The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean Regime - PDF
The Rebel and the Kingdom: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Overthrow the North Korean Regime - PDF
نویسندگان: Bradley Hope خلاصه: Once his family had moved north to San Diego, Adrian had spent most of his life in Chula Vista just to the city’s south. The area had a distinctly low-key vibe: palm trees, strip malls, and the beach. Adrian had a high-octane personality, but he would occasionally let his SoCal origins slip through, talking in the laid-back, overly familiar manner of a Chula Vista “bro.” “Ah, the glorious life of a bachelor,” he wrote on his Xanga page one afternoon while at Yale. “Sitting on a couch watching dvds alone, eating out of a can sigh.” Those around Adrian back then recall a confidence about him that was offset by a strong sense of empathy. Fellow students would remember for years his ability to notice one person whose voice was being drowned out by louder students, taking them aside afterward and letting them know he heard what they were trying to say. And even from a young age, Adrian had seemed to hunger for something bigger than the chilled-out suburb he called home. Together with his best friend in high school, who would go on to become a key member of Adrian’s clandestine work, he’d speak with fervor about civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr.

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