Your Health Today:  Choices in a Changing Society, Loose 6th
Your Health Today: Choices in a Changing Society, Loose 6th
نویسندگان: Michael L. Teague Ph.D., Sara L.C. Mackenzie Clinical Instructor, David M Rosenthal خلاصه: It’s not just Personal! Your Health Today teaches personal health from a truly inclusive and socially responsible perspective.
Introduction to Environmental Economics 2nd Edition
Introduction to Environmental Economics 2nd Edition
نویسندگان: Nick Hanley, Jason Shogren, Ben White خلاصه: An understanding of economics is vital to any understanding of why environmental problems occur and what best to do about them. This book provides an introduction to the subject of environmental economics without assuming any in-depth prior knowledge of economics.
Criminological and Forensic Psychology Second Edition
Criminological and Forensic Psychology Second Edition
نویسندگان: Helen Gavin خلاصه: The second edition of Criminological and Forensic Psychology is an even more theoretically rigorous, practically relevant, engaging and fun introduction to this broad and fascinating field. It covers both the conceptual basis within which psychology knowledge is applied in forensic contexts and the practical applications of psychology to the criminal civil justice systems.
Criminal Law and Procedure: A Courtroom Approach
Criminal Law and Procedure: A Courtroom Approach
نویسندگان: Stephanie A. Jirard خلاصه: Written by a former federal prosecutor and public defender, Criminal Law and Procedure: A Courtroom Approach introduces students to the essentials of criminal law and procedure by illuminating the legal issues justice professionals face before, during, and after a criminal trial.
Electrical Wiring Practice : A Blended Learning Package
Electrical Wiring Practice : A Blended Learning Package
نویسندگان: Pethebridge, Keith; Neeson, Ian; Low, Paul خلاصه: The 8th edition of Electrical Wiring Practice has been streamlined into a handy, single-volume textbook and carefully revised to meet the needs of electrotechnology students and professionals looking to further advance their trade competencies.
Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism (4th Edition))
Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism (4th Edition))
نویسندگان: Robert E. Taylor, Eric J Fritsch, Michael R. Saylor, William L. Tafoya خلاصه: Revised edition of the authors' Digital crime and digital terrorism, [2015]
Nutrition & Diet Therapy (12th Edition) - Image pdf with Ocr
Nutrition & Diet Therapy (12th Edition) - Image pdf with Ocr
نویسندگان: Ruth A Roth; Kathy L Wehrle خلاصه: Providing a solid foundation, NUTRITION & DIET THERAPY, 12E delivers a completely up-to-date introduction to the essentials of nutrition concepts, good health, and client care.

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