So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore - PDF
So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore - PDF
نویسندگان: Wayne Jacobsen, Dave Coleman خلاصه: This is one of the greatest books I have ever read. Many of the negative reviews reflects the very religious attitudes he speaks against. His book focuses on Love and many of the negative reviews talk about "theology", that's more then enough show where their hearts and minds are. As I am an avid bible researcher, an advanced student not only the bible, but the Talmud, and i have taken many Christian Theology courses and this book i back 100%. many are threatened by the book because it messes with the foundation of the very thing they get their power and spiritual stability from, "church", when we should get all we need from the cornerstone of faith, Yeshua/Jesus the messiah. I have been a victim of church abuse and in fact one ministry attempted to deny me of salvation because i dated a man they didn't approve of. this book has bought about a much need healing and closure to the many horrific abuses i have endured in numerous churches. the author is not insinuating that all church is bad and we shouldn't go, he is rather examining the characteristics that define the modern church that exist today against the guidelines laid out in the bible and when we look at what we have built against the divine instructions, we have failed greatly. we need to learn that its okay to not understand everything. Its so easy in our everyday life's and trials to say oh just "let go and let God" but when it comes to the bigger things, like ministry, purpose, church, and building a relationship with God, we resort to developing rituals and setting standards, essentially we resort to becoming religious instead of just living and letting God. It just goes to show that we are all still babies in Yeshua, we rather do it ourselves and in our own way and time rather then letting God have his way. I hope this book, despite the negative seeds attempting to be sown against it, grows . I Hope this book ignites a fire in Gods people to truly and sincerely walk with him, love him, and live without religious condemnation-Its not what you do but how you love ! that is the key to figuring out this struggle we call a relationship with God. Read the book it will change your life.
It's Not What You Sign, It's How You Sign It: Politeness in American Sign Language - PDF
It's Not What You Sign, It's How You Sign It: Politeness in American Sign Language - PDF
نویسندگان: Jack Hoza خلاصه: Written by Jack Hoza (Director of the Sign Language Interpretation Program at the University of New Hampshire, Manchester) It's Not What You Sign, It's How Your Sign It: Politeness In American Sign Language is an analysis of linguistic strategies employed by ASL signers as compared to English speakers, with regard to the social variables of specific contexts. Chapters contrast requests in ASL and English, rejections in ASL and English, the interconnection between fluency and politeness, and much more. A scholarly text ideal for intermediate to advanced linguistic students and scholars, It's Not What You Sign, It's How You Sign It is a welcome contribution to language and communication studies shelves.
Control and Scheduling Codesign: Flexible Resource Management in Real-Time Control Systems (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China) - PDF
Control and Scheduling Codesign: Flexible Resource Management in Real-Time Control Systems (Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China) - PDF
نویسندگان: Feng Xia, You-xian Sun خلاصه: Every job hunter needs an impressive CV that describes their educational and professional history. A well-prepared and individually tailored CV is invaluable and can greatly improve your chances of getting the job you want. "Preparing The Perfect CV" provides sample CVs for job seekers of different abilities applying for various types of work. It is therefore useful for every age and calibre, from school leavers to those wishing to return to work after a career break. Careers expert Rebecca Corfield analyses the content and presentation of a well-prepared CV, helping you to impress the employer and get an interview. Complete with new online CV templates to get readers started and a comprehensive checklist of dos and don'ts, "Preparing the Perfect CV" is an indispensible guide that every job seeker should have.
Beyond Positive Thinking: A No-Nonsense Formula for Getting the Results You Want - PDF
Beyond Positive Thinking: A No-Nonsense Formula for Getting the Results You Want - PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Anthony خلاصه: A common-sense approach to achieving success in one's life offers workable, step-by-step methods and positive visualization techniques to help readers personalize goals, trust creativity, transcend old beliefs and limitations, and transform positive thinking into positive action. Original published in 1988 Berkley Publishing under the title of ''The Advanced Formula For Total Success''. For 13 years it continued to sell under that title. In 2002 Berkley Publishing discontinued publishing ''The Advanced Formula For Total Success''. As soon as it went out of print, it became a collector's item with copies selling for up to $100 per copy on the Amazon.com used books marketplace. In 2003 Dr. Anthony decided to update the book and republish it under the original name of Beyond Positive Thinking with an introduction by Joe Vitale.
Futurecast: How Superpowers, Populations, and Globalization Will Change the Way You Live and Work - PDF
Futurecast: How Superpowers, Populations, and Globalization Will Change the Way You Live and Work - PDF
نویسندگان: Robert J. Shapiro خلاصه: What will life be like in America, Europe, Japan or China in the year 2020?В As everyone’s lives across the world are become increasingly interconnected by globalization and new technologies quicken the pace of everything, the answer to that question depends on the fate and paths of the world’s major nations. В In Futurecast, Robert Shapiro, former U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce and Chairman/Co-founder of Sonecon, looks into the future to tell us what our world will over the next dozen years.В Though that time span seems brief, Shapiro foresees monumental changes caused by three historic new forces—globalization, the aging of societies, and the rise of America as a sole superpower with no near peer— will determine the paths of nations and the lives of countless millions. What jobs will there be for you and your children?В What will happen to your health care? How safe will you be at home or abroad?В Answers to these questions will depend, even more than today, on where you live in the world: • Even as China expands its military and its economy, America will be the world’s sole superpower for at least the next generation, and continue to lead efforts to preserve global security and stability. • The U.S. and China will be the world’s two indispensable economies, dominating the course of globalization. • Globalization will continue to shift most heavy manufacturing and millions of high-end service jobs from advanced countries like the US, to China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Romania, Turkey and other developing nations. • Europe’s major nations and Japan will face the prospect of genuine economic decline and critical problems in their retirement pension systems, moving further towards the periphery of global economic and geopolitical power. • Every major country—the U.S., Europe, Japan, China—will face critical problems with their health care systems, and the entire world will face a crisis over energy and climate change.В В If one adds the wildcard of possible, catastrophic terrorist attacks to this mix, the period between now and 2020 will be as challenging as any in modern times. Taking these deep global developments into account when planning for the future isa necessity.В Robert Shapiro’s clear-eyed Futurecast is the knowledge portfolio you need to prepare for the years to come.
Options and Options Trading : A Simplified Course That Takes You from Coin Tosses to Black-Scholes - PDF
Options and Options Trading : A Simplified Course That Takes You from Coin Tosses to Black-Scholes - PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Ward خلاصه: This is a must have for all serious traders. Robert Ward does a masterful job of explaining probability and statistics, the foundation for option pricing and delves deep into market psychology, hedging, and numerous advanced topics. To truly get the most of this book read it slowly and learn all it has to offer. This is, by far, the best book I have ever purchased on Options trading. It is full of wisdom, explanations, examples, diagrams, and quizes (with answers at the back of the book) to assure you truly master the language, mathematics and psychology of options trading.
The Investopedia Guide to Wall Speak: The Terms You Need to Know to Talk Like Cramer, Think Like Soros, and Buy Like Buffett - Original PDF
The Investopedia Guide to Wall Speak: The Terms You Need to Know to Talk Like Cramer, Think Like Soros, and Buy Like Buffett - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jack Guinan خلاصه: Have you ever used a stochastic oscillator ? Does your portfolio have spiders in it? Do you really know what a derivative is? From the creators of one of today’s most popular investing Web sites, The Investopedia Guide to Wall Speak presents in-depth definitions of the site’s most searched terms. Covering everything from the basics, such as asset , commodity , and index , to more advanced concepts like tranche , ebenture , and value investing , The Investopedia Guide to Wall Speak takes you beyond the average dictionary definition with concise yet thorough encyclopedic explanations of terms and concepts. It also has about 50 hilarious cartoons—proving that the investing world does have its lighter side. Keep The Investopedia Guide to Wall Speak on hand for those key moments that can make or break an investment, like knowing when to straddle an option . . . and when to strangle it.
French They Never Taught You - Original PDF
French They Never Taught You - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Paul Socken, Jose Biname خلاصه: This little textbook explains some tricky French terminology and vocabulary distinctions for English speakers with an advanced knowledge of French. I found it helpful.
The Least You Should Know about English - PDF
The Least You Should Know about English - PDF
نویسندگان: Glazier, Wilson,Wagner خلاصه: Quickly master English writing skills with THE LEAST YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ENGLISH: WRITING SKILLS, FORM A, Eleventh Edition. Brief and uncomplicated, this text has helped students learn the basics of English writing for over thirty years with its clear, concise concept explanations and useful, relevant corresponding exercises. Topics include spelling, word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, paragraph and essay writing--as well as more advanced skills such as argumentation and quotation. Check your work easily with exercise answers located in the back of the book, making it an excellent writing resource even after the course has ended.
A Peek at Computer Electronics - PDF
A Peek at Computer Electronics - PDF
نویسندگان: Caleb Tennis خلاصه: Are you a programmer or computer enthusiast? Do you feel comfortable with methods, functions, and variables? Do you wish you knew more about how the computer made it all work? Now you can. From basic electronics to advanced computer hardware, you’ll learn the magic behind the gear that makes it all run. If you’re into tinkering, or ever thought about it, this book explains the basics of how it all works A lot of people are into making their own technology these days, from 3D printers to home-made robots, Digital Video Records (DVRs), Media Centers, and more. But it you’re a computer programmer you might not know the ins and outs of the hardware side of these projects. Caleb Tennis explains it all. From a quick look at basic physics (including fun with magnets) to electronic circuits, power supplies, and networking, you’ll see how it all works—and how to make it work for you. * Crash course for software developers * Covers physics, electronics, and modern computer hardware. * All the basics the modern Maker needs

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