God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything - Epub + Converted Pdf
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Christopher Hitchens خلاصه: God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice - Epub + Converted Pdf
The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Christopher Hitchens خلاصه: The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice by Christopher Hitchens (Author), Thomas Mallon
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Tenth Edition - Original PDF
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Tenth Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jim E. Riviere, DVM, PhD, DSc (hon) and Mark G. Papich, DVM, MS خلاصه: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Tenth Edition is a fully updated and revised version of the gold-standard reference on the use of drug therapy in all major veterinary species. Provides current, detailed information on using drug therapies in all major domestic animal species Organized logically by drug class and treatment indication, with exhaustive information on the rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine Includes extensive tables of pharmacokinetic data, products available, and dosage regimens Adds new chapters on pharmaceutics, ophthalmic pharmacology, food animal pharmacology, and aquatic animal pharmacology Includes access to a companion website with the figures from the book in PowerPoint
Principles of Tissue Engineering Fifth Edition - Original PDF
Principles of Tissue Engineering Fifth Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Joseph Vacanti, Anthony Atala خلاصه: Now in its fifth edition, Principles of Tissue Engineering has been the definite resource in the field of tissue engineering for more than a decade. The fifth edition provides an update on this rapidly progressing field, combining the prerequisites for a general understanding of tissue growth and development, the tools and theoretical information needed to design tissues and organs, as well as a presentation by the world’s experts of what is currently known about each specific organ system. As in previous editions, this book creates a comprehensive work that strikes a balance among the diversity of subjects that are related to tissue engineering, including biology, chemistry, material science, and engineering, among others, while also emphasizing those research areas that are likely to be of clinical value in the future. This edition includes greatly expanded focus on stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, stem cell niches, and blood components from stem cells. This research has already produced applications in disease modeling, toxicity testing, drug development, and clinical therapies. This up-to-date coverage of stem cell biology and the application of tissue-engineering techniques for food production – is complemented by a series of new and updated chapters on recent clinical experience in applying tissue engineering, as well as a new section on the emerging technologies in the field.
The Academic Library Building in the Digital Age: A Study of Construction, Planning, and Design of New Library Space - Pdf
The Academic Library Building in the Digital Age: A Study of Construction, Planning, and Design of New Library Space - Pdf
نویسندگان: Christopher Stewart خلاصه: The Academic Library Building in the Digital Age: A Study of Construction, Planning, and Design of New Library Space by Christopher Stewart
Clinical Psychology: How are people feeling and evolving, and how do I motivate people to do better? [2021] - Epub + Converted pdf
Clinical Psychology: How are people feeling and evolving, and how do I motivate people to do better? [2021] - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: CHRISTOPHER , CHARLES خلاصه: Clinical Psychology: How are people feeling and evolving, and how do I motivate people to do better? by CHARLES CHRISTOPHER (Author)
PreuBen:  Eine Besondere Geschichte; Staat, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft Und Kultur 1648-1947 (German Edition)[2019] - Original PDF
PreuBen: Eine Besondere Geschichte; Staat, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft Und Kultur 1648-1947 (German Edition)[2019] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Hartwin Spenkuch خلاصه: PreuBen: Eine Besondere Geschichte; Staat, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft Und Kultur 1648-1947 (German Edition) German Edition by Hartwin Spenkuch (Author)
Merrell’s Strong Kids—Grades 3–5 Second Edition - PDF
Merrell’s Strong Kids—Grades 3–5 Second Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, Ph.D., Laura L. Feuerborn, Ph.D., Barbara A. Gueldner, Ph.D., Oanh K. Tran, Ph.D. خلاصه: Teach social-emotional competence—the foundation of school and social success—with the NEW editions of the Strong Kids™—Grades 3–5 curriculum! Strong Kids is the fun and easy way to help your students develop the social-emotional skills they need to manage their challenges and succeed in school and life.
algrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy - Original PDF
algrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Christophe Béné · Stephen Devereux خلاصه: The key questions which underpin the writing of this collective volume revolve around the concept of resilience and the contribution that this concept plays in the international development agenda, specifically in rela- tion to the issue of food security. Put simply: what does resilience bring that is relevant, useful and different from other previous or contem- porary concepts that have shaped the food security agenda, such as entitlements (Sen, 1981), vulnerability
Geography of Happiness A Spatial Analysis of Subjective Well-Being - Original PDF
Geography of Happiness A Spatial Analysis of Subjective Well-Being - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Eric Vaz خلاصه: Recent advances in spatial analysis have led to a growing interest in applying geocomputation methods to complex issues (Du et al., 2020), often defined over large datasets framing socioeconomic variables (Ekbia et al., 2015) and the natural environment (Bryan et al., 2011). Much of this work has been carried out to optimize decision-making and lead to a better quality of life, economic growth and social stability (Higgins et al., 2014; Rosu et al., 2015; Ahlfeldt et al., 2020). Thanks to the advances of computational power, spatial analysis has reached a new stage, where nonlinear modelling approaches combined with stochastic modelling allow for a better understanding of the geographical environment (Silva et al., 2020) and there- fore foster more accurate decision-making (Carver, 2019). This decision-making has focused predominantly on sustainable development, leading to better life quality, where spatial information on the natural environment has brought a key role, partic- ularly in ecology, to understand the present and offer a more sustainable future. From an anthropocentric perspective, wellbeing is the relation of humankind’s social, economic, and environmental stability, maximizing the opportunities for sustainable development while leading to better life quality. This holistic approach of wellbeing closely rem

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