Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Enhanced (5th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Jill S. Gehrig خلاصه: Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Enhanced 5th Edition
by Jill S. Gehrig (Author), Daniel E. Shin (Author), Donald E. Willmann
Patient Assessment Tutorials: A Step-By-Step Guide for the Dental Hygienist (4th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Jill S. Gehrig خلاصه: This updated Fourth Edition of Jill Gehrig’s highly visual, step-by-step guide takes dental hygienists-in-training through the process of patient assessment, emphasizing both the actual physical assessment and the human interaction involved
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