Idiot's Guides: Options TradingTrading on Sentiment - Original PDF
Idiot's Guides: Options TradingTrading on Sentiment - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Logue, Ann خلاصه: Options are powerful tools for managing financial assets. They can be used to manage risk, generate income, and make money. They’re also complicated. Let’s get that upfront. As a result, too many investors shy away from options because they confuse “complication” with “risk.” Others are led astray by advisers who take advantage of the complication to recommend high- commission, low-return strategies. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. Because options are complicated, though, they are an ideal topic for a book like this. Here, I break down the terminology and function of options to help you understand how you can use them to manage risk and to make money. An option is a contract that gives you the right to buy or sell something at a predetermined price on a predetermined future date. You are not obligated to exercise the contract, so you won’t unless it is to your advantage to do so. Most options are not exercised. It sounds like a goofy thing, doesn’t it? It sounds like something that’s not quite real, not quite practical, and possibly sketchy, doesn’t it? Perhaps it sounds like something that’s used by finan- cial people just to confuse the rest of us. However, options have real value. Suppose you think about an option in another way: as insurance. Your car insurance policy gives you the right, but not the obligation, to file an accident claim up to the amount of value of the car while the policy is in force. You don’t have to file a claim, and it might not be worth your while to even file it if you do have a minor accident that will cost less to repair than to cover your deductible. And yet, that policy has real value to you even if it expires unused. An option is a form of insurance. It is written on the value of an underlying asset, such as a share of stock, a market index, or a foreign currency. Some people buy options to insure against an unfavorable price change.

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