EDWARD SAID, L'INTIFADA DE LA CULTURE (Détours littéraires) - Epub + Converted pdf
EDWARD SAID, L'INTIFADA DE LA CULTURE (Détours littéraires) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: CLAVARON YVES خلاصه: « L’Intifada de la culture est la première monographie en français consacrée à Edward Said, dix ans après sa mort. L’ouvrage se veut synthétique et propose plusieurs parcours dans l’œuvre d’un auteur qui a toujours revendiqué une action dans la Cité des hommes, sans cesser de réfléchir sur l’épistémologie des différents champs du savoir. L’Intifada de la culture tente de retracer la trajectoire originale d’un intellectuel éclectique, un migrant
Edward W. Said - L'humaniste radical (La nuit surveillée) - Epub + Converted pdf
Edward W. Said - L'humaniste radical (La nuit surveillée) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Fred Poche خلاصه: De nos jours, les crispations identitaires et la crainte d'une perte de soi de la communauté nationale engendrent des peurs qui favorisent le rejet de l'autre, du différent. Dans ce contexte, l'image de l'Arabe ou du musulman apparaît comme la nouvelle ca
Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 2 (Ideas Roadshow Collections) - Epub + Converted pdf
Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 2 (Ideas Roadshow Collections) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Howard Burton خلاصه: Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 2, includes the following 5 carefully-edited Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading researchers. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter:
Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 1 (Ideas Roadshow Collections) - Epub + Converted pdf
Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 1 (Ideas Roadshow Collections) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Howard Burton خلاصه: Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 1, includes the following 5 carefully-edited Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading researchers. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter:
Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the City - Orginal Pdf
Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the City - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Pedram Dibazar خلاصه: Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the City (Cities and Cultures) by Pedram Dibazar (Editor), Judith Naeff (Editor), Wing-Ki Lee (Contributor), Megan Hicks (Contributor), László Munteán (Contributor), Asli Duru (Contributor), Nanna Verhoeff (Contributor), Karin Es (Contributor), Simon Ferdinand (Contributor), Rob Coley
Visual Criminology (New Horizons in Criminology) - Orginal Pdf
Visual Criminology (New Horizons in Criminology) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Bill McClanahan خلاصه: Visual Criminology (New Horizons in Criminology) – July 16, 2021 by Bill McClanahan
The Museum of Broken Tea Cups: Postcards from India’s Margins - Orginal Pdf
The Museum of Broken Tea Cups: Postcards from India’s Margins - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Gunjan Veda خلاصه: The Museum of Broken Tea Cups: Postcards from India’s Margins 1st Edition by Gunjan Veda
The Life of Z: Understanding the Digital Pre-teen and Adolescent Generation - Orginal Pdf
The Life of Z: Understanding the Digital Pre-teen and Adolescent Generation - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Debashish Sengupta خلاصه: The Life of Z: Understanding the Digital Pre-teen and Adolescent Generation First Edition by Debashish Sengupta
Reimagining Black Art and Criminology: A New Criminological Imagination - Orginal Pdf
Reimagining Black Art and Criminology: A New Criminological Imagination - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Martin Glynn خلاصه: Reimagining Black Art and Criminology: A New Criminological Imagination by Martin Glynn
Quasi-Experimentation: Design & Analysis Issues for Field Settings - Scanned Pdf with ocr
Quasi-Experimentation: Design & Analysis Issues for Field Settings - Scanned Pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Thomas D. Cook خلاصه: Quasi-Experimentation: Design & Analysis Issues for Field Settings First Edition (US) First Printing by Thomas D. Cook

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