Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, Second Edition - Original PDF
Consumer Behaviour in Tourism, Second Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Swarbrooke, Susan Horner خلاصه: Consumer Behaviour in Tourism takes a broad view of tourism and looks at consumer behaviour in a number of sectors including: * tour operation * tourist destinations * hospitality * visitor attractions * retail travel * transportNow fully revised and updated, the second edition of this bestselling text looks provides an international perspective on consumer behaviour in tourism through the use of numerous examples and case studies drawn from a range of different regions of the world; an exploration of national differences in consumer culture; the dissemination of research findings and concepts from a number of different regions of the world.
Business Travel and Tourism - Original PDF
Business Travel and Tourism - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Swarbrooke, Susan Horner خلاصه: I have been studying the business travel market for the past year and have been surprised by how little concrete information there is on business travel as a market segment. Leisure travel can be segmented into many known categories - independent travelers, adventure travelers, voluntourists, etc. But so much less is known about sub-segments of business travel. I thought this book was very helpful at creating a theoretical framework for analyzing the business travel market and had some useful case studies for those who want to work in business travel, especially events planning and travel management. I liked the book and found it useful, although I wish that the authors had been able to provide deeper analysis of the diverse business travel market segments.

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