Teaching Primary Science Constructively 6th ed
Teaching Primary Science Constructively 6th ed
نویسندگان: Keith Skamp; Christine Preston خلاصه: When taught well, students from Foundation Year to upper primary enjoy their learning in science. They come to see that learning in and about science will enrich their lives in many ways.
Work: Promoting Participation & Productivity Through Occupational Therapy
Work: Promoting Participation & Productivity Through Occupational Therapy
نویسندگان: Brent Braveman; Jill J Page خلاصه: Brent Braveman and Jill Page provide a comprehensive overview of the full range of occupational therapy interventions for work-related services. The authors build a foundation of knowledge based on the development of the worker role, the meaning and function of work in modern day society, and cultural interpretations of work. They then focus on specialized areas of occupational therapy assessment and intervention, including psychosocial and physical assessment and preventative programming.
Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction 8th Edition
Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction 8th Edition
نویسندگان: Heidi McHugh Pendleton; Winifred Schultz-Krohn خلاصه: "Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction, 8th Edition prepares you for occupational therapy practice with adults who have physical disabilities. This cornerstone text provides a foundation for the development of clinical reasoning skills in a comprehensive, case-based learning approach to physical dysfunction. New full color photos and helpful pedagogy, including threaded case studies, OT Practice Notes, ethical considerations, and end-of-chapter review questions, reinforce learning, enhance retention, and prompt you to apply principles in a clinical setting"--Résumé de l'éditeur.
Understanding Crime - Theory and Practice (2nd, Second Edition) - By Winfree & Abadinsky
Understanding Crime - Theory and Practice (2nd, Second Edition) - By Winfree & Abadinsky
نویسندگان: Thomas Winfree (Author), Howard Abadinsky (Author) خلاصه: Theory is a daunting subject in any academic discipline. Crime theories are no less challenging, but they should at least be interesting.
Theatre and Dance 2018 Edition
Theatre and Dance 2018 Edition
نویسندگان: Kate Elswit خلاصه: This succinct and engaging text explores the interdependence between theatre and dance. Making a compelling case for the significance of resisting genre distinctions in the arts, Kate Elswit demonstrates why and how the ampersand between theatre and dance needs to be understood as the rule, rather than the exception.
Practice of English Language Teaching (5th Edition) - Orginal pdf
Practice of English Language Teaching (5th Edition) - Orginal pdf
نویسندگان: Jeremy Harmer خلاصه: The Practice of English Language Teaching is the essential guide for teachers of English. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the more relevant ELT practices and incorporate them into their lessons.
Stéréotype et lecture: Essai sur la réception littéraire (ThéoCrit') (French Edition) (French) 2nd ed. Edition
Stéréotype et lecture: Essai sur la réception littéraire (ThéoCrit') (French Edition) (French) 2nd ed. Edition
نویسندگان: Jean-Louis Dufays خلاصه: Le rôle fondamental joué dans l’acte de lecture par les divers niveaux de stéréotypie disponibles dans la mémoire collective avait déjà été évoqué maintes fois au cours du XXe siècle, mais l’étude systématique de leur impact dans la compréhension, l’interprétation et l’évaluation des textes littéraires restait à entreprendre.
Organization Theory and Design (3rd Edition) BY Daft - Orginal Pdf
Organization Theory and Design (3rd Edition) BY Daft - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Richard L Daft; Jonathan Murphy; Hugh Wilmott خلاصه: Organising involves continous challenges in the face of uncertainty and change. How is globalisation impacting organisations? How will new strategies for a turbulent world affect organisational design? In this edition, Jonathan Murphy and Hugh Willmott continue to add an international perspective to Richard L. Daft's landmark text. They tackle these questions in a comprehensive, clear and accessible study.
Optics: Global Edition eBook (5e)
Optics: Global Edition eBook (5e)
نویسندگان: Eugene Hecht خلاصه: Optics, Fifth Edition is distinguished by three core imperatives: up-to-date content in line with the ever-evolving technological advances in the Optics field; a modern approach to discourse including studies on photons, phasors, and theory; and improvements and revisions to the previous edition’s pedagogy including over one hundred new worked examples.
Digital Dominance: The Power of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple
Digital Dominance: The Power of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple
نویسندگان: Martin Moore (Editor), Damian Tambini (Editor) خلاصه: Are Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft too powerful? Martin Moore and Damian Tambini draw together the world's leading researchers to examine the economic, political, and social impacts of these digital giants.

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