Practicing Neurology: What You Need to Know 2nd Edition (Current Clinical Neurology) - PDF
نویسندگان: Rahman Pourmand
خلاصه: Series Editor’s IntroductionThe neurological examination and neurologic differential diagnosis areall too often regarded as daunting because of their perceived complexity byphysicians in training as well as by more mature practicing doctors. Neu-URORJLFDOH[DPLQDWLRQVDVGRFXPHQWHGLQKRVSLWDORURIÀFHUHFRUGVRIWHQEHWUD\WKLVSHUFHSWLRQE\WKHLUIUHTXHQWEUHYLW\DQGODFNRIVLJQLÀFDQWDQGuseful information. Practicing Neurology, now in its 2nd edition, is meantfor the non-neurologist and seeks to demystify this traditional view of theneurological evaluation. As indicated by the author, medical students andnon-neurology residents wish to learn how to carry out a good neurologicalH[DPLQDWLRQKRZWRSURSHUO\LQWHUSUHWDEQRUPDOQHXURORJLFDOÀQGLQJVKRZto formulate the clinical problem, what tests and procedures to consider,and how to begin to treat neurological disorders.In order to achieve these goals, Dr. Pourmand takes as his jumping offpoint the fact that the experienced neurologist typically tailors his exami-QDWLRQWRWKHVSHFLÀFSUREOHPSUHVHQWHGE\WKHSDWLHQW(DFKH[DPLQDWLRQis different and emphasizes what is important for that particular patientwhile taking care not to neglect other important parts of the evaluation. The‘focused’ or ‘directed’ neurological examination is what often emerges. Bycontrast, the beginner usually commits himself to doing the full and com-prehensive examination and elaborating all-inclusive differential diagnosislest some important detail be inadvertently omitted. For the neophyte thisis probably as it should be but at some point, with a bit of experience, itbecomes possible and even necessary to plot a shorter road to correct diag-nosis and management