The Iron Oxides Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurences and Uses - Original PDF
The Iron Oxides Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurences and Uses - Original PDF
نویسندگان: R. M. Cornell, U. Schwertmann خلاصه: Preface to the Second Edition Since this book first appeared, there have been hundreds of new publications on the subject of iron oxides. These have covered a wide range of disciplines including sur- face chemistry, the geosciences, mineralogy, environmental science and various branches of technology. In view of the amount of new material that is available, we decided, that once the copies of the first edition were exhausted, we would prepare a second edition that would incorporate the new developments. As before, our aim has been to bring all aspects of the information concerning iron oxides into a single, compact volume. All the chapters have been revised and up- dated and new figures and tables added. The book is structured according to topic with the same arrangement as in the first edition being followed. In view of the re- cent recognition of the impact iron oxides have on environmental processes, a chap- ter dealing with the environmental aspects of these compounds has been added. The book concludes with a considerably expanded bibliography. We hope that this new edition will continue to be of interest to all those research- ers who, in one way or another, are involved with iron oxides. Numerous persons and institutions from around the world again supplied data, figures, colour pictures and electron micrographs and technical help. These include Dr. H. Chr. Bartscherer (Mçnchen), Mr M. Burlot (Apt), Dr. R. Båumler and Dr. Be- cher (Freising), Mr H. Breuning (Stuttgart), Dr. J. M. Bigham (Columbus, USA), Dr. G. Buxbaum (Bayer), Dr. L. Carlson (Helsinki), Dr. R. A. Eggleton (Canberra), Dr. F. G. Ferris (Toronto), Dr. R. W. Fitzpatrick (Adelaide), Dr. D. Fortin (Ottawa), Dr. M. R. Fontes (Guatemala), Professor R. Giovanoli (Bern), Dr. G. Glasauer (Guelph), Dr. M. Hanslick (Mçnchen), Dr. P. Jaesche (Freising), Dr. A. A. Jones (Reading), Dr. R. C. Jones (Honolulu), Dr. D. E. Janney (Tempe), Dr. R. Loeppert (College Station), Professor S. Mann (Bristol), Dr. E. Murad (Marktredwitz), Dr. H. Maeda (Tsukuba), Professor A. Manceau (Grenoble), Professor E. Matijevic (Potsdam, USA), Mrs U. Maul (Freising), Dr. J. P. Muller (Paris), Muse National de Prhistoire (Les Eyzies, France), Mr R. Miehler (Mçnchen), Dr. T. Nagano (Naka), Dr. H. Naono (Uegahara), NASA (Houston), Professor A. Posner { (Perth), Mrs M. Sauvet (Apt), Dr. N. Sabil (Mçnchen), Dr. P. Schad (Freising), Dr. A. Schei- degger (Zçrich), Dr. T. Schwarz (Berlin), Dr. A. Scheinost (Zçrich), Dr. D. Schçler (Bremen), D. Schwertmann (Freising), Professor H. Stanjek (Aachen), Dr. P. Self (Adelaide), Professor T. Sugimoto (Sendai), Dr. K. Tazaki (Ishikawa), Dr. T. Tessie
Understanding Economic Transitions - Original PDF
Understanding Economic Transitions - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Berhanu Abegaz خلاصه: Around 1990, about a quarter of the world’s population lived in middle-income socialist economies and another quarter in high-income and middle-income cap- italist economies. The remainder lived in low-income economies with varying admixtures of planning, markets, and informal exchange institutions. Forty years later, the remaining outposts of socialism are Cuba and North Korea, while a few others (mainly in the former states of the Soviet Union) wallow in the no man’s land of neither functional capitalism nor socialism. The USSR sustained seven decades of statist socialism between 1922 and 1992, Central Eastern Europe (CE) and Southeastern Europe (SEE) for nearly five decades, and China for a little over three decades. By 2000, nearly all have systemically “transitioned” from a centrally-planned economy to some form of a decentrally organized market economy. How and why large parts of Europe, Eurasia, and East Asia transitioned out of the capitalist system in 1917–1952, how they managed to industrialize in non-market settings, and how and why they came back to the capitalist fold are questions comparative economic systems seek to address. Furthermore, this wrenching structural change entailed a concomitant political transition from a monoparty system to an illiberal multiparty system in formerly socialist Europe and the former Soviet Union (FSU). Comparative Economic Systems (CES) focuses on the workings of institu- tional economic mechanisms across economic systems and income levels. CES, at the macro-, meso-, and micro-levels, dwells on the two foundations of an economic system: ownership types for productive assets (state vs. private) and the degree of centralization of decision-making over resource allocation and income distribu- tion (plan vs. market). The conceptual entry points are incentives (known rewards or residual legatee rights) and the sources of discipline (bureaucratic-based or market-based competition). More broadly, Comparative Economics (CE), which is broader than CES, melds the study of economic systems with historical insti- tutionalism and development economics to explore the determinants of prosperity and inequality properties over time and across economic space within a given economic system
The Pearl of the East The Economic Impact of the Colonial Railways in the Age of High Imperialism in Southeast Asia - Original PDF
The Pearl of the East The Economic Impact of the Colonial Railways in the Age of High Imperialism in Southeast Asia - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Dídac Cubeiro Rodríguez خلاصه: During the last decades of the nineteenth century until the 1930s, economic growth in Southeast Asia (we understand Southeast Asia at the end of the nineteenth century: Burma, British colony, Thailand or inde- pendent Siam, Malaysia British colony, Indonesia or Dutch East Indies, Dutch colonies, Indochina, French colonies and the Philippines, Spanish colonies until the end of the century, and from 1898 onwards, American colonies until independence) was a common fact among the economies of the region, despite finding differences in the growth patterns of different countries. Particularly relevant are the studies of Maddison, who analyze Indochina and the Dutch East Indies (Maddison 1990, p. 364). In the case of the Philippines, the most relevant growth model studies are provided by Hooley, with an attempt to explain the growth of the Philip- pines (Hooley 2005, pp. 464–488) and Booth, who emphasizes the analysis of the impact of the provision of new land for the plantation economy in the Philippine archipelago (Booth 2007, pp. 241–266). It should also be noted that these models often work with partially estimated data for dates for which there are no historical references, particularly when data from more remote areas must be covered. In the case of the Philippines, we have worked with data from engineering and execution projects for the Spanish period, and census data for the North American period
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures, & Applications - PDF
نویسندگان: C.R. Snyder خلاصه: This Handbook of Hope simply would not have happened without a small army of graduate students who, over the past decade, have come into my office one by one and suggested yetanother angle from which we could view hope. In that sense, what has come to be called hope theory has been like a gemstone that, when held to the light, sends shimmers of ideas about yet other possible implications or experiments. I have produced previous theories about reactions to personal feedback, uniqueness seeking, excuse making, and reality negotiation, hue none of chose have continued co produce the sufficiently intriguing questions to get me revved up for yet another experiment. Hope theory has been a great energizer at a time in my life when I have needed it. For the past seven years I have had a severe, unrelenting, and undiagnosed chest pain that is with me from my fim waking moments to the time th.at I slip off into sleep. Although I have been taking powerful pain killers, I think that none of those pills matches the positive effects of my getting lost in theory and research and work- ing with my students. At age 55 (by the time this book is published), I still enjoy the theory and bench science to the same degree that I did as a brand new 27-year- old assistant professor here at Kansas. And so, I have much for which to be th:.ink- ful.
Global Challenges of Climate Change, Vol.2 Risk Assessment, Political and Social Dimension of the Green Energy Transition - Original PDF
Global Challenges of Climate Change, Vol.2 Risk Assessment, Political and Social Dimension of the Green Energy Transition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tessaleno Campos Devezas • João Carlos Correia Leitão • Yuri Yegorov • Dmitry Chistilin خلاصه: Nowadays we observe the rise of average global temperature. There are many initiatives to combat this process, including Kyoto Protocol and Paris agreement. The general remedy against this process is decarbonization and use of renewable energy. At the moment, above 80% of used energy is produced from fossil fuels, but there are plans to cut down this share significantly in the next decades, not only in EU, but also across the globe. When we want to argue about the consequences of this process for FSU countries (now EAEU), we need to take into account both heterogeneity of physical climate change across the globe and the risks linked to international trade. The major territory of EAEU countries is occupied by Russian Federation, and its risks will be assessed separately. The next group is Central Asian countries, which is compact geographically comparing to Russia. First, we need to study the predicted risks for those countries caused by global warming. There are several processes associated with it: (a) change of average temperature and climate, (b) transition to renewable energies as a way to combat the process.
New Challenges for Macroeconomic Policies Economic Growth, Sustainable Development, Fiscal and Monetary Policies - Original PDF
New Challenges for Macroeconomic Policies Economic Growth, Sustainable Development, Fiscal and Monetary Policies - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gilles Dufrénot خلاصه: P REFACE Macroeconomists’ efforts to investigate a series of new phenomena have been considerable over the past decade. Theories and methods hitherto considered to be the backbone of reasoning are gradually being called into question, because they do not provide answers to new puzzles. Why don’t current Phillips curves take into account financial inflation, that is, changes in the financial asset prices? Why should a central bank worry about controlling the real sector inflation when it is low? How should governments behave to reduce income and wealth inequalities? Why do macroeconomists continue to consider climate changes and countries’ health situation as exogenous to economies? Has industrial capitalism come of age? Why have natural interest rates been falling for at least two decades? What about helicopter money? Is it not an appropriate way to settle public debts? Isn’t it dangerous for governments to continue accumulating debt as they do today? Who will repay the debt? Are we going to reduce public debts as we did after the Second World War by using financial repression policies?
The Economics of Optimal Growth Pathways Evaluating the Health of the Planet’s Natural and Ecological Resources - Original PDF
The Economics of Optimal Growth Pathways Evaluating the Health of the Planet’s Natural and Ecological Resources - Original PDF
نویسندگان: S. Niggol Seo خلاصه: If you are a natural resource manager of, say, four acres of cropland or two hectares of forest stand, how would you manage it over your planning time horizon? This is the first and most fundamental question you have to answer in your brain before you get your hands and feet down and dirty. Any reasonable answer would encompass many future time periods, that is, beyond the single present time period, as well as a possibility of convert- ing it to another land use at one future period or even selling it (Ricardo 1817; von Thunen 1826; Faustmann 1849). The economics of optimal growth pathways, the book in your hands or on your kindle presently, is written to provide a rational answer to this question faced by the respective natural resource manager. The scope of this book is, however, far greater than cropland farming or forest manage- ment. This book starts with “four acres” of cropland in Chap. 2, continues to the nation’s economy from Chap. 8 onwards, and ends big with the planet’s atmosphere and the global economy from Chap. 11. The purview of this book falls on the planet’s resources and the economic systems built upon it.
Destructive Coordination, Anfal and Islamic Political Capitalism A New Reading of Contemporary Iran - Original PDF
Destructive Coordination, Anfal and Islamic Political Capitalism A New Reading of Contemporary Iran - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mehrdad Vahabi خلاصه: xi The term Anfal in the title of this book is not familiar for the general readership and its meaning cannot be easily understood by referring to English dictionaries. What is Anfal? If you launch an internet search on Anfal, you will encounter two main strands of literature. The first one relates to the Kurdish genocide by Saddam’s regime in the late eighties, and the second is about the eight Surah (chapter) of the Koran known as ‘Al-Anfal’. As Kurdistan regional government has aptly underlined, in Kurdish society, the word Anfal has come to represent the entire genocide over decades. Anfal was the term used by Saddam Hossein to describe a series of eight military campaigns conducted by the Iraqi government against rural Kurdish communities in Iraq, which lasted from February 23 to September 6, 1988.1 The campaign took its name from Surah al-Anfal in the Koran. Al-Anfal literally means the spoils of war (bounties) and was used to describe the military campaign of extermination and looting commanded by Ali Hassan al-Majid, the cousin of Saddam Hossein. As President of Iraq, Saddam Hossein frequently used religious language when describing the actions of his Ba’athist regime (see Johns, 2006), portraying Arabs as true defenders of Islam and Kurds as infidels.2 
International Labour Mobility How Remittances Shape the Labour Migration Model - Original PDF
International Labour Mobility How Remittances Shape the Labour Migration Model - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Valentina Vasile • Elena Bunduchi Daniel Stefan • Calin-Adrian Comes خلاصه: Migration has become a large-scale phenomenon, which affects all states of the world, regardless of their geographical area or level of economic development, and the ever-increasing number of international migrants has exceeded the growth rate of the world’s population. Therefore, under- standing the role and impact of migration in countries of origin and desti- nation is an important step in ensuring sustainable economic development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a result of the increasing attention paid to migration, we consider it very topical to study the impact of the phenomenon on all the countries involved, both those of origin and destination
Living Better Together Social Relations and Economic Governance in the Work of Ostrom and Zelize - PDF
Living Better Together Social Relations and Economic Governance in the Work of Ostrom and Zelize - PDF
نویسندگان: Stefanie Haeffele · Virgil Henry Storr خلاصه: olitical economy is a robust field of study that examines the economic and political institutions that shape our interactions with one another. Likewise, social economy focuses on the social interactions, networks, and communities that embody our daily lives. Together, these fields of study seek to understand the historical and contemporary world around us by examining market, political, and social institutions. Through these sectors of life, people come together to exchange goods and services, solve collective problems, and build communities to live better together. Scholarship in this tradition is alive and thriving today. By using the lens of political and social economy, books in this series will examine complex social problems, the institutions that attempt to solve these prob- lems, and the consequences of action within such institutions. Further, this approach lends itself to a variety of methods, including fieldwork, case studies, and experimental economics. Such analysis allows for deeper understanding of social phenomena, detailing the context, incentives, and interactions that shape our lives. This series provides a much-needed space for interdisciplinary research on contemporary topics on political and social economy. In much of academia today, scholars are encouraged to work independently and within the strict boundaries of their disciplines. However, the pursuit of understanding our society requires social scien- tists to collaborate across disciplines, using multiple methods. This series provides such an opportunity for scholars interested in breaking down the boundaries of disciplines in order to better understand the world around us

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