Helix Network Theory The Dynamic Structure and Evolution of Economy and Society Interdisciplinary Integrated Economics Creating a Brand New “Micro-Meso-Macro” Paradigm - Original PDF
Helix Network Theory The Dynamic Structure and Evolution of Economy and Society Interdisciplinary Integrated Economics Creating a Brand New “Micro-Meso-Macro” Paradigm - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Runyuan Gan خلاصه: Foreword by Gong-Meng Chen I first met and started working with Gan Runyuan, the author of the book, around April and May of 2002. Back then, I had just established the China Accounting and Finance Research Centre at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Shenzhen. Because the research centre was not long established, it was necessary to introduce various talents. Gan Runyuan was one of the first groups of personnel recruited into the research centre. By 2003, with the active support of Cheng Si-Wei, I and my colleagues had founded the China Venture Capital Research Institute. During that period of time, Gan Runyuan worked as my assistant and participated in many tasks at the China Accounting and Finance Research Centre and China Venture Capital Research Institute. He was easy-going, serious in working, and I was always impressed. Later, Gan Runyuan left Shenzhen to Shanghai. However, he still kept in touch with me and participated in several forums organised by the China Venture Capital Research Institute. At the end of March this year, Gan visited Shenzhen. I learned that he had written an economics monograph, Helix Network Theory, and he invited me to write a preface to this book. He said that this is the ten-year brainchild of his toil, blood, and sweat. I did not expect him after leaving Shenzhen for more than ten years, not only reading that many books on economics and sociology but also spending quite a few years writing an econo

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