The New Lawyer's Handbook: 101 Things They Don't Teach You in Law School - PDF
The New Lawyer's Handbook: 101 Things They Don't Teach You in Law School - PDF
نویسندگان: Karen Thalacker خلاصه: I went to law school right out of college. thankfully, Ihad led a sheltered existence up to that point. my parentswere happily married. my siblings were happily married.my friends were happily single. I was young and incred-ibly naïve. although I had told people since the fifth gradethat I wanted to be a lawyer, I had never even stepped footinside a law office until a part-time job during my senioryear of college.maybe it sounds crazy, but I enjoyed law school—well,most of it anyway. I liked the people, I liked my professors,and I liked the classes. But even at law school, I was shel-tered. I had little understanding of the practical implicationsof entering a profession where conflict is everywhere andthe seven deadly sins make a daily appearance.
Alternative Minimum Tax: What You Need To Know About the ''Other'' Tax - PDF
Alternative Minimum Tax: What You Need To Know About the ''Other'' Tax - PDF
نویسندگان: Peckron خلاصه: This book deals with one of the more challenging areas inthe tax law—the alternative minimum tax (AMT). Since itsorigin in the Tax Reform Act of 1969, it has steadily affectedmore and more individual taxpayersmaking it a chal-lenge worth understanding. After all, imagine the surpriseof a married couple expecting a large refund, only toreceive a letter from the IRS demanding a payment of sev-eral thousand dollars because of this stealth tax known asthe AMT. In view of the expanded impact of the AMT onindividual taxpayers, it has become essential not only tounderstand the fundamentals of it, but also to determinethe means of planning around it.The purpose of this book is to lay out, in as muchsimple English as possible, the basics of the AMT. Will yoube capable of filing your own Form 6251, AlternativeMinimum Tax—Individuals? Perhaps. However, one thingis definite. You will understand why your tax preparer isdoing (or not doing) an AMT for you and your family. AndPrefaceeven more important, it will give you ways to reduce, orin some cases eliminate, this added tax burden.The book begins with a brief introduction on the natureof the AMT and computing the AMT (with actual examplesand IRS materials). Special chapters on adjustments and taxpreference items, use of the tax credits and the importanceof the AMT credit, and the oft-overlooked other areasimpacting the AMT (like the kiddie tax and estimated taxpayments) follow. The final chapter describes the means toreduce or eliminate the AMT. The chapters have been keptintentionally short and descriptions terse and to the point.The most beneficial way to master this subject is to readthis book from cover to cover. However, you can go straightto the areas or chapters that hold the greatest interest for you.More importantly, this book is a companion that beatsany tax preparer or CPA, because it’s on-call 24/7 and aidsyou in your quest for an answer. If the exact answer is notfound, chances are that you will find it at one of the many24/7 websites identified throughout the book.
I Told You So - PDF
I Told You So - PDF
نویسندگان: Kate Clinton خلاصه: Told You So was completed at the end of July 2008. This book is acollection of columns from magazines, essays translated from early-century Bloggerean, and material written especially for this compila-tion. After I sent the document file of my book to my editor just bywarily pressing Send, I made a big flourish of checking off the last dayof my six-month writing schedule. I cleaned off my desk, filed twotrees’ worth of hard-copy rewrites, and turned my full attention towriting for my summer show in Provincetown.For more than twenty years I have performed in July and Augustin Provincetown. I write something new every day, especially if theweather is bad; I ride my bike down to the club and try the lines outat night. My audience knows that a lot of the material is being work-shopped for the show I will take on the road in the fall. They knowbecause generally I tell them.Some weeks a brilliant three pages of newly minted material be-comes an aside after only three shows. But other times a throwawayline gets a surprising response and over a few performances grows toa brand-new ten minutes. My audiences like being part of the process.They often talk to me after a show: “When you said that, I thoughtyou were going to go this way,” as if the show were on MapQuest, butthen they finish with the perfect punch line that had eluded me. SinceI have joke dyslexia, they kindly point out when I have reversed setupand punch line altogether. Or they tell me their stories. I take notes. Ipromise them royalties.My partner of twenty years has said to me after almost every showshe has seen, “Well, that was too long, but you need to do more po-litical stuff.” Over the years, and because of the world, I have becomemore political. Actually I am a full-blown junkie. My shows reflectthat. On the Provincetown entertainment menu of drag shows, pianobars, Broadway adaptations, theater, and comedy, I am the entréeknown as “that political one.”In the past, doing a lot of political material for people on theirprecious one- or two-week vacation in a resort town could be dicey.They have been at the beach all day reading trashy beach books orboogie boarding. They have not kept up. Some nights I felt that I wasanchoring a news show, not so much doing a comedy show. Instead oflaughter, I would hear, “I wish she had this on PowerPoint.”The summer of 2008 was like nothing I had ever witnessed. Itwas not just because critical mass had been reached in the possessionof personal handheld devices. Nor was it because the town mothersand fathers had finally gotten some decent radio transmitters andfewer people had to stand out in parking lots screaming into theircell phones, “I can’t hear you!” That summer Wi-Fi was the preferredguesthouse amenity. More than a private bath. No one wanted off thegrid. No one wanted to miss anything. Even on vacation.Would the Hillary supporters get over themselves and make thechange to Obama? Could Obama really beat McCain? The town sleptfitfully, waiting for a text message about Obama’s choice for vice presi-dent. Would he pick Hillary? In the line at the Grand Union, strang-ers would say, “Can’t wait to hear what you have to say about Palin.”Increasingly panicked mass e-mails from California warned of thepassage of Prop Hate, the anti-gay-marriage ballot initiative. Every-one bemoaned high gas prices. Bear Stearns Week trumped the funof Bear Week. International tourists crowded town during CarnivalWeek. Some shops accepted euros. In one ominous sign, the storecalled Don’t Panic was shuttered.When your situation room is a resort town in August, it is difficultto convey the seriousness of some developments to vacationers. It isalso perhaps cruel. In one late August show I joked about George W.,back stateside from the Chinese Olympics, which had been broughtto us by our own credit card debt. With not one little toenail left onhis moral footprint, and still president-erect from cruising the Olym-pic volleyball babes and hectoring China on its human rights abuses,our spectator in chief excoriated Russia for its preemptive strike onGeorgia. You could practically hear the world snorting, or maybe itwas me
Writing in the Devil's Tongue: A History of English Composition in China - PDF
Writing in the Devil's Tongue: A History of English Composition in China - PDF
نویسندگان: Professor Xiaoye You خلاصه: Asense of complacency, if not outright chauvinism, is tangible these daysin certain parts of American composition studies. Sensational state-ments of one kind or another—“Composition Studies Saves the World!”;“Globalizing Composition”; “Transnationalizing/Globalizing Rhetoric andComposition Studies”; and so forth—reveal not only tremendous disciplin-ary pride but also compositionists’ confidence in what the discipline cando: namely, rescue the troubled world at large.1 And why shouldn’t we beconfident about what the discipline can achieve? After all, we have gaineda better understanding of our students, students of diverse linguistic, cul-tural, racial, sexual, and class backgrounds who have made such a strongpresence in American universities since the 1960s; and we have developedeffective pedagogical approaches to address those students’ needs. Project-ing this national experience to the rest of the globe, we naturally becomeoptimistic. Indeed, the rest of the world is also hopeful now, looking toAmerican composition studies for standards of English writing practicesand proven pedagogies.As the teaching of composition is increasingly connected to global po-litico-economic dynamics, our disciplinary effort to lift composition out ofnarrow nation-state bounds is the right direction to go. However, Americancomposition scholars do not seem fully cognizant of the geopolitical differ-ences and stakes involved in the teaching of English writing. For one thing,while English has been taught as the native language, the official language,or a second language in the United States, it is typically taught as a foreignlanguage in the majority of nations in the world. A different name for Englishentails a different history of the language in a particular country. A differ-ent name for English entails a whole different constellation of values andpractices in teaching English writing
601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam (Barron's 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam) - PDF
601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam (Barron's 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam) - PDF
نویسندگان: Murray Bromberg Julius Liebb خلاصه: . Which Word Comes to Mind? In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind. 1. You want to rip into your neighbor for his bigoted remarks. (philanderer, philippic, protean) 2. A newspaper editorial calls for us to send the fleet to intimidate a Caribbean country. (jingoism, spoonerism, solecism) 3. All the girls wear pantsuits except Betsy who prefers dresses (maverick, saturnine, nemesis) 4. I heard of a scheme that would provide $10,000 for each American family. (lothario, Pyrrhic victory, quixotic) 5. Everyone at the meeting was forced to change his or her mind in order to afree with the chairman’s philosophy. (tawdry, sybarite, procrustean) 6. It’s unusual for a fashion editor to have such a gawdy taste in jewelry. (tawdry, saturnine, protean) 7. Mark boasted of having been engaged seven times. (philippic, lothario, jingoist) 8. The singer was fond of saying he always did it his way. (maverick, solecism, spoonerism) 9. Rudy likes caviar and imported champagne. (sybarite, nemesis, philanderer) 10. The senator blasted his opponent in a fiery speech. (quixotic, procrustean, philippic
Residents' Teaching Skills (Springer Series on Medical Education) - Original PDF
Residents' Teaching Skills (Springer Series on Medical Education) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Janine Edward, Joan Friedland, Robert Bing-You خلاصه: After a 2-year stint as a research fellow in nephrology, I returned to BostonCity Hospital in order to complete my 3rd year of internal medicine residen-cy. During the course of my fellowship, I'd done research on acid-basedisorders—an area that most medical students and residents find very con-fusing. Because of my research experience, the faculty and attendings as-sumed that I could teach this arcane subject to my peers and to our medicalstudents. With no training whatsoever in teaching (yes, even as a 3rd-yearresident!), I was assigned the task of putting together a lecture/seminar se-ries. To this day, I'm not sure whom the experience was worse for: theanxious, utterly unprepared "instructor" (me), or the learners, who probablygot very little satisfactory instruction from the seminar despite my mostearnest efforts.Does this sound familiar? It's an experience that nearly all of us have hadat some point during our residency: the sudden, sickening realization thatwe're going to be expected not only to care for patients, but to teach themedical students that we all too recently were ourselves. And we have abso-lutely no idea what to do. For more than a few residents, a crashing patientin the emergency room may be a lot less daunting than a clutch of earnestmedical students following in their wake and waiting for their wisdom.Traditionally, medical residents have not received the formal preparationthat is essential to the transition from full-time learner to at least part-timeteacher. Although many residents make that transition successfully through asort of osmosis, many more do not, and they remain ineffective teachersthroughout their residencies. With some estimates indicating that residentsare responsible for as much as 80% of student teaching, this is clearly anuntenable situation for medical education. Nor is it permissible according tothe standards of the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which statethat "Residents must be fully informed about the educational objectives ofthe clerkships and be prepared for their roles as teachers and evaluators ofmedical students.
Retire Secure!: Pay Taxes Later The Key to Making Your Money Last as Long as You Do - Original PDF
Retire Secure!: Pay Taxes Later The Key to Making Your Money Last as Long as You Do - Original PDF
نویسندگان: James Lange خلاصه: Retire Secure! is written for consumers and advisors who wor-ry about these essential questions: “Will I have enough incomewhen I retire?” and “Will it last as long as I might?” These ques-tions might have additional significance for the wife of a maleretiree because she is statistically likely to survive her husband.Jim has properly identified the three stages of retirementplanning: accumulation, distribution, and estate planning, andreaders will fi nd the organization extremely helpful. They canquickly place themselves along the continuum of the retirementprocess and fi nd excellent recommendations for each stage oftheir journey.Understanding the implications of various retirement plan-ning decisions requires looking at the numbers. There is no get-ting around that. Comparing and contrasting different optionsguides the consumer into making the right choices. Jim takes allthe work out of this by providing numerous comparisons. Gradu-ally the reader is educated and informed—and making the rightchoices becomes easier.An important issue is, “Which account (Roth, IRA, 401(k),403(b), after tax, etc.) is the best to make withdrawals from first?”This is very clearly addressed in the book despite the fact that theexplanation cannot be simple or the response universal. It de-pends on an individual’s particular circumstances, and Jim avoidsgiving the reader the simplified, and often wrong, answer.The mini case studies are a real eye-opener for all readers,both consumers and financial advisors, because they mathemati-cally prove Jim’s assertions. Each comparison and mini case studyis based on several assumptions, which Jim is careful to point outin a clear fashion. I particularly enjoyed Mini Case Study 5.2about the disastrous execution of beneficiary forms and the deci-sion of Junior not to sue the careless estate administrator—hismother
Light (Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It series) (Robertson, William C. Stop Faking It!,) - PDF
Light (Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It series) (Robertson, William C. Stop Faking It!,) - PDF
نویسندگان: William C. Robertson خلاصه: Back when I was in college, there was a course titled Physics for Poets. At aschool where I taught physics, the same kind of course was referred to by thestudents as Football Physics. The theory behind having courses like these was thatpoets and/or football players, or basically anyone who wasn’t a science geek, neededsome kind of watered-down course because most of the people taking the coursewere—and this was generally true—SCARED TO DEATH OF SCIENCE.In many years of working in education, I have found that the vast majorityof elementary school teachers, parents who home school their kids, and parentswho just want to help their kids with science homework fall into this category.Lots of “education experts” tell teachers they can solve this problem by justasking the right questions and having the kids investigate science ideas on theirown. These experts say you don’t need to understand the science concepts. Inother words, they’re telling you to fake it! Well, faking it doesn’t work when itcomes to teaching anything, so why should it work with science? Like it or not,you have to understand a subject before you can help kids with it. Ever triedteaching someone a foreign language without knowing the language?The whole point of the Stop Faking It! series of books is to help you under-stand basic science concepts and to put to rest the myth that you can’t under-stand science because it’s too hard. If you haven’t tried other ways of learningscience concepts, such as looking through a college textbook, or subscribing toScientific American, or reading the incorrect and oversimplified science in anelementary school text, please feel free to do so and then pick up this book. Ifyou find those other methods more enjoyable, then you really are a science geekand you ought to give this book to one of us normal folks. Just a joke, okay?
No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come-as-You-Are Culture in the Church - PDF
No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come-as-You-Are Culture in the Church - PDF
نویسندگان: John Burke خلاصه: People ask me how long it took to write this book. The truth is—aboutfifteen years.I left the business world for campus ministry fifteen years agobecause I wanted to help my generation find authentic faith like I was begin-ning to experience. The first seven years of ministry to America’s first post-modern* generation were discouraging—I almost lost hope. Since then,God has turned my philosophy of church and ministry upside down. I nowbelieve that only a church full of imperfect people, acting as his Body, canbring the hope and healing needed to change our postmodern world for thebetter—one life at a time. That’s why I’ve written this book, because I seeGod powerfully at work in our generation.A year ago I attended a conference about ministry in a postmoderncontext. I found myself terribly discouraged and bothered—and tired ofmodern-church deconstruction! For the past six years, I’ve read numerousbooks, attended conferences, and surfed the blogs about the emergingtrends of new generations and their new ways of thinking. We have decon-structed everything, identified all the problems with the current church,and proclaimed what we knew would not work. We’ve read statisticians likeBarna, Gallup, and Regele warn of the impending doom for our generationand the church in America.
Drug Transporters: Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition (Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development) - PDF
Drug Transporters: Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition (Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development) - PDF
نویسندگان: Guofeng, Ed. You خلاصه: Transporters are membrane proteins that span cellular membranes and are the gate-keepers for all cells and organelles, controlling the intake and efflux of crucial en-dogenous substrates such as sugars, amino acids, nucleotides, and inorganic ions.The specificity of many transporters is not, however, limited to their physiologicalsubstrates, and for some, their physiological substrates remain undiscovered. Xeno-biotics (i.e., drugs, dietary and environmental compounds) have the potential to berecognized by transporters, which crucially influence the absorption, distribution, andelimination of drugs in the body.Due to their hydrophobic nature and relatively low abundance, the molecular iden-tification of transporters had been a difficult task until the development of the expres-sion cloning technique for transporters in the early 1990s. This powerful approach,combined with recent genome analysis, has facilitated the identification and charac-terization of numerous transporters that are important in drug disposition.

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