enough to eradicate extreme poverty seven times over. Between 2006 and 2015 worker income rose by an aver- age of just 2% a year compared with a 13% increase for billionaires per year. In 2017, top 1% earners received 82% of all growth in global wealth, whereas the poorest half of the world population did not benefit at al
Food Security in the Economy of the Futur - Original PDF
Food Security in the Economy of the Futur - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Elena G. Popkova · Bruno S. Sergi خلاصه: Computerized agricultural machinery has simplified and improved the comfort of agricultural labor, providing a significant increase in produc- tivity and production capacity. Internet-based e-commerce has optimized value chains in the agro-industrial sector. State Internet monitoring of the activities of agricultural enterprises has increased the accountability of their activities and the effectiveness of the agricultural policy. As digital agriculture took shape in the late twentieth and early twenty- first centuries, it successfully addressed key food security issues of the time. Countries have had the opportunity to implement ambitious food security doctrines and cover the entire population with nutrition security moni- toring programs. The then-existing demand for food was temporarily covered. However, the situation has changed dramatically as new global challenges to food security have emerged
Capitalism at a Crossroads A New Reset? - Original PDF
Capitalism at a Crossroads A New Reset? - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ali Ari خلاصه: Introduction Ali Ari Abstract Over the last three decades, the world economy has faced several complex and interrelated problems such as global climate change, food and energy scarcity, rising inequality, poverty, and more frequent and severe financial and economic crises. However, the capitalist system has been struggling to bring responses to those increasing problems and uncertainty. This has generated lively debates on the sustainability of the liberal capitalist economic system. Therefore, this book aims first to assess current problems of the world economy from a theoretical and empirical perspective, then to propose plausible answers from different points of view to restore the capitalist economic system. Keywords Capitalism · Sustainability · Growth · Climate change · Global warming · Agriculture · Energy · Inequality · Debt · Financial crises · Financialization · Poverty · Trade wars · COVID-19 · Political crises · Economic security · Artificial intelligence · Technological change · Great reset · Degrowth · Green deals · Solidarity economy · Balance of power · Smart cities

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