We are proud boys - Epub + Converted PDF
We are proud boys - Epub + Converted PDF
نویسندگان: Andy campbell خلاصه: It was late in March 2016, in the heat of Trump’s presidential push, and the national media had latched onto one bit of security footage from a Trump event. The video showed Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, grabbing and pushing Breitbart writer Michelle Fields as she approached Trump and tapped his elbow. Fields claimed that Lewandowski left bruises on her arm. It was enough that police charged Lewandowski with simple battery, but prosecutors ultimately dropped the case. He shrugged off the allegation and the news cycle that followed, which left the pundits to bicker among themselves over the footage and decide whether an assault had occurred. McInnes, staring slack-jawed at the footage during an episode of his reactionary talk show, couldn’t believe it warranted media attention in the first place. A woman touched a presidential candidate and got what was coming to her, he argued. If anything, she deserved more. “She wasn’t randomly grabbed!” he groused, his voice pitching upward in aggravation as the video played. “I think there’s not enough violence in today’s day and age.” McInnes then launched into one of his signature rants, steering the conversation toward his keynote: America had gone soft in the waning years of Barack Obama’s presidency, and there was no better evidence than the news media clutching its pearls over a woman being grabbed and pushed out of the way. Real Americans—real men—wouldn’t give this story the time of day. Real men are hardened by a lifetime of violence

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