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نویسندگان: Paul A. Zandbergen خلاصه: The definitive, easy-to-follow guide to writing Python code with spatial data in ArcGIS Pro, whether you’re new to programming or not
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نویسندگان: David W. Stoller خلاصه: Stoller’s Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Shoulder by David W. Stoller and Publisher Wolters Kluwer Health. the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781496313416, 1496313410. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781469892986, 1469892987.
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نویسندگان: Paul S. Auerbach MD MS FACEP MFAWM FAAEM خلاصه: Now in its 7th edition, Auerbach’s Wilderness Medicine continues to help you quickly and decisively manage medical emergencies encountered in any wilderness or other austere setting! World-renowned authority Dr
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نویسندگان: Dutelle, Aric W. خلاصه: In a world heavily influenced by popular forensic television dramas, the real-life duties and complexities involved in crime scene investigation are often misrepresented and misunderstood
نویسندگان: Duffy, Owen C., Wright, Gus خلاصه: Based on the 2014 National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) Medium/Heavy Truck Tasks Lists and ASE Certification Test Series for truck and bus specialists, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems is designed to address these and other international training standards
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نویسندگان: Betty Helen Longhi, Cynthia Eid, Tim McCeight, Jeff McCreight خلاصه: Two accomplished metalsmiths, both with extensive teaching careers, have joined forces to provide a comprehensive survey of the ways to form sheet metal
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نویسندگان: Joachim Ernst Zuther , Steve Norton خلاصه: FIVE STARS from Doody's Star Ratings™This essential guide encompasses the core principles of Manual Lymph Drainage and Complete Decongestive Therapy for a wide range of pathologies across the age continuum
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نویسندگان: Geoffrey Grimmett خلاصه: The fourth edition of this successful text provides an introduction to probability and random processes, with many practical applications
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