Tourism in China: Destination, Cultures and Communities (Routledge Advances in Tourism, Volume 14) - Original PDF
Tourism in China: Destination, Cultures and Communities (Routledge Advances in Tourism, Volume 14) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Chris Ryan خلاصه: China is forecast to be the primary tourist destination and tourist-generating country by 2020. However, much of the writing on tourism in China has come from people within the English academic world who are not involved in the issues related to Chinese tourism development. This book provides a voice to Chinese mainland academic researchers and examines the nature of tourism research and tourism development in China. Contributors, many of whom are based in China and are immersed in the daily issues of teaching, researching and planning tourism development within China, discuss issues related to resource use, destination image and community participation with case studies that combine conceptual frameworks and practical issues. This authoritative text on tourism in China will be of interest to scholars and students of tourism throughout the world.
Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions - Original PDF
Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Cheryl Mallen, Lorne Adams خلاصه: Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management provides an essential combination of the theoretical foundations and practical principles of event management. This text focuses specifically on the operational planning component of event management and the role of the event manager as the planner and facilitator.Devoid of the standard "to do lists" found in other texts in the subject area, Sport, Recreation and Tourism Event Management is a must for students intent on entering the event management field. * Encourages students to apply theoretical foundations to event management* Develops a knowledge strategy for event management that will guide students into theirfuture careers* Provides a great range of industry applications which support and illustrate the academic theory
Advances in Tourism Economics: New Developments - Original PDF
Advances in Tourism Economics: New Developments - Original PDF
نویسندگان: lvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento (auth.), Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento (eds.) خلاصه: 'Advances in Tourism Economics' follows his predecessor 'Advances in Modern Tourism Research' (2007) in providing a thorough assessment of state-of-the-art economic research in this rapidly developing field. The authors start by analyzing the recent upsurge of model-based economic research in the field, which builds on powerful tools in quantitative economics, such as discrete choice models, social accounting matrices, data envelopment analyses, impact assessment models or partial computable equilibrium models including environmental externalities. The volume originates from this novel research spirit in the area and aims to offer an attractive collection of operational research tools and approaches. It forms an appealing record of modern tourism economics and positions the field within the strong tradition of quantitative economic research, with due attention for both the demand and supply side of the tourism sector, including technological and logistic advances.
Cultural Tourism in Latin America - Original PDF
Cultural Tourism in Latin America - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michiel Baud, Annelou Ypeij خلاصه: Cultural tourism has become an important source of revenue for Latin American countries, especially in the Andes and Meso-America. Tourists go there looking for authentic cultures and artefacts and interact directly with indigenous people. ...
The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, Sand...and Saving the World? (Routledge Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism & Mobility) - Original PDF
The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, Sand...and Saving the World? (Routledge Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism & Mobility) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jim Butcher خلاصه: Tourism is no longer an innocent pleasure. It has been interpreted and reinterpreted as an activity which is ultimately damaging to receiving cultures and the environment. 'New' forms of tourism, such as ecotourism, alternative tourism, community tourism and ethical tourism, have been presented as morally superior alternatives to the package holiday, yet ironically, even advocates of these new, ethical tourism brands are increasingly subject to criticisms, not dissimilar to those they themselves level against package holidays. Using a host of international examples from the industry, the media and non-governmental organisations, this intriguing book examines what the advocates of 'new tourism' see as being wrong with mass tourism, looks critically at the claims made for the new alternatives and makes a case for guilt-free holidays. The only book on the market to provide a sustained critique of conventional mass tourism’s own critics, Butcher offers a counterpoint to the moral rhetoric steadily turning travellers into guilty tourists.
The Global Nomad: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice (Tourism and Cultural Change) - Original PDF
The Global Nomad: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice (Tourism and Cultural Change) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Greg Richards, Julie Wilson خلاصه: Backpackers have shifted from the margins of the travel industry into the global spotlight. This volume explores the international backpacker phenomenon, drawing together different disciplinary perspectives on its meaning, impact and significance. Links are drawn between theory and practice, setting backpacking in its wider social, cultural and economic context.
Tourism and Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities (Climate Change, Economies and Society) - Original PDF
Tourism and Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities (Climate Change, Economies and Society) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Susanne Becken, John Hay خلاصه: The book provides a comprehensive discussion of the latest knowledge in the field of tourism and climate change. It is aimed at tourism practitioners and those with an academic interest in the fields of tourism management and climate change mitigation, adaptation and policy.
Polar Tourism: An Environmental Perspective (Aspects of Tourism) - Original PDF
Polar Tourism: An Environmental Perspective (Aspects of Tourism) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: ernard Stonehouse, John Snyder خلاصه: This book draws attention to the problems and issues surrounding fast-growing tourism in the highly sensitive wilderness areas of polar regions. The authors, both widely experienced in the practicalities of marine, land and heritage based polar tourism, discuss mainly polar issues, but their conclusions and management techniques apply equally to all environmentally sensitive areas throughout the world.
Tourism-marketing Performance Metrics and Usefulness Auditing of Destination Websites: Volume 4 (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research) - Original PDF
Tourism-marketing Performance Metrics and Usefulness Auditing of Destination Websites: Volume 4 (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Arch G. Woodside خلاصه: This volume provides specific answers to hard questions about how to create valid metrics to measure the effectiveness of tourism advertising and the usefulness of destination marketing websites. An extensive literature review describes 40+ years of research on the effectiveness of tourism advertising and the slow advancement to using valid impact metrics - field experiments with alternative ad treatment and placements. Several authors undertake information-usefulness audits on DMO (destination management office) websites and provide practical check lists. Tourism website comparisons include: Maine, Massachusetts and New York; Genoa, Marseilles and Valencia; France, Spain and Portugal; and China, Poland, Russia and Thailand, against each other as well as the Lonely Planet websites. Content analysis of consumer-generated advertisements that promote visits to third places, in this case Starbucks coffee shops and Chipotle restaurants, makes an intriguing study. The final paper gives a thick description of the dynamics of the government's role in shaping China's domestic, inbound, and outbound tourism industry and contributes to building a behavioral theory of government-firm relationships.
Landscape, Tourism, and Meaning (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) - Original PDF
Landscape, Tourism, and Meaning (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Daniel C. Knudsen, Anne K. Soper and Charles E. Greer خلاصه: How do we re-theorize tourism? By drawing less on the Foucauldian notion of 'tourism as gazing' and instead focussing on the social construction of meaning in the landscape, this insightful book provides an innovative and compelling new approach to tourist studies. Arguing that in any view of the landscape and in tourism generally, there is a multiplicity of insider and outsider meanings, the book grounds tourism studies within the framework of social theory, and particularly in the social theoretic approaches to landscape.Bringing together specialists in tourism and landscape studies to discuss the relationships between the two, it finds that issues of identity are a common thread and are raised with regard to the social construction of landscape and its portrayal through tourism. The international studies range in scale from regional to national, personal to political, and from local residents to international tourists, highlighting the multiplicity of interpretations and meanings between these scales.

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