The VueScan Bible: Everything You Need to Know for Perfect Scanning (English and English Edition) - Original PDF
The VueScan Bible: Everything You Need to Know for Perfect Scanning (English and English Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sascha Steinhoff خلاصه: VueScan is the world's most widely used software interface for digitizing film and prints on flatbed and film scanners. This powerful yet affordable program supports over 1500 scanners and 321 digital camera RAW file types, and is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. Much more than a simple scanner program, VueScan allows you to perform functions such as color restoration, adding sharpening filters, adjusting white balance, rotating images, and batch scanning multiple images. It also provides output to a variety of formats including TIFF, JPEG, and searchable PDF files (even all three simultaneously). The Pro version outputs to the RAW format and provides options for color adjustments, and more. Despite its popularity, the documentation for VueScan does not provide enough information to use the full power of the system and makes it difficult to get started. The VueScan Bible is the missing manual for new, experienced, and prospective users of VueScan.
How to Publish Your Own Book: Everything You Need to Know About the Self-publishing Process - PDF
How to Publish Your Own Book: Everything You Need to Know About the Self-publishing Process - PDF
نویسندگان: Anna Crosbie خلاصه: Those of us who are passionate about the books we write dreamof seeing our book in print. Some of us dream of seeing it on abookshelf in a book store, or even mentioned in the bestsellers'list. Others of us dream of just holding it in our hands andwitnessing the evolution of our tirelessly written manuscript intoa proper book format.Having experienced the joys and frustrations of having my bookspublished by mainstream publishers, I decided in 2004 to publishmy next two books myself: one non-fiction book and one novel.Several months later I was able to reflect on the joys andfrustrations of publishing my own books. In a nutshell, it is noteasy, nor simple, nor a guaranteed means of making vast profits.However, publishing your own book is a rewarding experience,and if you approach it with the necessary degree of businessplanning, it can be a financially rewarding experience also.In this book you will find the information you need to informyour self-publishing decisions.What do you want to achieve?What are you willing and able to invest?What do you need to know about the publishing industrybefore you start?And, of course, budgeting, marketing, and sel
Gluten-free, Sugar-free Cooking: Over 200 Delicious Recipes to Help You Live a Healthier, Allergy-Free Life - Original PDF
Gluten-free, Sugar-free Cooking: Over 200 Delicious Recipes to Help You Live a Healthier, Allergy-Free Life - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Susan O'Brien خلاصه: With millions of people suffering from food allergies, obesity, and generally less-than-perfect health, the connection between how we feel and the food we eat has never been more apparent. Now, in Gluten-free, Sugar-free Cooking, gourmet chef and food-allergy sufferer Susan O'Brien offers more than 200 great-tasting recipes — covering everything from breakfast to dessert — that are perfect for people with food allergies as well as for those who simply want to adopt a more healthy way of eating. Free of gluten, sugar, and usually dairy, these tasty dishes are also invaluable for people living with medical conditions such as candida, fibromyalgia, Crohn's disease, diabetes, autism, and ADHD, who must avoid certain foods to better control their symptoms. Complete with product sourcing information, substitute ingredients, dining out advice, and online resources, Gluten-free, Sugar-free Cooking makes eating healthfully and avoiding problematic foods easy and delicious.
Food and You: A Guide to Healthy Habits for Teens - PDF
Food and You: A Guide to Healthy Habits for Teens - PDF
نویسندگان: Marjolijn Bijlefeld, Sharon K. Zoumbaris خلاصه: What is the BMI? How much should I be eating? Do I really need to exercise? Find the answers to these questions and other food, body, and health questions in this guide to understanding the fundamentals of good nutrition and its partner for optimum health--physical activity. Healthy eating can be a habit and good habits started earlier in life are easier to maintain. Good nutrition and physical activity complement each other in weight loss, cardiovascular health, and other benefits. This book provides the advice you need on how to get the most out of what you eat and how to develop healthier habits that will help keep you fit for a lifetime.Most teens don't need to resort to special diets or programs; they just need to know how to make sensible choices. Definitions of good nutrition, discussions of how the food you eat affects the way you feel and perform, and information on how to use readily available tools, such as the Nutrition Facts label and USDA Food Guide Pyramid are just some of the factors provided to help readers develop healthy habits. Bijlefeld and Zoumbaris provide information on a number of other health matters, from vegetarian diets to eating disorders to the affects of alcohol and drugs on the body. You'll also learn how to make healthy choices in grocery stores and restaurants, how to set up a kitchen of your own, and how to keep your food safe, all factors involved in helping you to stay healthy for peak performance in whatever you choose to do.
Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids: Why Being a Great Parent is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think - PDF
Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids: Why Being a Great Parent is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think - PDF
نویسندگان: Bryan Caplan خلاصه: DURING MY LIFETIME, THE AMERICAN FAMILY HAS DRASTICALLY downsized. Women in their forties are about twice as likely to haveone child—or none—as they were thirty years ago. Big families have all but disappeared. In 1976, 20 percent of women in their early fortieshad five or more kids; by 2006, less than 4 percent did.If you ask people to explain why we don’t have as many kids as we used to, the answers are all over the place. “People can’t afford bigfamilies anymore,” “Women have real careers now,” “We don’t need kids to help out with farm work,” “Women want to live like men,”“Americans have lost faith in God.” In Athens, the Greeks blame air pollution.If you make the question personal, however, the answers are very much alike. When asked, “Why don’t you have as many kids as weused to?” both men and women respond with groans. As best I can tell, the English translation of these groans is “Kids are a lot of work,” ormaybe “Imagine all the dirty diapers and sleepless nights,” or perhaps “Are you trying to kill me?”To be brutally honest, we’re reluctant to have more children because we think that the pain outweighs the gain. When people compare thegrief that another child would give them to the joy that the child would bring, they conclude that it’s just not worth it. As Bill Cosby put it, “Thereason we have five children is because we do not want six.”You could easily call this a very selfish outlook. How can you focus exclusively on whether another child would make you happier? Whatabout the child? Unless your baby is truly unlucky, he will almost certainly be happy to be alive. Aren’t you? This is your child we’re talkingabout. If you have to make yourself a little less happy in order to give a son or daughter the gift of life, shouldn’t you?The question is serious, but I’m going to dodge it. While I accept the natalist view that more births should be encouraged because theymake the world a better place, asking others to sacrifice their happiness for the good of the world seems futile. Preaching againstselfishness is usually about as productive as nagging a brick wall. When people weigh the costs and benefits of having another child, I’m notgoing to call them sinners for using a scale.The claim of this book, rather, is that current and prospective parents have accidentally tipped their scales against fertility. We may feelsure that the pursuit of happiness and kids (or at least more kids) are incompatible, but it is in the average person’s enlightened self-interestto have more kids. That’s right—people are not having enough children for their own good. Prospective parents need to take another lookbefore they decide not to leap. Current parents need to take another look before they decide not to leap again.My theory is not one-size-fits-all. The claim is not that everyone should have lots of kids, but that the average person should have morekids. More than what? More than they were otherwise planning to have. If you live in a tiny urban apartment and love fancy foreign vacations,this might mean one kid instead of zero. If you live in a suburban McMansion and love theme parks, this might mean five kids instead ofthree. I’m here to provide information, not run your life.There are many selfish reasons to have more kids, but there are four big reasons to put on the table right away:First, parents can sharply improve their lives without hurting their kids. Nature, not nurture, explains most family resemblance, soparents can safely cut themselves a lot of additional slack.Second, parents are much more worried than they ought to be. Despite the horror stories in the media, kids are much safertoday than they were in the “Idyllic Fifties.”Third, many of the benefits of children come later in life. Kids have high start-up costs, but wise parents weigh their initial sleepdeprivation against a lifetime of rewards—including future grandchildren.Last, self-interest and altruism point in the same direction. Parents who have another child make the world a better place, soyou can walk the path of enlightened selfishness with a clear conscience.
Stage Fright: 40 Stars Tell You How They Beat America's #1 Fear - PDF
Stage Fright: 40 Stars Tell You How They Beat America's #1 Fear - PDF
نویسندگان: Mick Berry and Michael R. Edelstein خلاصه: Never before has the problem of stage fright been so eloquently examined; 40 interviews with some of the most highly-accomplished public figures shed light on this affliction, offering tips from their own experiences for overcoming it. Jason Alexander, Mose Allison, Maya Angelou, David Brenner, Peter Coyote, Olympia Dukakis, Richard Lewis, and many more sound off about their trials with stage fright, candidly discussing their fears and insecurities with life in the public eye and ultimately revealing the various paths they followed to overcoming them. Stage fright sufferers from all walks of life—whether a high school freshman nervous about an oral presentation or a professional baseball player with the eyes of the world on his bat—will find consolation by understanding the commonality of their problem, as well as helpful information to finally shed their inhibitions.
Memletics Effective Speed Reading Course: Dramatically Improve Reading Skills to Help You Succeed in Today's Fast-Paced World - PDF
Memletics Effective Speed Reading Course: Dramatically Improve Reading Skills to Help You Succeed in Today's Fast-Paced World - PDF
نویسندگان: Sean Whiteley خلاصه: Your use of this pub lication is s ubject to the terms of u se a greement in cluded in the back of this book .This is a legall y bin ding agre ement between readers an d Advan ogy.com an d its agen ts. If yo u do notagree to a ny of the terms of use, do no t read thisbook. If you do not und erstand this agreemen t, seekprofessional legal advice.Key terms of the agreement include:This repo rt c ontains ideas, o pinions, tip s and techniques for improving readi ng and learni ngperformance. The au thor an d publisher in tend to provide h elpful a nd u seful material on the su bjectsaddressed in this bo ok. The au thor an d publisher are not providing yo u with medical, health, or a nyother per sonal pr ofessional s ervice. You s hould s eek th e ad vice of y our med ical pr actitioner, h ealthprofessional or other relevant competent professional before trying or using information in this book.It’s yo ur respo nsibility to ma intain all legal , regulatory, company and o therapplicable requirementswhile usi ng ( or attemp ting to use) a ny of the materialin this book. These may be requ irements relevantto your qualification, the activity you are undertaking, or the equipment you are using.You a gree to not hold, nor at temptto hold the author, p ublisher ortheir agen ts liable for any loss,liability, c laim, d emand, d amage, or e xpense (inc luding le gal fees) whats oever in conn ection with thepurchase, use, misuse or inability to use this material. You also indemnify the author and publisher fromthe actions of others affected by your activities. This includes the cases where the author or publisher hasomitted information or included wrong information.In j urisdictions that exclude such limita tions of liability, lia bility is limited to the co nsideration paid byyou for the right to access these materials, and/or the greatest extent permitted by law.The author, although an employee of Accenture, has not drawn on, used or incorporated any materials orsources fro m h is emplo yment with Accen ture in the preparation and p ublication of th is b ook. Ac centureis not associated with or responsible for this book or its contents
Would you convict?: seventeen cases that challenged the law - PDF
Would you convict?: seventeen cases that challenged the law - PDF
نویسندگان: Paul H. Robinson خلاصه: A police trooper inspects a car during a routine traffic stop and finds a vast cache of weapons, complete with automatic rifles, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and black ski masks-a veritable bank robber's kit. Should the men in the car be charged? If so, with what? A son neglects to care for his elderly mother, whose emaciated form is discovered shortly before she dies a painful death. Is the son's neglect punishable, and if so how? A career con man writes one bad check too many and is sentenced to life in prison-for a check in the amount of $129.75. Is this just? A thief steals a backpack, only to find it contains a terrorist bomb. He alerts the police and saves lives, transforming himself from petty criminal to national hero. These are just a few of the many provocative cases that Paul Robinson presents and unravels in Would You Convict? Judging crimes and meting out punishment has long been an informal national pasttime. High-profile crimes or particularly brutal ones invariably prompt endless debate, in newspapers, on television, in coffee shops, and on front porches. Our very nature inclines us to be armchair judges, freely waving our metaphorical gavels and opining as to the innocence or guilt-and suitable punishment-of alleged criminals. Confronting this impulse, Paul Robinson here presents a series of unusual episodes that not only challenged the law, but that defy a facile or knee-jerk verdict. Narrating the facts in compelling, but detached detail, Robinson invites readers to sentence the transgressor (or not), before revealing the final outcome of the case. The cases described in Would You Convict? engage, shock, even repel. Without a doubt, they will challenge you and your belief system. And the way in which juries and judges have resolved them will almost certainly surprise you.
Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet - PDF
Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet - PDF
نویسندگان: Jack Norris, Virginia Messina خلاصه: Are you considering going vegan, but you're not sure how to start? Are you already committed to an animal-free diet, but are unclear about how to get proper nutrients? Vegan for Life is your comprehensive, go-to guide for optimal plant-based nutrition. Registered dietitians and long-time vegans Jack Norris and Virginia Messina debunk some of the most persistent myths about vegan nutrition and provide essential information about getting enough calcium and protein, finding the best supplements, and understanding the "real deal" about soy.Covering everything from a six-step transition plan to meeting calorie and nutrient needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Vegan for Life is the guide for aspiring and veteran vegans alike, complete with an easy-to-use food chart, tasty substitutions, sample menus, and expansive resources.
The Five-Year Party: How Colleges Have Given Up on Educating Your Child and What You Can Do About It - PDF
The Five-Year Party: How Colleges Have Given Up on Educating Your Child and What You Can Do About It - PDF
نویسندگان: Craig Brandon خلاصه: ForeWord Book of the Year Award winner "The Five-Year Party provides the most vivid portrait of college life since Tom Wolfe's 2004 novel, I Am Charlotte Simmons. The difference is that it isn't fiction. The alcohol-soaked, sex-saturated, drug-infested campuses that Mr. Brandon writes about are real. His book is a roadmap for parents on how to steer clear of the worst of them…. The Five-Year Party is a useful handbook for parents to pack when they take their teenager on a college tour, and its list of suggested questions is smart. My favorite: How many of the school's professors send their own children there?” —The Wall Street Journal “High costs and debt, insufficient instruction, dangerous campuses, and poor job prospects: for too many students, a five-year college party often turns into a lifelong nightmare. The Five-Year Party is packed with illuminating stories and details about this crisis situation, and helps readers to avoid the dangers and get the most for their money.” —Marc Scheer, author, No Sucker Left Behind: Avoiding the Great College Rip-Off "In one dismaying and maddening episode and circumstance after another, Craig Brandon's survey of college campuses sounds a vital warning for parents: 'The institutions and administrators you trust to foster and guide your children's formation are more interested in their pocketbooks than their intellects. Buyer beware!'" —Mark Bauerlein, author of The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future “After reading only a few pages of The Five-Year Party, I immediately started telling people about its important message. This crucial book exposes the consumer mentality now all too prevalent on college campuses, detailing how higher education has given students what they want at the expense of giving them what they need to compete in the global marketplace. Even better, the book tells parents and educators how this nefarious trend can be circumvented. Any parent who wants their college-bound teen to actually learn something for their heaps of tuition money should read this book.” —Jean M. Twenge, author of Generation Me and co-author of The Narcissism Epidemic "With broad, unforgiving strokes, Craig Brandon paints a dark picture of residential college life that will give every parent pause before sending a child off to any of his 'Party Schools.'" —Barrett Seaman, author of Binge: Campus Life in an Age of Disconnection and Excess Colleges look much the same as they did five or ten years ago, but a lot has changed behind the scenes. While some mixture of study and play has always been part of college life, an increasing number of schools have completely abandoned the idea that students need to learn or demonstrate that they've learned. Financial pressures have made college administrations increasingly reluctant to flunk anyone out, regardless of performance, although the average length of time to get a degree is now five years, and for many students it's six or more. Student evaluations of professors—often linked to promotion and tenure decisions—have made professors realize that applying tough standards, or any standards, only hurts their own career progress. For many professors, it's become easier and more rewarding to focus on giving entertaining lectures and to give everyone reasonably good grades. The worst of these schools are the "subprime" colleges, where performance standards and accountability have been completely abandoned. Students enjoy a five year party with minimal responsibilities while their parents pay the bills. These schools' investment decisions (first-class gyms and dining centers) are all geared to attracting students that want to have a good time, and their brochures all emphasize the fun aspects of the college experience—there are very few pictures of students actually studying or in class. And after graduation, former students are frequently unable to find work in their chosen fields, thanks to their school’s reputation with employers, and unable to afford the payments on sizable student loans. The subprime colleges, which "teach" a significant percentage of college students, are only the tip of the iceberg. All colleges, even the most elite, have moved in this direction to some extent. If you are a parent sending your child to college, "The Five-Year Party" will give you critical information you need about what is really happening at your child's college, and what you can do to ensure help your child gets a real education.

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