The Problem of Property Taking the Freedom of Nonowners Seriously - Original PDF
The Problem of Property Taking the Freedom of Nonowners Seriously - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Karl Widerquist خلاصه: CHAPTER 1 Introduction As I went walking, a sign stopped me. On the one side, it said “No Trespassing.” But on the other side, it didn’t say nothing. That side was made for you and me. ... This land was made for you and me. —Woody Guthrie, “This Land Is Your Land” as covered by Remember Alice?1 Any conception of a right—whether legal or natural—has to be recip- rocal in the relevant ethic respect. A nonreciprocal “right” is merely a privilege. A right of self-ownership at least prima facie passes this test. It amounts to saying accept my ownership of my body as I respect your ownership of your body. The highly unequal ownership system that prevails in external assets (i.e., property in anything outside of our living bodies) prima facie fails this test in at least two ways. First, it gives one group control over resources essential to everyone’s survival and therefore, forces the propertyless group to perform services for the property-owning group to survive. Second, it amounts to saying, “You should respect my property for I would respect yours if you had any.

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