What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...) - Original PDF
What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kate Shoup Welsh خلاصه: This book is part of a series of major-based career guides. Here youwill see how the book is organized and find out how to make itwork for you. In the following sections, I describe the chapters you willfind in this book. Feel free to read the chapters in whatever order ismost helpful to you.Chapter 1: Majoring in BusinessThis chapter outlines what students majoring in business can expectwith regard to course work and requirements. You’ll also find waysto tailor your education to help you land that dream job when yougraduate—or at the very least, an entry-level position that puts you onthe right path—by choosing a concentration during the course of yourstudies.Chapter 2: Choosing a CollegeKnowing you want to study business can make choosing a collegemuch easier. This chapter describes the most outstanding undergradu-ate business programs in the nation.1Chapter 3: Making the Mostof Your Time at CollegeThis chapter is designed to illustrate to business majors how to increasetheir chances of gainful employment upon graduation by maximizingtheir college experience.Chapter 4: Attending Graduate SchoolWhether you received an undergraduate degree in business or in someother field, you may well decide that you want to pursue an MBA. Thischapter is designed to help you decide whether an MBA is right foryou, determine how obtaining an MBA can help you with your jobsearch, discover what sort of undergraduate background and grades arerequired, find out how to obtain excellent letters of recommendationfrom professors and other sources, figure out how to pay for yourschooling, and estimate how much time you can expect to devote toyour studies. You’ll also find information about the top MBA programsin the nation.Chapter 5: Career Optionsfor the Business MajorA business major acquires several skills and abilities that transfer well toany number of jobs in any number of industries. All these, plus thework ethic and self-discipline you’re sure to develop during the courseof your studies, will serve you well upon graduation. In this chapter,you’ll get a glimpse of a few of your options.Chapter 6: Breakinginto the Job MarketThis chapter is designed to help college students, recent grads, or anyoneinterested in changing careers find—and land—a great job in business.What Can You Do with a Major in Business?2Chapter 7: Case StudiesMeet six people who earned undergraduate degrees in business or whoreturned to school for an MBA. These people describe what they doand what they like and dislike about their jobs. They tell you how theygot to where they are today and discuss their successes and mistakes soyou can benefit from their experience
What Can You Do with a Major in Business? - Original PDF
What Can You Do with a Major in Business? - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kate Shoup خلاصه: Your guide to glide from campus to career Make sure you get a good ROI (Return on Investment) from your college courses and career choices. Whether you're a student pounding the books or a graduate pounding the pavement, What Can You Do with a Major in Business? alerts you to diverse job options, some of which you probably haven't considered. It addresses specific concerns of business majors with valuable information, including: Advice on college and curriculum choices courses, internships, advanced degrees, and more Tips to energize and expand your job search Profiles of real graduates, their jobs, and how they got them Objective audits of their careers from the manager of a recreational facility, a city/county administrator, a marketing field representative, a public relations specialist, and an import/export broker Overviews of typical salary levels, hours, and work environments Extensive additional resources, including Web sites, professional organizations, periodicals, and more With practical information and enlightening insight from your peers in business careers, this book helps you analyze opportunities and choose a career that lets you make the most of your assets. Bottom line, that's the key to success.

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