Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction (3rd Edition) (Brady Fire) - Original PDF

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Author: David J. Icove

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Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction (3rd Edition)

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Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction, Third Edition, describes and illustrates a new systematic approach for reconstructing fire scenes, applying the principles of fire protection engineering along with those of forensic science and behavioral science.

Modern fire investigation topics are covered, including comprehensive documentation, hypothesis testing, and defensible reconstruction of the events leading up to the fire and its final results. Delving deep into forensic fire engineering, Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction covers engineering calculations, fire modeling and also features several exhaustive case studies which leverage the current technology that is explained in depth throughout the text. Several specialized topic areas are also covered, including use of the drone aircraft, forensic and panoramic photography, computer modeling as well as an advanced discussion of tenability. Using historical fire cases and realistic case examples, the authors examine the newest lessons learned and insight into the ignition, growth, development, and outcome of those fires. All documentation in the case examples follows or exceeds the methodology set forth by the NFPA in NFPA 921—Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations and its companion standard NFPA 1033—Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator, 2009 Edition, and Kirk’s Fire Investigation ,Seventh Edition.

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بازسازی صحنه آتش‌سوزی قانونی، ویرایش سوم، رویکرد سیستماتیک جدیدی را برای بازسازی صحنه‌های آتش‌سوزی، با استفاده از اصول مهندسی حفاظت از آتش همراه با اصول علوم پزشکی قانونی و علوم رفتاری، توصیف و نشان می‌دهد.

موضوعات بررسی آتش سوزی مدرن شامل مستندات جامع، آزمایش فرضیه، و بازسازی قابل دفاع از رویدادهای منتهی به آتش سوزی و نتایج نهایی آن پوشش داده شده است. کاوش عمیق در مهندسی آتش‌نشانی قانونی، بازسازی صحنه آتش‌سوزی قانونی محاسبات مهندسی، مدل‌سازی آتش را پوشش می‌دهد و همچنین دارای چندین مطالعه موردی جامع است که از فناوری فعلی استفاده می‌کند که در عمق متن توضیح داده شده است. چندین حوزه موضوعی تخصصی نیز پوشش داده شده است، از جمله استفاده از هواپیمای بدون سرنشین، عکاسی پزشکی قانونی و پانوراما، مدل‌سازی کامپیوتری و همچنین بحث پیشرفته در مورد پایداری. نویسندگان با استفاده از موارد آتش‌سوزی تاریخی و نمونه‌های موردی واقع‌گرایانه، جدیدترین درس‌های آموخته شده و بینش را در مورد اشتعال، رشد، توسعه، و نتیجه آن آتش‌سوزی‌ها بررسی می‌کنند. تمام اسناد موجود در نمونه‌های موردی از روشی که توسط NFPA در NFPA 921—راهنمای تحقیقات آتش‌سوزی و انفجار و استاندارد همراه آن NFPA 1033—استاندارد برای صلاحیت‌های حرفه‌ای برای محقق آتش‌سوزی ارائه شده است پیروی می‌کند یا فراتر از آن است. ، نسخه 2009، و بررسی آتش کرک، ویرایش هفتم.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction with Resource Central Fire -- Access Card Package (3rd Edition) (Brady Fire)
نویسنده: Icove Ph.D. PE, David J., De Haan, John D., Haynes, Gerald A
ناشر: Pearson; 3 edition (September 20, 2012)
زبان: English
شابک: 0132956209, 978-0132956208


9780133100822 0133100820

حجم: 105 Mb
فرمت: Original PDF

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Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface to the Third Edition; Acknowledgments; About the Authors; Course Description; Chapter 1 Principles of Reconstruction; Need for Science in Fire Scene Reconstruction; The Scientific Method; The Working Hypothesis; Applying the Working Hypothesis; Benefits of Using the Scientific Method; Alternatives to the Scientific Method; Foundations of Expert Testimony; Federal Rules of Evidence; Sources of Information for Expert Testimony; Disclosure of Expert Testimony; Recognition of Fire Investigation as a Science; Daubert Criteria; Frye Standard. Impact of NFPA 921 on Science-Based Expert TestimonyAuthoritative Scientific Testing; Peer Review and Publications; Negative Corpus; Error Rates, Professional Standards, and Acceptability; Forensic Fire Scene Reconstruction; Step 1: Document the Fire Patterns of the Fire Scene and its Processing; Step 2: Evaluate the Heat Transfer Damage by Fire Plumes; Step 3: Establish Starting Conditions; Step 4: Correlate the Human Observations and Factors; Step 5: Conduct a Fire Engineering Analysis; Step 6: Formulate and Evaluate the Conclusion; Benefits of Fire Engineering Analysis. Fire Engineering AnalysisFire Modeling; Summary; Problems; Suggested Readings; References; Legal References; Chapter 2 Basic Fire Dynamics; Basic Units of Measurement; The Science of Fire; Fire Tetrahedron; Types of Fires; Heat Transfer; Conduction; Convection; Radiation; Superposition; Heat Release Rate; Release Rates; Heat of Combustion; Mass Loss; Mass Flux; Heat Flux; Steady Burning; Combustion Efficiency; Fire Development; Phase 1: Incipient Ignition; Phase 2: Fire Growth; Phase 3: Fully Developed Fire; Phase 4: Decay; Enclosure Fires; Minimum Heat Release Rate for Flashover. Alternative Methods for Estimating FlashoverImportance of Recognizing Flashover in Room Fires; Postflashover Conditions; Other Enclosure Fire Events; Duration; Smoke Detector Activation; Sprinkler Head and Heat Detector Activation; Summary; Problems; Suggested Readings; References; Chapter 3 Fire Pattern Analysis; Fire Plumes; V Patterns; Hourglass Patterns; Fire Plume Damage Correlations; Types of Fire Plumes; Axisymmetric Plumes; Window Plumes; Window Plume Calculations; Balcony Plumes; Line Plumes; Flame Heights of Line Plumes; Alternative Method; Axisymmetric Fire Plume Calculations. Equivalent Fire DiameterVirtual Origin; Flame Height; Entrainment Effects; Plume Centerline Temperatures and Velocities; Smoke Production Rates; Enclosure Smoke Filling; Fire Patterns; Typology; Demarcations; Surface Effects; Penetrations; Loss of Material; Victim Injuries; Interpreting Fire Plume Behavior; Fire Vectoring; Virtual Origin; Tracing the Fire; Fire Burn Pattern Tests; Fire Testing Goals; Estimated Heat Release Rate; Virtual Origin; Flame Height; Fire Duration; Regression Rates; NIJ-Funded Research; Adjustments to Fire Duration; Flame Height Adjustment for Fire Location.

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