Multi-State System Reliability: Assessment, Optimization and Applications (Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics, 6)
Multi-State System Reliability: Assessment, Optimization and Applications (Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics, 6)
نویسندگان: Gregory Levitin; Anatoly Lisnianski خلاصه: This book is the first to be devoted to multi-state system (MSS) reliability analysis and optimization.
Introduction To Interfaces And Colloids, An: The Bridge To Nanoscience
Introduction To Interfaces And Colloids, An: The Bridge To Nanoscience
نویسندگان: John C Berg خلاصه: “Born of decades of diverse experience performing research and teaching in the field of surface and colloid science, Prof. Berg's new textbook is a must buy for students just entering the field, as well as for experts. I find myself frequently referring to the book as a reference when writing grants.
Harnessing the Sky: Frederick "Trap" Trapnell, the U.S. Navy's Aviation Pioneer, 1923-1952
Harnessing the Sky: Frederick "Trap" Trapnell, the U.S. Navy's Aviation Pioneer, 1923-1952
نویسندگان: Frederick M. Trapnell Jr., Dana Trapnell Tibbits خلاصه: Harnessing the Sky is one of the last untold stories in 100 years of naval aviation. Th is biography of Vice Adm. Frederick M. Trapnell explores the legacy of the man who has been called "the godfather of current naval aviation."
Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research Third Edition
Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research Third Edition
نویسندگان: Warren S. Browner MD خلاصه: Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research, Third Edition is an excellent primer for investigators who wish to learn how to organize, present, and publish results of their research. Written by an experienced clinical researcher and editor, it uses hundreds of examples, tables and figures to show how to produce successful abstracts, posters, oral presentations, and manuscripts for publication. This book also serves as a companion to the popular text, Designing Clinical Research. This edition contains the latest: guidance on getting work accepted in medical journals and at scientific meetings; examples of the do's and dont's of data presentation; explanations of confusing statistical terminology; templates to get started and avoid writer's block; tips for creating simple graphics and tables; help for those who are not fluent in English; suggestions about getting the most from a poster session; checklists for each section of a manuscript or presentation; advice about authorship and responding to reviewers' comments.
Principles of Metal Casting, Third Edition
Principles of Metal Casting, Third Edition
نویسندگان: Mahi Sahoo, Sam Sahu خلاصه: Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Media and Crime in the U.S.
Media and Crime in the U.S.
نویسندگان: Yvonne Jewkes, Travis W. Linnemann خلاصه: The rise of mobile and social media means that everyday crime news is now more immediate, more visual, and more democratically produced than ever. Offering new and innovative ways of understanding the relationship between media and crime, Media and Crime in the U.S.
Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior Ninth Edition
Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior Ninth Edition
نویسندگان: Frank E. Hagan خلاصه: Written by active researcher and bestselling author, Frank E. Hagan, Introduction to Criminology, Ninth Edition
90 Days to Become a Better Singer
90 Days to Become a Better Singer
نویسندگان: Bill Robbins خلاصه: Discover EXACTLY how to become a better singer in just 90 days using an insider's action plan to increase range, clarity, and quality!
Grand frere (Prix Goncourt du Premier roman 2018) (French Edition)
Grand frere (Prix Goncourt du Premier roman 2018) (French Edition)
نویسندگان: Mahir Guven خلاصه: « La vie ? J’ai appris à la tutoyer en m’approchant de la mort. Je flirte avec l’une, en pensant à l’autre. Tout le temps, depuis que l’autre chien, mon sang, ma chair, mon frère, est parti loin, là-bas, sur la terre des fous et des cinglés
Quantum Physics for Babies
Quantum Physics for Babies
نویسندگان: Chris Ferrie خلاصه: Simple explanations of complex ideas for your future genius!

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