The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want - PDF
نویسندگان: Joe Vitale
خلاصه: I want you to imagine a large lock. It’s strong and very difficult toopen. This lock is keeping you where you do not want to be.However, you seem to have an awareness that the lock will openand, if opened, you will feel and experience the freedom you have,until now, only been privileged to read about. You dream of livingwhere you want to live, enjoying everything the way you were meantto enjoy it, earning the income you know deep inside you can earn,living the way you were intended to live, and contributing in amanner you know you should.This is a powerful lock. Until opened, this lock keeps people in apsychic prison—a dark place that respects no one, a confining cell, alimiting space that kills dreams and keeps smart, loving, aspiringpeople down. This is indeed one of the most powerful locks. Canyou see it? I think you can!This is the lock that’s within the mind of man; it is a paradigm.The book you are now holding represents a way out . . . free-dom. The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want by JoeVitale will open up a world of possibility and promise. It will answeryour nagging questions as to why you don’t yet have the abundanceyou know you should have and that you deserve. This book will giveyou serious, time-tested, and practical strategies to unlock that lockforever.If you are looking for a book that explains how to make thingshappen in your life and you want to expand your awareness, Isuggest that you adopt this book as a new and dear friend now.Devour it! But, most important, use it to unlock those places withinyourself that have held you back.For almost 40 years, I have been involved in helping individualsand companies the world over open that mysterious lock. I’ve readxvthousands of books on the subject and have spent over 40 yearsstudying why we behave as we do. This book is an absolute must-read—cover to cover!You see, I know Joe Vitale. I knew Joe when he was searching forthe elusive Key. I observed him find it. I have watched his life and hisworld change. What is wonderful about Joe’s discovery is how he hasrecorded every move. Like a great astronomer, Joe charted his movesso he can share these beautiful truths with you and everyone elsewho is tired of the psychic prison in which they may find themselves.Joe Vitale is a widely respected teacher on how to unlock yourhidden potential. I’ve read all of his books. This book, The Key, islikely to be considered his best. In his easy-to-read style, Joe unfoldswhat could be considered complex subjects and makes them easy tounderstand and, more important, easy to apply. He will challengeyour thinking; that’s what Joe is all about. He will make you think,laugh, and cry (possibly). But he will equip you to overcome theconstraints of that ugly lock and open it.Use this book as I suggested, and I promise you that strange andmarvelous things will begin to happen in all areas of your life withconstant regularity.