Marketing Public Health: Strategies to Promote Social Change (3rd Edition)
Marketing Public Health: Strategies to Promote Social Change (3rd Edition)
نویسندگان: Elissa A. Resnick, Michael Siegel خلاصه: Given the current changes in the social, political, and economic environments in which health care is delivered, public health practitioners at all levels of government and in the private sector must run effective campaigns to change individual behavior, improve social and economic conditions, advance social policies, and compete successfully for public attention and resources
Geological Applications of Well Logs (Methods in Exploration Series, No. 13.)
Geological Applications of Well Logs (Methods in Exploration Series, No. 13.)
نویسندگان: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, M. A. Lovell, Neil Parkinson خلاصه: This book provides examples of the use of well logs across a broad range of applications
Clinical Informatics Literacy 5000 Concepts That Every Informatician Should Know
Clinical Informatics Literacy 5000 Concepts That Every Informatician Should Know
نویسندگان: Dean F. Sittig خلاصه: Clinical Informatics Literacy: 5000 Concepts That Every Informatician Should Know is about all aspects of clinical informatics, a subset of the larger field of biomedical informatics
A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama semiotique: Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Milan June
A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama semiotique: Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Milan June
نویسندگان: Seymour Benjamin Chatman, Umberto Eco, Jean M. Klinkenberg خلاصه: A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama Sémiotique
Phonological Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children: A Practical Guide
Phonological Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children: A Practical Guide
نویسندگان: Diane Garcia , Jacqueline Bauman-Waengler خلاصه: Phonological Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders in Children: A Practical Guide provides speech-language pathologists with a road map for implementation of new treatment methods that can have a significant, positive impact on children s speech intelligibility and communicative effectiveness
Curriculum Development in Nursing Education (4th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
Curriculum Development in Nursing Education (4th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Carroll L Iwasiw; Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn; Dolly Goldenberg خلاصه: Curriculum Development in Nursing Education, Fourth Edition is designed for novice and experienced faculty, presenting logical processes to develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum
Clinical Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Third Edition
Clinical Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Third Edition
نویسندگان: David Irwin; Norman J Lass; Mary H Pannbacker; Mary Ellen Tekieli Koay; Jennifer S Whited خلاصه: Now in its third edition, Clinical Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology is a valuable and comprehensive resource for understanding and conducting clinical research in communication sciences and disorders
60 Punkte - 60 Krankheiten
60 Punkte - 60 Krankheiten
نویسندگان: Heping Yuan خلاصه: aus diesem Buch kann der Leser viel über die unverfälschte chinesische Medizin und Akupunktur lernen. Mit den ausgewählten 50 Meridian-Punkten (ordentliche Punkte) und 10 Extra-Punkten (außerordentliche Punkte) hat Professor Yuan in China wie in Deutschland viel Erfolg bei seinen Patienten gehabt und konnte über viele Jahre Erfahrungen sammeln, die er in seinem Buch „60 Punkte – 60 Krankheiten" in deutscher Sprache im Jahre 1999 niedergeschrieben hat. Die erste Auflage betrug 4000 Exemplare.
Basic Pharmacology for Nurses (17th Edition)
Basic Pharmacology for Nurses (17th Edition)
نویسندگان: Bruce D Clayton; Michelle Willihnganz خلاصه: Known for its accurate, up-to-date drug content and its practical application of the nursing process to drugs and disorders, Clayton and Willihnganz’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 17th Edition prepares you for safe medication administration
Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology (6th Edition)
Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology (6th Edition)
نویسندگان: Richard Goering; Hazel Dockrell; Mark Zuckerman; Peter L Chiodini خلاصه: Learn all the microbiology and basic immunology concepts you need to know for your courses and exams

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