Greener Than Thou: Are You Really An Environmentalist? - PDF
نویسندگان: Terry L. Anderson, Laura E. Huggins
خلاصه: The Hoover Institution is designing and implementing task forces onspecific topics that coincide with Hoover’s ongoing research initiatives.Representing multiyear efforts, the task forces will adopt a method-ology whereby a team of experts, both Hoover fellows and otherprominent scholars, are brought together and organized as a team, or“virtual faculty,” to work on commonly defined topics and projects.One of these new task force efforts, with lead sponsorship by Johnand Jean DeNault, is the Task Force on Property Rights, Freedom,and Prosperity.The premise behind Terry Anderson and Laura Huggin’s newbook, Greener Than Thou, complements Hoover’s broader effort ofunderstanding the role of property rights in a free society in the above-mentioned task force. In Greener Than Thou, Anderson and Hugginsaddress the critical link between property ownership and care for as-sets, as evidenced in the poignantly titled chapter 4, “No One Washesa Rental Car.” Throughout the book, Anderson and Huggins delvedeeply into how best to use property rights and markets to convertthe environment from a problem into an asset, providing a convincingalternative to regulation via the property rights and market path. Notonly do property rights lead to prosperity, which in turn leads toenvironmental quality, but the combination of property rights andmarkets makes the environment an asset that can receive careful ste-wardship from its owner.