Intercultural Communication: An advanced resource book for students (4th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
Intercultural Communication: An advanced resource book for students (4th Edition) - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Adrian Holliday خلاصه: Intercultural Communication: An advanced resource book for students (Routledge Applied Linguistics) 4th Edition by Adrian Holliday (Author), Martin Hyde (Author), John Kullman
The Least You Should Know about English: Writing Skills, Form A (10th edition) - PDF
The Least You Should Know about English: Writing Skills, Form A (10th edition) - PDF
نویسندگان: Paige Wilson, Teresa Ferster Glazier خلاصه: Quickly master English writing skills with THE LEAST YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ENGLISH: WRITING SKILLS, FORM A, Tenth Edition. Brief and uncomplicated, this text has helped students learn the basics of English writing for thirty years with its clear, concise concept explanations and useful, relevant corresponding exercises. Topics include spelling, word choice, sentence structure, and punctuation, as well as more advanced topics, such as the writing process, argumentation, and summarizing skills. Check your work easily with exercise answers located in the back of the book, making it an excellent writing resource even after the course has ended.
Advanced Personal Training Science to Practice by Paul Hough, Brad - Original PDF
Advanced Personal Training Science to Practice by Paul Hough, Brad - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Paul Hough, Brad خلاصه: Effective fitness instruction and training programme design require an exercise specialist trainer to combine professional experience with strategies underpinned by scientific evidence. This book allows readers to develop their understanding of the scientific rationale behind important components of personal training, such as monitoring fitness and training programme design. Each chapter synthesizes the findings of cutting-edge scientific research to identify optimum training methods and dispel some myths that are prevalent in the fitness industry.
More How Your Horse Wants You to Ride: Advanced Basics, The Fun Begins (Howell Equestrian Library) - PDF
More How Your Horse Wants You to Ride: Advanced Basics, The Fun Begins (Howell Equestrian Library) - PDF
نویسندگان: Gincy Self Bucklin خلاصه: Techniques to help riders fine-tune their communication and riding skills This follow-up to How Your Horse Wants You to Ride helps intermediate to advanced riders improve their communication with their mounts and polish their overall riding skills. Readers get a complete tutorial–much of which can be found nowhere else–on taking their riding skills to the next level.
Silicon Carbide Ceramics Structure, Properties, and Manufacturing A volume in Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials - Orginal Pdf
Silicon Carbide Ceramics Structure, Properties, and Manufacturing A volume in Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials - Orginal Pdf
نویسندگان: Andrew J. Ruys خلاصه: Silicon Carbide Ceramics Structure, Properties, and Manufacturing A volume in Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials Book • 2023 Andrew J. Ruys
100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families : What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It (100 Simple Secrets Series) - PDF
100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families : What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It (100 Simple Secrets Series) - PDF
نویسندگان: David Niven خلاصه: Steve Burkett likes to talk about families—his family, your family,families in general. “Just think for a minute about the kinds ofmessages we receive every day,” says Steve, a retired sociologist, aparent, and a grandparent. “We read that people are workinglonger hours to avoid being with their families. We hear thatdivorce rates have hit a record high. Extended families don’t existand elderly family members in need are cast aside. Meanwhile,children are out of control, doing things that boggle the imagina-tion. It’s in the newspapers, the TV news, the shows and movies wewatch, the songs we listen to. We have a family-averse popular cul-ture, and we’re in danger of having a family-averse culture.“We wouldn’t be here without families. We literally would not behere. And yet the message out there is ‘run and hide.’ It’s like anall-encompassing public health warning—except it’s about the illsof marriage, of sibling relationships, of dealing with parents, ofdealing with children. I just saw a study with experts referring topeople in their early twenties as being in an extended adolescence,while they are now calling adolescence an extension of toddleryears, which is like saying the twenties are an extension of the ter-rible twos.“A family structure is as old as recorded time,” adds Steve, “andyet here we are, theoretically advanced in so many ways, and wehear about family life as if it’s some kind of extreme, dangerousxisport like cliff diving. And the worst of it is, for far too many peoplethat’s true. Too many people feel their family life is out of controlor just plain unfulfilling.”Polls confirm that many people share Steve’s concerns. Whenasked whether they thought morals were improving or declining,eight out of ten said declining. When asked why, their most fre-quent response was the instability of marriage and family.Steve says that the long-held expectation that every new genera-tion would enjoy advantages unknown to previous generationsfeels like it is being turned on its head. “We may have more free-dom than ever, more ability to choose our paths in life, but ourfamily life is going backward,” he says. All this at a time when“families are more important than ever.”
Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators: All You Wanted to Know - Original PDF
Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators: All You Wanted to Know - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Anthony W C Chow, Alfred E Buxton خلاصه: Pacing and ICDs are used increasingly in the management of arrhythmias and a number of different cardiac conditions. Specialists, general cardiologists and general physicians are now closely involved in managing patients with these devices. Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators: All you wanted to know is written by leading specialists from the UK and USA and is designed for all physicians looking for a clear and comprehensive introduction to the principles and functions of these devices. The focus of this book has been on the indications for these devices and continuing patient management for the generalist and those in training – including complications and troubleshooting that arise peri- and post-implantation. Not only does Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators provide a sound introduction to the subject, in the later chapters it goes beyond the basics, introducing more advanced techniques such as lead extraction. It can be used both for those in training and for those with direct patient care responsibilities.With its up to date, evidence-based approach and inclusion of the latest AHA guidelines on pacing, this is an ideal guide to a major aspect of modern cardiac management.
Qmail Quickstarter: Install, Set Up and Run your own Email Server: A fast-paced and easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide that gets you up and running quickly - PDF
Qmail Quickstarter: Install, Set Up and Run your own Email Server: A fast-paced and easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide that gets you up and running quickly - PDF
نویسندگان: Kyle Wheeler خلاصه: This book is a quick starter for people who want to set up a mail server using qmail. It also discusses advanced features, like hosting multiple domains, in detail. By bringing together material that might take days to find online it will be a real timesaver for Sysadmins. This book is targeted at System Administrators familiar with Linux/UNIX and DNS servers who need to set up qmail.
Investing in Real Estate With Lease Options and ''Subject-To'' Deals : Powerful Strategies for Getting More When You Sell, and Paying Less When You Buy - PDF
Investing in Real Estate With Lease Options and ''Subject-To'' Deals : Powerful Strategies for Getting More When You Sell, and Paying Less When You Buy - PDF
نویسندگان: Wendy Patton خلاصه: With lease options and subject-to deals, investors can control properties worth much more than what they could normally afford to purchase. The potential for profit is great and the costs of getting started are low.This book shows novice investors how author Wendy Patton and thousands of other Americans--including well-known real estate developers and business moguls--use lease options and subject-to deals to control valuable property without necessarily owning it. The cost of purchasing an option or subject-to deal is a fraction of what it costs to buy a home. That's why these kinds of deals are typically found in every serious investor's portfolio. Sharing the secrets and strategies investors use to profit from low- and no-money-down deals, Patton gives investors all the information they need to succeed."Finally, a book that explains lease option and subject-to deals in depth and detail. This book is essential for anyone who wants to make money in real estate without using a lot of cash or taking on a lot of risk. A gold mine of great information."--Robert Shemin, New York Times bestselling author of Secrets of Buying and Selling Real Estate?Without Using Your Own Money!"Few can rival Wendy's knowledge and experience with lease option and subject-to deals. This is a must-read for beginning and advanced investors and the real estate agents who serve them."--Gary Keller, New York Times bestselling author of The Millionaire Real Estate Investor"The techniques Patton teaches here are invaluable--especially for working with Realtors and still getting properties for little- or no-money-down. The detail in this book will make you want to read every page."--Albert Lowry, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of How You Can Become Financially Independent by Investing in Real Estate
Drawing: Super Review All You Need to Know - PDF
Drawing: Super Review All You Need to Know - PDF
نویسندگان: Charles Lederer, The Staff of REA خلاصه: Get all you need to know with Super Reviews! Each Super Review is packed with in-depth, student-friendly topic reviews that fully explain everything about the subject. The Drawing Super Review covers perspective, color, advanced techniques, and more! Take the Super Review quizzes to see how much you've learned - and where you need more study. Makes an excellent study aid and textbook companion. Great for self-study!DETAILS- From cover to cover, each in-depth topic review is easy-to-follow and easy-to-grasp - Perfect when preparing for homework, quizzes, and exams!- Review questions after each topic that highlight and reinforce key areas and concepts- Student-friendly language for easy reading and comprehension- Includes quizzes that test your understanding of the subject

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