Punishment and Democracy: Three Strikes and You're Out in California (Studies in Crime and Public Policy X) - PDF
Punishment and Democracy: Three Strikes and You're Out in California (Studies in Crime and Public Policy X) - PDF
نویسندگان: Franklin E. Zimring, Gordon Hawkins, Sam Kamin خلاصه: The “Three strikes and you’re out” legislation adopted in Californiain 1994, was, at the same time, typical of recent American penalpolicy and decidedly unique. It is typical because of its orientation(long and mandatory terms of imprisonment), its devotion to sym-bolic gestures and slogans, and its willingness to displace discretionwith binding general commitments to particular punishments. TheCalifornia version was only 1 of 26 laws with that label passed in athree-year period during the 1990s, and the Three Strikes approachwas only 1 of many punitive reforms of the 1990s.What sets California’s law apart from the other Three Strikes lawsand every other penal law innovation of recent times is the extremityof its terms and the revolutionary nature of its ambitions. This statutewas drafted by outsiders to have the maximum possible impact oncriminal punishments. Whereas most penal laws are designed todeliver less drastic changes than they advertise—to bark louder thanthey bite—the California statute was designed to operate even morebroadly than its specialized title would suggest. It was a law de-signed to bite louder than it barked.The origin and impact of this legislation would have been an im-portant subject no matter which state had adopted it, but the settingfor the new law provided an even more compelling case for a majorstudy. The state of California is one of the largest criminal justice sys-tems in the free world. Its prisons and jails held almost a quarter of amillion inmates before the new law took effect. The California prisonsystem had grown more than fivefold in the 14 years prior to ThreeStrikes and already was larger than any prison system in the Westernworld. This was not only an extreme experiment but also one imple-mented in a very large and greatly expanded system.
Typosphere: New Fonts to Make You Think - PDF
Typosphere: New Fonts to Make You Think - PDF
نویسندگان: Marta Serrats, Pilar Cano خلاصه: Intheearlyl990s,ahugenumberofgraphicdesignerslaunchedthemselvesintocreatingtypefaces.BoththetechnologicalrevolutionthatprecededtheappearanceofthefirstMacintoshcomputer,in1984,andthedevelopmentofrelativelyuser-friendlytypeface-productionsoftwareencouragedmanydesignerstoenterafieldthatwaspreviouslylimitedtohighlyexperiencedprofessionals.Theappearanceofthecomputerbroughtwithitagreatersenseoffreedom,anditallowedthegraphicdesignworldingeneraltoexploretheapparentlynonexistentlimitsofthisnewtechnology.Largenumbersofcreatorsgeneratedmassesofbizarrepieces,mostlyofanexperimentalnature,andthefreneticrhythmofproductioninevitablyaffectedtheirquality,bothingraphicandtypefacedesign.However,fromthistechnologicalrevolution,likeallrevolutions,arosearelativelyshortperiodofenergetic,large-scaleproduction,whichcametoanendasquicklyasithadstarted.Bytheendofthe1990stheworldofgraphicdesignhadsettleddown.Thoseexperimentingwithtypedesignreturnedtographics;somewentontoWebdesign,thenextrevolution,andtypefacedesignersruledtheroostonceagain.Thisreturntospecializationisdueinparttotheappearanceofmorecomplextypeface-productionsoftware,whichrequiredtech-nicalsophistication.Unicode,forexample,isanencodingsystemwhichcanidentifytheglyphsthateachtypefacecontains.Itlocatesaspecificglyphinatypeface'sdatabase,whenthattypefaceisused.OpenType,aprojectstartedin1995anddevelopedbybothMicrosoftandAdobe,actuallyproducedanewtypefaceformat,which,inreality,isahybridofexistingformatsandnewextensions.OpenTypeisaversatileformat,compatiblewithbothplatforms—MacandPC—whichalsoallowsthedevelopmentoflargecharactersets.Asinglefontmaycontainupto65,000glyphscomparedtoaprevious256.Thisfeaturefavorsthedevelopmentoftypefacesthatcontainvariouswritingsystemswithinasinglefont.Italsoallowsthepro-ductionofcomplexwritingsystems,suchasJapanese,whichusestwosyllabicalphabets,hiraganaandkatakana;oneideographic,kanji;and,inrecentyears,theso-calledromaji,orLatinalphabet.OpenTypealsoallowsuserstoaddotherfeatures,suchassmallcapitals,alternativecharacters,ligatures,OldStylefiguresandothers—attributesthatpreviouslyhadtobeseparatedintodiffer-ent"expert"fonts,whichwereaimedatprofessionalgraphicdesigners.Inshort,thesenewtechnologieshaveonceagainlimitedtypefacedesigntoprofessionalswithanin-depthknowledgeofboththenewtoolsandthetraditionaltechniques.Soanyonecreatingnewfontsthesedaysisdoingmuchmorethanmerelycreatingattractiveshapes.InthewordsofPaulRenner:"Heedthisprofessionals:Typefacedesignistechnology,anditisart."
Drug Transporters: Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition (Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development) - PDF
Drug Transporters: Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition (Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development) - PDF
نویسندگان: Guofeng, Ed. You خلاصه: Transporters are membrane proteins that span cellular membranes and are the gate-keepers for all cells and organelles, controlling the intake and efflux of crucial en-dogenous substrates such as sugars, amino acids, nucleotides, and inorganic ions.The specificity of many transporters is not, however, limited to their physiologicalsubstrates, and for some, their physiological substrates remain undiscovered. Xeno-biotics (i.e., drugs, dietary and environmental compounds) have the potential to berecognized by transporters, which crucially influence the absorption, distribution, andelimination of drugs in the body.Due to their hydrophobic nature and relatively low abundance, the molecular iden-tification of transporters had been a difficult task until the development of the expres-sion cloning technique for transporters in the early 1990s. This powerful approach,combined with recent genome analysis, has facilitated the identification and charac-terization of numerous transporters that are important in drug disposition.
You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business - PDF
You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business - PDF
نویسندگان: Barry Moltz خلاصه: Advice about starting a business never sounded like this! Beginning with "you must be crazy," serial entrepreneur and angel investor Barry Moltz offers the true insider’s scoop on new business start-ups. With doses of irreverence and humor, the return-to-basics guide focuses on what comes before the bottom line. Addressing passion-the ultimate entrepreneurial fuel-relationships, failure, and authenticity, Moltz incorporates stories from his entrepreneurial colleagues and shows what it takes to integrate personal and professional life to achieve the highest satisfaction. Moltz describes the ups and downs and emotional trials of running a start-up business and invites readers to let go of the myths and expectations that can hamstring them emotionally while getting their businesses up and running. In a helpful, heartfelt, and often humorous way, Moltz reassures entrepreneurs that they are not alone-whatever their form of craziness-and that they can retain self-worth and sanity as they ride the start-up roller coaster. Showcasing the varieties of new venture craziness, entrepreneurs at all ages and stages in their business-building processes will realize they too can succeed. Jolts of passionate entrepreneurial wisdom energize these anecdotes, with such ideas as: • People-not capital-are the true currency. • Passion keeps everything going. • Relationships and authenticity are the drivers in this business climate. • There is no perfect idea and no magic bullet. • Don‘t expect your path to be a straight line. Incorporating lessons from the boom and bust 1990s, the realignment of business and personal values in the wake of terrorism, and proven ways to nurture the human dimension in business, these are voices to help all business owners find and trust their own entrepreneurial passions. After all, says the author, "The worst they can do is eat you!"
Right on, You Got the Elbow Out!: Wartime Memories of the Rcaf - PDF
Right on, You Got the Elbow Out!: Wartime Memories of the Rcaf - PDF
نویسندگان: Ernest F Monnon خلاصه: During World War II, thousands of Canadians left our country to fight for our Allies. Where they went and what they did has always been a question for some. Perhaps this book will give some answers. It deals with the experiences of an ordinary airman, a radio telephone operator, one of the many "ordinary people" who served their country in time of war. Ernest Monnon was a keen amateur photographer, who used to exchange his cigarettes for film and developing, and many of the pictures in the book are his.
Commercial Mortgages 101: Everything You Need to Know to Create a Winning Loan Request Package - PDF
Commercial Mortgages 101: Everything You Need to Know to Create a Winning Loan Request Package - PDF
نویسندگان: Michael Reinhard خلاصه: With real estate prices at their lowest in years and the economy poised for a rebound, it’s an opportune time to invest in commercial real estate. But credit and financing issues can still pose challenges that prospective borrowers must overcome in order to get the money and mortgage terms they need. Commercial Mortgages 101 is a step-by-step guide for both real estate investors and mortgage brokers, offering insight, practical tools and a thorough overview of commercial mortgage underwriting and credit analysis. Readers will learn how to: Think and speak like a commercial real estate lender • Quickly size and under write a basic commercial real estate loan • Prepare a personal cash flow statement and calculate true net worth and liquidity • Read and interpret a lender’s preliminary loan proposal • Create a Schedule of Real Estate Owned • Prepare a persuasive and professional loan request package • Choose the right form of ownership (including LP, LLC, Co-tenancy and others) • And more Both thorough and timely, Commercial Mortgages 101 reveals what readers need to ensure their loans are approved.
Your Pocket is What Cures You: The Politics of Health in Senegal - PDF
Your Pocket is What Cures You: The Politics of Health in Senegal - PDF
نویسندگان: Ellen E. Foley خلاصه: In the wake of structural adjustment programs in the 1980s and health reforms in the 1990s, the majority of sub-Saharan African governments spend less than ten dollars per capita on health annually, and many Africans have limited access to basic medical care. Using a community-level approach, anthropologist Ellen E. Foley analyzes the implementation of global health policies and how they become intertwined with existing social and political inequalities in Senegal. Your Pocket Is What Cures You examines qualitative shifts in health and healing spurred by these reforms, and analyzes the dilemmas they create for health professionals and patients alike. It also explores how cultural frameworks, particularly those stemming from Islam and Wolof ethnomedicine, are central to understanding how people manage vulnerability to ill health.While offering a critique of neoliberal health policies, Your Pocket Is What Cures You remains grounded in ethnography to highlight the struggles of men and women who are precariously balanced on twin precipices of crumbling health systems and economic decline. Their stories demonstrate what happens when market-based health reforms collide with material, political, and social realities in African societies.
English Language Learners (Issues That Concern You) - Original PDF
English Language Learners (Issues That Concern You) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Tamara Roleff خلاصه: In Los Angeles, Chinatown is not just a tourist destinationfilled with Chinese restaurants, tailors, and specialty shops.Chinatown has spread east into the suburbs as Asian immi-grants have bought into the American dream of large homes,large yards, expensive cars, and owning their own businesses.Yet many of these immigrants feel as if they have never leftAsia. The populations of some suburbs in the valley east of LosAngeles have doubled since the early 1990s, and nearly two-thirds of the residents are Asian. Office and industrial parks areidentified by signs in Chinese. Some schools report that closeto 60 percent of their students are Asian. Mandarin is morelikely to be heard than English in retail stores. Hearing Manda-rin everywhere instead of English presents an unlikely problemfor some adult immigrants: They have no one with whom theycan practice speaking English.The same is true for immigrants from Mexico. Studies showthat Mexican immigrants tend to concentrate in specific areas,stop attending school earlier, and speak less English than otherimmigrants, although these rates do improve with subsequentgenerations. And now that Mexican immigrants are starting tosettle beyond their traditional gateway homes of California,Texas, Florida, and Illinois, spreading into mainstream America,more Americans are becoming uncomfortably aware of Mexicanimmigrants and their insular communities.Some Americans complain that although they are in theUnited States, it does not feel like it when they enter these im-migrant enclaves. Many, if not most, of the signs are in a foreignlanguage, as are most conversations. But these complaints havebeen heard since the first mass migrations to the United Statesin the first half of the nineteenth century. The Irish clusteredtogether in Boston, Italians in New York, Germans and Scandi-navians in the Midwest.
You Can Cope with Peripheral Neuropathy: 365 Tips for Living a Full Life - Original PDF
You Can Cope with Peripheral Neuropathy: 365 Tips for Living a Full Life - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mims Cushing, Norman Latov خلاصه: When I was in school, back in the 1950s, from third grade throughtwelfth, everyone was required to take athletics, Monday throughFriday. How I loved getting out of sports. Mother wouldn’t give me a“Sports Excuse” very often, so I had to run in field hockey, lacrosse, basket-ball. In winter, we had the dreaded running races in the gym. But I did like towalk. My Mom and I went into New York City from Larchmont on weekendsand traipsed up and down Madison or Fifth Avenues at a breakneck pace. Ididn’t have neuropathy. Yet.Feet to Brain: Are You There?When we moved to Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, in 1991, I enjoyed walking toLakeside, a community near mine; however, in 1996, people passed me byand soon were far ahead. My 30-minute walk took 40 minutes. Friendswanted me to go faster, but my feet didn’t like the idea. My legs were losingstrength, a common problem with neuropathy. My feet were tingling, burn-ing, and numb—especially at night. I felt stabbing, shooting pains. Ding.Ding. Ding. Bells and whistles should have sounded an alarm, but they did-n’t. In the 1990s, few people knew about peripheral neuropathy, myselfincluded. A huge number still haven’t a clue about it, even though 20 millionpeople in the United States have peripheral neuropathy. And the numbersare growing.In 1996, I went to an internist because the symptoms made me crabby. Shesaid, “You may have peripheral neuropathy. See a neurologist.” Her quick diag-nosis was unusual. Not so long ago, some patients weren’t diagnosed for along time. Thirty-four years is the longest I’ve heard of.
What to Say When you Talk To Yourself - Original PDF
What to Say When you Talk To Yourself - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Shad Helmstetter خلاصه: You are everything that is, your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true. . You are everything you choose to be. You are as unlimited as the endless universe. LIFE,FOR MOST of US,should be pretty good. We have all heard what life is supposed to offer: endless opportunities, the fulfillment of our dreams, and a chance to live each day in a way that brings happiness and success. Most of us want and need at least a successful job or career, a good family life, and reasonable financial security. We expect that from life. We know deep inside that we deserve our fair share and we have every right to attain it. Have you ever wondered, then, why things don't work out the way they should? Why do we not get from life many of the things we would like to have- and know we should? Why do some people seem to be "lucky," while the great majority of the rest of us seem not to be?

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