50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Back Pain - Original PDF
50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Back Pain - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sally Lewis, Nim Barnes خلاصه: A guide to the various types and many possible causes of back pain, and practical and holistic advice to help sufferers deal with it Looking at lifestyle changes, dietary manipulation, supplements, and DIY complementary therapies, this book provides strategies that can help reduce back pain. The 50 things that sufferers can do include choosing beneficial foods and supplements, discovering natural anti-inflammatory herbs and spices, developing strategies to reduce pain, trying out exercises, and finding helpful organizations and products.
Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy: What do you say between saying hello and goodbye? (Brief Therapies series) - PDF
Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy: What do you say between saying hello and goodbye? (Brief Therapies series) - PDF
نویسندگان: Mr Keith Tudor خلاصه: Of all the approaches to therapy, Transactional Analysis (or TA) is arguably one of those most suited to time-limited work. At a time when short-term therapy is increasingly dominant as a form of practice, Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy provides an insightful guide which both informs and challenges. Rather than a single theory, TA has developed as a group of four schools which share a common philosophy, but place different emphasis on what occurs during the therapeutic process. Written by therapists at the leading edge of developments in TA, the book presents and differentiates each of these four approaches. Through transcripts and commentaries, it shows how theory applies to practice, for exampl
Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back if You Lose It - PDF
Mojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back if You Lose It - PDF
نویسندگان: Marshall Goldsmith خلاصه: Mojo is the moment when we do something that's purposeful, powerful, and positive and the rest of the world recognizes it. This book is about that moment--and how we can create it in our lives, maintain it, and recapture it when we need it. In his follow-up to the New York Times bestseller What Got You Here Won't Get You There, #1 executive coach Marshall Goldsmith shares the ways in which to get--and keep--our Mojo. Our professional and personal Mojo is impacted by four key factors: identity (who do you think you are?), achievement (what have you done lately?), reputation (who do other people think you are--and what have you've done lately?), and acceptance (what can you change--and when do you need to just "let it go"?). Goldsmith outlines the positive actions leaders must take, with their teams or themselves, to initiate winning streaks and keep them coming. Mojo is: that positive spirit--towards what we are doing--now--that starts from the inside--and radiates to the outside. Mojo is at its peak when we are experiencing both happiness and meaning in what we are doing and communicating this experience to the world around us. The Mojo Toolkit provides fourteen practical tools to help you achieve both happiness and meaning--not only in business, but in life. Praise for MOJO "Mojo moves us to define who we are in a new and illuminating way! Mojo is a guidebook for the leaders of the future. Thank you, Marshall!" -- Frances Hesselbein, Distinguished Chair of Leadership, U.S. Military Academy, West Point; winner, U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom; former CEO, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. "Marshall's Mojo provides wonderful perspectives and tools for each of us--to integrate and focus our lives--to contribute--and to serve. Thank you!" -- Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford; winner, Leader of the Future Award, Leader-to-Leader Institute "A mantra for self-realization and self-actualization. I regard the concept of Mojo as a milestone in our quest for meaning and evolution--and a beacon in our journey to our inner world." -- GM Rao, CEO, GMR; and Entrepreneur of the Year (India) "Another thought-provoking, practical, and insightful book by Marshall. I love the simplicity and wisdom in dealing with human behavior in business and, more importantly, in our personal lives." -- Eduardo Castro-Wright, Vice Chairman, Walmart Stores, Inc., the world's largest retailer "Those of us who have been lucky enough to spend time in a classroom with Marshall Goldsmith know what a positive influence his teaching can have. In Mojo, Marshall shares his scholarship more broadly and teaches us all how to turn inertia in our professional or personal lives into meaning and happiness. There is no more important lesson in business or in life!" -- Tom Glocer, CEO, Thomson Reuters "As soon as I started reading this book, I felt my Mojo rising. The next best thing to being coached by Marshall is reading his books. His writing always gets me revved up and focused on getting the most meaning and happiness out of my day. This book can elevate any reader's game." -- Mark Tercek, CEO, Nature Conservancy; former Managing Partner, Goldman Sachs "Marshall Goldsmith is one of a kind: a unique and brilliant combination of getting inside our minds about those problems which keep us awake at night-- and not only clarifying, but actually solving them! Lively and engaging. A damn good read, which every leader will not only enjoy, but profit from." -- Warren Bennis, bestselling author, Distinguished Professor at USC, and world authority on leadership "Marshall's books are very much like Marshall-- insightful, direct, focused, wise, clear, somewhat provocative, positive, lively, and energetic. For those who have not worked with Marshall and experienced these qualities, his latest book, Mojo, is a great substitute. Mojo is like him-- a little crazy, yet very helpful!" -- Jonathan Klein, CEO, Getty Images; American Photo's "Most Important Person in Photography" "Marshall has a gift for identifying the essential ingredients of success-- for individuals and organizations. The insights in Mojo are certain to help people at all stages of their career tap their full potential and live more fulfilling lives. Another great book, Marshall!" -- John Hammergren, CEO, McKesson Corporation; winner, Warren Bennis Award for Leadership "Mojo is elusive, hard to define, at least as old as homo sapiens . . . and worth its weight in gold. This thoughtful and thought-provoking book should be read by anyone who has tasted Mojo and wants more." -- Kevin Kelly, CEO, Heidrick and Struggles, global search and advisory firm "Marshall helps leaders, aspiring leaders, and anyone who wants to enrich their personal and professional lives focus on actions that provide both meaning and happiness. Mojo is a great reminder that we're most likely to enjoy success in our careers and lives when we regularly take the time to be honest with ourselves." -- Chris Kubasik, President, Lockheed Martin; Chairman, Sandia Corporation "Marshall provides an array of case studies where he combines business challenges around navigating in the `new normal' with real tools-- tools for yourself and tools for you to help others that you care about. Thanks to Marshall for providing another wonderful read, with both short term and longer term ideas for personal growth." -- Teresa Ressel, CEO, UBS Securities LLC; former Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Treasury "Marshall clearly articulates the payoff -- for your company, your family, your community, and yourself-- of having more meaning and happiness in your life. And he provides a compelling and clear road map for getting you there."--Greg Brown, President and CEO, Motorola "One more great book by Marshall! With his typical depth, simplicity, and clarity, he helps me understand, accept, and improve my Mojo with lasting positive impact!" -- Fabrizio Parini, CEO, Lindt (Italy); former CEO, Ghirardelli Chocolate "Marshall Goldsmith is tops at the hardest part of the alphabet-- ABC, adult behavior change. We give him high marks!" -- Charles Butt, CEO, H-E- B, one of America's 20 largest private companies "Marshall is a master at helping people gain self awareness. Mojo provides great food for the soul. Reading this book makes me feel like I am listening to Marshall!" -- Liz Smith, CEO, OSI Restaurant Partners, a world leader in casual dining "Again, Marshall has his finger on the pulse of the worker and the workplace. This clear, insightful, and wise book helps employees find their Mojo. It helps them move beyond commitment and find ways to truly contribute in their professional and personal lives. The greatest power in the workplace is the workforce and Marshall has figured out how to unlock that potential." -- David Ulrich, professor, University of Michigan; co-author of The Why of Work "Emerson once wrote, `What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Mojo focuses on that which lies within us, what we do with it, and how others perceive it resonating from us. A wonderful read!" -- Alan Hassenfeld, former Chairman, Executive Committee, Hasbro "Looking for that special sauce that produces extraordinary success? Mojo is it. Once again, Marshall's wisdom and generosity light up the pages." -- Keith Ferrazzi, bestselling author of Never Eat Alone and Who's Got Your Back "Marshall provides sound, practical advice and illustrates it through real world examples. He provides a road map to increasing your personal happiness and outlines steps to get back into the groove. A great plane read!" -- George Borst, President and CEO, Toyota Financial Services "A great strategy book for life! Innovative ideas to help you find happiness and meaning." -- Vijay Govindarajan, professor, Tuck School of Business; Chief Innovation Consultant, GE; world authority on strategy "Mojo is a rich collection of insights into the human experience and practical techniques for improving the quality of our lives. Marshall's a master teacher and communicator, and his self- disclosing stories and style make this a delightful as well as powerful read. It's a superb primer for getting along in uncertain times, with much more fun and meaning along the way." -- David Allen, bestselling author of Getting Things Done and Making It All Work "Put your Mojo in gear! Marshall again inspires us to knock down the obstacles, overcome the barriers, and take charge of ourselves." -- Joe Scarlett, CEO (retired), Tractor Supply Company; founder, Scarlett Leadership Institute "Marshall Goldsmith does it again! A must- read book! Strikes a deep chord in each of us-- about what really matters in our lives and work. At no time in history have more people and organizations needed to get their Mojo back. This book tells you how!" -- Mark Thompson, bestselling author of Success Built to Last; Forbes magazine's Venture Investor with the Midas Touch "We all want to get our Mojo working. Marshall Goldsmith helps us to understand what our mojo is and how to get it working . . . to our advantage and for our self- worth." --Jim Lawrence, CFO, Unilever "Marshall Goldsmith is a master at making us think more deeply about ourselves and the world we work in. Mojo is a grabber-- uniquely provocative-- and moves the reader to act. Quite a gift!" -- Jon Katzenbach, bestselling author of The Wisdom of Teams; Senior Partner, Booz & Company
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
نویسندگان: C.R. Snyder خلاصه: This Handbook of Hope simply would not have happened without a small army of graduate students who, over the past decade, have come into my office one by one and suggested yetanother angle from which we could view hope. In that sense, what has come to be called hope theory has been like a gemstone that, when held to the light, sends shimmers of ideas about yet other possible implications or experiments. I have produced previous theories about reactions to personal feedback, uniqueness seeking, excuse making, and reality negotiation, hue none of chose have continued co produce the sufficiently intriguing questions to get me revved up for yet another experiment. Hope theory has been a great energizer at a time in my life when I have needed it. For the past seven years I have had a severe, unrelenting, and undiagnosed chest pain that is with me from my fim waking moments to the time th.at I slip off into sleep. Although I have been taking powerful pain killers, I think that none of those pills matches the positive effects of my getting lost in theory and research and work- ing with my students. At age 55 (by the time this book is published), I still enjoy the theory and bench science to the same degree that I did as a brand new 27-year- old assistant professor here at Kansas. And so, I have much for which to be th:.ink- ful.
Polymers in Electronics Market Report - Original PDF
Polymers in Electronics Market Report - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Cousins, Keith خلاصه: Designers of electrical and electronic components have a wide choice of polymers at their disposal - cost is a prime consideration but competition in the market place is imposing ever more stringent specification criteria on the equipment designer who, in turn, is demanding significantly improved performance from his polymer supplier. This report lists the most commonly used polymers with brief notes on their properties. This report seeks to provide an overall picture of the varied use of polymers in the manufacture of electronic components. It has endeavoured to identify trends and future movements of the market. The pattern of polymer usage has changed and material formulations have had to be modified to conform with new European Union (EU) legislation relating to the use of hazardous materials in components. Furthermore there is now far more emphasis on recycling rather than landfill disposal and these are issues covered in the report. This report will be of interest to all those involved in using polymers to produce electronic components and to those who provide the raw materials for the production.
Building Reliable Trading Systems: Tradable Strategies That Perform as They Backtest and Meet Your Risk-Reward Goals - Original PDF
Building Reliable Trading Systems: Tradable Strategies That Perform as They Backtest and Meet Your Risk-Reward Goals - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Keith Fitschen(auth.) خلاصه: An award winning system developer explains how to create, test, and implement a profitable trading system Traders have long been drawn to the idea of translating their strategies and ideas into trading systems. While successful trading systems have been developed, in most cases, they work very well for a period of time in specific markets, but perform less well across all markets in all time frames. Nobody understands this better than author Keith Fitschen—a thought-leader in trading system development—and now, with Trading Strategy Generation + Website, he shares his extensive experience in this field with you. Trading Strategy Generation skillfully explains how to take market insights or trading ideas and develop them into a robust trading system. In it, Fitschen describes the critical steps a trader needs to follow, including: translating the market insight into a rules-based approach; determining entry and exit points; testing against historical data; and integrating money management and position sizing into the system. Written by an award winning system developer who has actively traded his systems for thirty years Introduces new ideas on money management and position sizing for different markets Details exactly what it takes to build, test, and implement a profitable technical trading system A companion Website contains supplementary material, including Excel spreadsheets designed to rate the strength of entry signals and provide money management guidance based on market volatility and portfolio correlations Written with the serious trader in mind, Trading Strategy Generation is an accessible guide to building a system that will generate realistic returns over time.
نویسندگان: Patrick Colm Hogan, Bradley J. Irish, Lalita Pandit Hogan خلاصه: The Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion shows how the "affective turn" in the humanities applies to literary studies. Deftly combining the scientific elements with the literary, the book provides a theoretical and topical introduction to reading literature and emotion. Looking at a variety of formats, including novels, drama, film, graphic fiction, and lyric poetry, the book also includes focus on specific authors such as Shakespeare, Chaucer, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, and Viet Thanh Nguyen. The volume introduces the theoretical groundwork, covering such categories as affect theory, affective neuroscience, cognitive science, evolution, and history of emotions. It examines the range of emotions that play a special role in literature, including happiness, fear, aesthetic delight, empathy, and sympathy, as well as aspects of literature (style, narrative voice, and others) that bear on emotional response. Finally, it explores ethical and political concerns that are often intertwined with emotional response, including racism, colonialism, disability, ecology, gender, sexuality, and trauma. This is a crucial guide to the ways in which new, interdisciplinary understandings of emotion and affect—in fields from neuroscience to social theory—are changing the study of literature and of the ways those new understandings are impacted by work on literature also.
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Anti-Infective Agents and Their Use in Therapy: Expert Consult 9th Edition - Original PDF
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Anti-Infective Agents and Their Use in Therapy: Expert Consult 9th Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Roger G. Finch MB BS FRCP FRCP(Ed) FRCPath FFPM (Author), David Greenwood BSc PhD DSc FRCPath (Author), Richard J. Whitley MD (Author), S. Ragnar Norrby MD PhD FRCP خلاصه: Well-respected and widely regarded as the most comprehensive text in the field, Antibiotic and Chemotherapy, 9th Edition by Drs. Finch, Greenwood, Whitley, and Norrby, provides globally relevant coverage of all types of antimicrobial agents used in human medicine, including all antiviral, antiprotozoan and anthelminthic agents. Comprehensively updated to include new FDA and EMEA regulations, this edition keeps you current with brand-new information about antiretroviral agents and HIV, superficial and mucocutaneous myscoses and systemic infections, management of the immunocompromised patient, treatment of antimicrobial resistance, plus coverage of new anti-sepsis agents and host/microbe modulators. Reference is easy thanks to a unique 3-part structure covering general aspects of treatment; reviews of every agent; and details of treatments of particular infections. Offer the best possible care and information to your patients about the increasing problem of multi-drug resistance
molecular biology of the cell fifth edition - Original PDF
molecular biology of the cell fifth edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Bruce Alberts (Author), Alexander Johnson (Author), Julian Lewis (Author), Martin Raff (Author), Keith Roberts (Author), Peter Walter خلاصه: For nearly a quarter century Molecular Biology of the Cell has been the leading cell biology textbook. This tradition continues with the new Fifth Edition, which has been completely revised and updated to describe our current, rapidly advancing understanding of cell biology. To list but a few examples, a large amount of new material is presented on epigenetics; stem cells; RNAi; comparative genomics; the latest cancer therapies; apoptosis (now its own separate chapter); and cell cycle control and the mechanics of M phase (now integrated into one chapter). The hallmark features of Molecular Biology of the Cell have been retained, such as its consistent and comprehensive art program, clear concept headings, and succinct section summaries. Additionally, in response to extensive feedback from readers, the Fifth Edition now includes several new features. It is now more portable. Chapters 1-20 are printed and Chapters 21-25, covering multicellular systems, are provided as PDF files on the free Media DVD-ROM which accompanies the book.* And for the first time, Molecular Biology of the Cell now contains end-of-chapter questions. These problems, written by John Wilson and Tim Hunt, emphasize a quantitative approach and the art of reasoning from experiments, and they will help students review and extend their knowledge derived from reading the textbook. The Media DVD-ROM, which is packaged with every copy of the book, contains PowerPoint® presentations with all of the figures, tables and micrographs from the text (available as JPEGs too). Also included is the Media Player, which plays over 125 movies―animations, videos, and molecular models―all with voice-over narration. A new reader-friendly feature is the integration of media codes throughout the text that link directly to relevant videos and animations. The Media DVD-ROM holds the multicellular systems chapters (21-25) of the text as well. By skillfully extracting the fundamental concepts from this enormous and ever-growing field, the authors tell the story of cell biology, and thereby create a coherent framework through which readers may approach and enjoy this subject that is so central to all of biology. * There is also a reference edition of Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fifth Edition (ISBN 978-0-8153-4111-6) that contains Chapters 1-25 entirely in printed format.
Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture - Original PDF
Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jonathan Edmondson; Alison Keith خلاصه: Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture investigates the social symbolism and cultural poetics of dress in the ancient Roman world in the period from 200 BCE-400 CE. Editors Jonathan Edmondson and Alison Keith and the contributors to this volume explore the diffusion of Roman dress protocols at Rome and in the Roman imperial context by looking at Rome's North African provinces in particular, a focus that previous studies have overlooked or dealt with only in passing.

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