Traffic Engineering (5th Edition) (What's New in Engineering) 5th Edition
Traffic Engineering (5th Edition) (What's New in Engineering) 5th Edition
نویسندگان: Roger P Roess; Elena S Prassas; William R McShane خلاصه: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in traffic engineering.
Pencil, Ink and Charcoal Drawing (Dover Art Instruction)
Pencil, Ink and Charcoal Drawing (Dover Art Instruction)
نویسندگان: Charles X. Carlson خلاصه: This original compilation gathers together four of Charles X. Carlson's finest art instruction books and presents them in one comprehensive volume.
No Place to Be Somebody: A Black Black Comedy in Three Acts
No Place to Be Somebody: A Black Black Comedy in Three Acts
نویسندگان: Charles Gordone خلاصه: A black-black comedy. The play is a harsh, sardonic comedy, a melodrama, and a tragedy.
Light for the Artist (Dover Art Instruction)
Light for the Artist (Dover Art Instruction)
نویسندگان: Ted Seth Jacobs خلاصه: "Intermediate and advanced art students receive a broad vocabulary of effects with this in-depth study of light. Topics include basics, use of light to define form and space, field effects, colored light, and many other subjects. Diagrams and paintings illustrate applications of principles to figure, still life, and landscape paintings"--
Principles of Passive Supplemental Damping and Seismic Isolation
Principles of Passive Supplemental Damping and Seismic Isolation
نویسندگان: C. Christopoulos, A. Filiatrault, IUSS Press خلاصه: This book targets practicing structural engineers, graduate students, and graduate university educators with an interest in the seismic response of structures equipped with supplemental damping and seismic isolation systems.
Criminology In Canada: Theories, Patterns, And Typologies
Criminology In Canada: Theories, Patterns, And Typologies
نویسندگان: Larry J. Siegel (Author), Chris Mccormick (Author) خلاصه: Criminology in Canada highlights the dynamism and diversity in the field of Criminology, making the field come alive to students.
Calculus for the Life Sciences, Second Canadian Edition
Calculus for the Life Sciences, Second Canadian Edition
نویسندگان: Frederick R. Adler (Author), Miroslav Lovric (Author) خلاصه: Mathematics has played a major role in breakthroughs in epidemiology, genetics, physiology, and other biological areas.
IELTS Preparation & Practice Reading & Writing General Training Students Book 2nd edition
IELTS Preparation & Practice Reading & Writing General Training Students Book 2nd edition
نویسندگان: YOUNG D خلاصه: Your favourite IELTS resource is back ...better than ever!The IELTS Preparation and Practice series is designed to meet the needs of students preparing to take the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test.
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds:  A Drama in Two Acts
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds: A Drama in Two Acts
نویسندگان: Paul Zindel خلاصه: The old, converted vegetable shop where Tillie lives is more like a madhouse than a home. Tillie's mother, Beatrice, is bitter and cruel, yet desperate for her daughters' love.
The Actor's Guide to Creating a Character: William Esper Teaches the Meisner Technique
The Actor's Guide to Creating a Character: William Esper Teaches the Meisner Technique
نویسندگان: William Esper, Damon Dimarco, Patricia Heaton, David Mamet خلاصه: "Celebrated acting teacher Bill Esper's step-by-step approach to the central problem in acting -- learning to play a character -- as taught in the second year of his acting class"--

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