Pursuing Justice: Traditional and Contemporary Issues in Our Communities and the World (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
Pursuing Justice: Traditional and Contemporary Issues in Our Communities and the World (3rd Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ralph A. Weisheit خلاصه: Pursuing Justice: Traditional and Contemporary Issues in Our Communities and the World 3rd Edition by Ralph A. Weisheit (Author), Frank Morn (Author)
The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Volume 1 - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Volume 1 - Scanned Pdf with Ocr
نویسندگان: Ralph Romeo Greenson خلاصه: The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Volume 1 Ralph Romeo Greenson
Foreign Investment Law in a Nutshell (Nutshells) 1st Edition - Epub + Converted Pdf
Foreign Investment Law in a Nutshell (Nutshells) 1st Edition - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Ralph H. Folsom خلاصه: Foreign Investment Law in a Nutshell (Nutshells) 1st Edition by Ralph H. Folsom
Planetary Exploration with Ingenuity and Dragonfly - Orginal Pdf
Planetary Exploration with Ingenuity and Dragonfly - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Ralph D. Lorenz خلاصه: Planetary Exploration with Ingenuity and Dragonfly Ralph D. Lorenz
Once You Go Black: Choice, Desire, and the Black American Intellectual (Sexual Cultures) - PDF
Once You Go Black: Choice, Desire, and the Black American Intellectual (Sexual Cultures) - PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Reid-Pharr خلاصه: 2007 Lambda Literary Award Finalist, LGBT StudiesRichard Wright. Ralph Ellison. James Baldwin. Literary and cultural critic Robert Reid-Pharr asserts that these and other post-World War II intellectuals announced the very themes of race, gender, and sexuality with which so many contemporary critics are now engaged. While at its most elemental Once You Go Black is an homage to these thinkers, it is at the same time a reconsideration of black Americans as agents, and not simply products, of history. Reid-Pharr contends that our current notions of black American identity are not inevitable, nor have they simply been forced onto the black community. Instead, he argues, black American intellectuals have actively chosen the identity schemes that seem to us so natural today.Turning first to the late and relatively obscure novels of Wright, Ellison, and Baldwin, Reid-Pharr suggests that each of these authors rejects the idea of the black as innocent. Instead they insisted upon the responsibility of all citizens—even the most oppressed—within modern society. Reid-Pharr then examines a number of responses to this presumed erosion of black innocence, paying particular attention to articulations of black masculinity by Huey Newton, one of the two founders of the Black Panther Party, and Melvin Van Peebles, director of the classic film Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song.Shuttling between queer theory, intellectual history, literary close readings, and autobiography, Once You Go Black is an impassioned, eloquent, and elegant call to bring the language of choice into the study of black American literature and culture. At the same time, it represents a hard-headed rejection of the presumed inevitability of what Reid-Pharr names racial desire in the production of either culture or cultural studies.
Retire Happy: What You Can Do Now to Guarantee a Great Retirement (USA TODAY Nolo Series) - PDF
Retire Happy: What You Can Do Now to Guarantee a Great Retirement (USA TODAY Nolo Series) - PDF
نویسندگان: Richard Stim, Ralph Warner خلاصه: A great retirement isn't just about having your financial situation in order. It's easy to be preoccupied with stock portfolios, 401(k) balances and saving options, but true happiness in retirement comes from simpler, more enjoyable things like an active social life, family time and leisurely travel. In Retire Happy: What You Can Do Now to Guarantee a Great Retirement, author Rich Stim and Nolo co-founder Jake Warner show you how to become rich in the ways that matter most. They encourage you to balance financial concerns with a lifestyle you always envisioned for yourself. The book advises you on how to estimate real retirement needs and create a workable savings and investment plan. Even more importantly, it advises you to make personal preparations for life after work, including: cultivating interests outside work leading a healthier lifestyle revitalizing family relationships spending more time with spouses embracing spirituality or meditation nurturing friendships and making new friends All the money in the world won't make for a happy retirement unless you're satisfied with the rest of your life. So start today. (20090101)
Tréfál, Feynman úr? - egy mindenre kíváncsi pasas kalandjai Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! - Original PDF
Tréfál, Feynman úr? - egy mindenre kíváncsi pasas kalandjai Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Richard P. Feynman, Ralph Leighton خلاصه: Emlékeim szerint tizenegy vagy tizenkét éves lehettem, amikor laboratóriumot nyitottam aházunkban. Ez a laboratórium mindössze egy jókora, öreg faládából állt, amelybe polcokatszerkesztettem, s mindehhez jött még egy főzőlap - emlékszem, állandóan rósejbnit sütöttemrajta zsírban -, valamint egy akkumulátor és egy kapcsolótábla.A kapcsolótábla megszerkesztését azzal kezdtem, hogy lementem a vegyesboltba,vásároltam néhány foglalatot, aztán egy falapra csavaroztam és csengőzsinórral összekötöttemőket, éspedig többféleképpen, sorosan vagy párhuzamosan, hogy különfélefeszültségértékeket kapjak. Azt persze nem tudtam, hogy az izzó ellenállása a hőmérsékletétőlis függ, ennélfogva számításaim soha nem vágtak egybe a tényleges feszültséggel - de mitbántam én! Amikor a sorba kötött izzók fél fényerővel földerengtek, hát az valamigyőőőőnyörű volt!Egy biztosítékot is beépítettem a rendszerbe: ha az áramkör rövidre záródott valahol, abiztosíték rögtön kiégett. Mármost az én biztosítékomnak feltétlenül gyengébbnek kellettlennie, mint a házunkban beépített főbiztosítéknak, ezért magamnak kellett elkészítenem:sztaniol-papírba göngyöltem egy régi, kiégett biztosítékot, azután a két végére rákötöttem egyötwattos izzót. Ha kiégett a biztosíték, az akkumulátort folyamatosan tápláló csepptöltőből azáram az izzóba jutott, mire az világítani kezdett. Az izzót fölszereltem a kapcsolótáblára,aztán beburkoltam barna süteményespapírral, ami pirosnak látszik, ha fény elé tesszük; harövidzárlat támadt valahol az áramkörben, csak felpillantottam a kapcsolószekrényre, és avörös fény máris megmutatta, hol ment ki a biztosíték. Húúú, de tetszett!Imádtam a rádiókat. Egy kristálydetektorossal kezdtem; a boltban vettem odalent, éséjszakánként, már félálomban, fejhallgatóval rádióztam az ágyban. Ha anyám és apámkiruccantak valahová, és csak késő éjjel jöttek haza, mindig benéztek hozzám, levették afejemről a fejhallgatót - és közben azon aggódtak, hogy álmomban vajon miféle rémségekettölthet a fejembe a rádió...Akkortájt történt, hogy kiötlöttem egy pofonegyszerű riasztót, ami semmi másból nemállt, csak egy méretes telepből, egy csengőből és némi vezetékből. Ha kinyílt a szobám ajtaja,a vezeték vége hozzáért a telephez, záródott az áramkör és megszólalt a csengő. Egyik esteanyám és apám későn jöttek meg. Lábujjhegyen, nehogy fölébredjen a gyerek, benyitottak aszobámba, hogy szokás szerint levegyék a fejemről a fejhallgatót, mire hirtelen - DANG!DANG! DANG! DANG! - pokoli kolompolással megszólalt a csengő, én meg nagy boldogankiugrottam az ágyból: - „Működik! Működik!
Get a Life: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well, - Original PDF
Get a Life: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well, - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ralph E. Warner خلاصه: Warner takes on the financial service industry's maxim that to avoid financial destitution in old age, Americans need to put aside larger sums of money that they are currently doing. Warner also advises readers on a number of other ways to enjoy the retirement years, including maintaining good health, having friends and close family ties, and enjoying varied interests and activities. Illustrations.
What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character - Original PDF
What Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Richard P. Feynman, Ralph Leighton خلاصه: One of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, Richard Feynman possessed an unquenchable thirst for adventure and an unparalleled ability to tell the stories of his life. "What Do You Care What Other People Think?" is Feynman’s last literary legacy, which he prepared as he struggled with cancer. Among its many tales—some funny, others intensely moving—we meet Feynman’s first wife, Arlene, who taught him of love’s irreducible mystery as she lay dying in a hospital bed while he worked nearby on the atomic bomb at Los Alamos. We are also given a fascinating narrative of the investigation of the space shuttle Challenger’s explosion in 1986, and we relive the moment when Feynman revealed the disaster’s cause by an elegant experiment: dropping a ring of rubber into a glass of cold water and pulling it out, misshapen.
نویسندگان: DAEGAN MILLER خلاصه: Then the coal company came with the world’s largest shovel, And they tortured the timber, and stripped all the land. Well, they dug for their coal till the land was forsaken, And they wrote it all down as the progress of man. John Prine, “Paradise”1 What happens when the past’s oldest witness comes crashing down dead? A new day will dawn . . . but over what? Where are we, who are we, when the bough breaks? Bostonians opened their eyes on a Wednesday morning in 1876 to opaque February skies bleakly blanketing a city made suddenly strange. At 7 p.m. the evening before, the enormous Great Elm on the famous Boston Common had been toppled by a hard wind.2 Of course, trees fall all the time with never a thought spared them, but the Great Elm was dif- ferent. It was famous in the nineteenth-century as an emissary from the past, and it appears ubiquitously in prose, poem, and print, a people’s treasured heirloom, believed to be among the last living witnesses to the young nation’s milestones; its loss was disorienting. Paul Revere, on his 1775 midnight ride, was rumored to have passed by the tree

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