How Films Tell Stories The Narratology of Cinema (2nd Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Brown, Larry A. خلاصه: Enhance your appreciation of the movies you watch
Peacebuilding, Constitutionalism and the Global South: The Case for Cognitive Justice Plurinationalism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kajit J Bagu خلاصه: This book presents the case that liberal constitutionalism in the global South is a legacy of colonialism and is inappropriate as a means of securing effective peace in regions that have been subject to recurrent conflict
The Great Books of Hashish, Vol. 1, Book 1: Morocco, Lebanon, Afghanistan, the Himalayas - Scanned Pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Cherniak, Laurence خلاصه: The Great Books of Hashish, Vol. 1, Book 1: Morocco, Lebanon, Afghanistan, the Himalayas
Rethinking the European Union (Rethinking World Politics) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Copsey, Nathaniel خلاصه: The eurozone crisis has raised fundamental questions about the EU's future and has also sparked debate about the wider functions and future direction of European integration in the 21st century
Company Law (Core Texts Series) (11th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Alan Dignam خلاصه: The Core Text series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing a reliable and invaluable guide for students of law at all levels
El estallido: ¿Por qué? ¿Hacia dónde? (Spanish Edition) [2020] - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Hassan Akram خلاصه: El viernes 18 de octubre de 2019 una protesta contra el alza de 30 pesos del pasaje del metro detonó un estallido social, con la participación de más de 4 millones de personas
Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics: An Integrated Approach - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Patrick H. O'Neil خلاصه: A seamless integration of the best-selling conceptual text and casebook Based on O’Neil, Fields, and Share’s market-leading textbook and casebook, Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics: An Integrated Approach integrates concepts and cases in one volume
Rethinking International Relations Theory (Rethinking World Politics) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Martin Griffiths خلاصه: International Relations (IR) theory has seen a proliferation of competing, and increasingly trenchant, worldviews with no consensus on how to evaluate their relative strengths and weakness
Estallido social en Chile Social Outburst in Chile (Spanish Edition) [2020] - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Ahumada Madariaga, Manuel, Godoy Román, Pablo خلاصه: Chile el país que por sus índices macroeconómicos que lo situaban como un modelo a seguir, en especial para América Latina, con un Producto Interno Bruto (en base a PPA) de USD 27
El Chile que viene (Spanish Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Axel Kaiser خلاصه: Este libro es la segunda edición del original publicado en 2007 en el que el autor analizó diversas tendencias concluyendo que Chile fracasaría en su propósito de llegar al desarrollo convirtiéndose en un país cada vez más violento, inestable y estacando económicamente. Desde estallidos sociales hasta militares en las calles y rebeliones de estudiantes fueron predichas en "El Chile que viene" en tiempos en que todo parecía avanzar en la dirección correcta, lo que llevó a muchos a acusar la obra de catastrofista
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