The Official Guide for Foreign-Educated Nurses: What You Need to Know about Nursing and Health Care in the United States - PDF
نویسندگان: CGFNS International
خلاصه: When the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools(CGFNS) International was created in 1977, I was a member ofthe American Nurses Association Board of Directors and party to themany debates on the efficacy of recruiting foreign nurses to providepatient care to the U.S. population. I was intrigued with the discussionabout the advantages and disadvantages of foreign-educated nursesbeing a temporary or permanent element of the U.S. nursing work-force. What evolved from those discussions was the need to create aprogram of credentials evaluation that was professionally ethical andresponsible to both the foreign-educated nurse and the U.S. public.The need for an entity such as CGFNS was a novel, yet contro-versial idea—especially for foreign-educated nurses who felt that as-sessment of their nursing credentials and a pre-immigration examto test their nursing knowledge was burdensome and unnecessary.Nevertheless, CGFNS was created at the bequest of the U.S. De-partment of State, the then–Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and the then–U.S. De-partment of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). Then and now,the need for such an organization emerged from the migration ofnurses. Now, as then, a rapidly expanding health care industry wel-comes foreign-educated nurses to fill vacancies and to provide careto the U.S. populace.Adele Herwitz, RN, MS, founding Executive Director of CGFNS,who previously served as an Executive of the American Nurses Asso-ciation and the International Council of Nurses, played a major rolein establishing CGFNS’s credibility and guiding the organization toachieve its dual mission—protecting the public of the United Stateswhile fostering equitable treatment of nurses around the world.Preface