Principles of Tissue Engineering Fifth Edition - Original PDF
Principles of Tissue Engineering Fifth Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Joseph Vacanti, Anthony Atala خلاصه: Now in its fifth edition, Principles of Tissue Engineering has been the definite resource in the field of tissue engineering for more than a decade. The fifth edition provides an update on this rapidly progressing field, combining the prerequisites for a general understanding of tissue growth and development, the tools and theoretical information needed to design tissues and organs, as well as a presentation by the world’s experts of what is currently known about each specific organ system. As in previous editions, this book creates a comprehensive work that strikes a balance among the diversity of subjects that are related to tissue engineering, including biology, chemistry, material science, and engineering, among others, while also emphasizing those research areas that are likely to be of clinical value in the future. This edition includes greatly expanded focus on stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, stem cell niches, and blood components from stem cells. This research has already produced applications in disease modeling, toxicity testing, drug development, and clinical therapies. This up-to-date coverage of stem cell biology and the application of tissue-engineering techniques for food production – is complemented by a series of new and updated chapters on recent clinical experience in applying tissue engineering, as well as a new section on the emerging technologies in the field.
Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count - Original PDF
Direct Microscopic Somatic Cell Count - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Peter Zajac Jozef Capla Josef Golian خلاصه: The direct microscopic somatic cell count (DMSCC) is microscopic count of the actual number of somatic cells in milk. A somatic cell is any biological cell forming the body of an organism. In dairy industry, the somatic cell count (SCC) is an indicator of the safety and quality of milk. Mastitis is an inflammation of the udder typically associated with microbial infection. The number of somatic cells increases in response to presence of pathogenic bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, a cause of mastitis. Somatic cells (SC) are cells from the cow (predominantly white blood cells, otherwise known as leukocytes) that are normally present in milk. During most mastitis infections, the number of leukocytes present in the udder increases to help the cow, goat, ewe, camel, buffalo etc. to fight the infection. The SCC is quantified as cells per milliliter. General agreement rests on a reference range of less than 100,000 SC in ml for uninfected cows and greater than 250,000 SC in ml for cows infected with significant pathogen levels. There are several indirect and direct laboratory methods used for determination of somatic cells count in milk. Routine instrumental laboratory methods like flow cytometry have to be regularly calibrated using reference materials with a known concentration of somatic cells. The concentration of somatic cell count can be determined by reference microscopic method. The first microscopic procedure for examination of milk films was described in 1910 by Prescott and Breed. Staining of somatic cells was later modified by Newman, Lampert, Levowitz, Weber and other researchers. This microscopic method was processed into a normative form by the International Dairy Federation and later by International Standard Organisation. There are several possibilities to stain somatic cells. Somatic cells can be stained by dipping the dried smear on the slide in the modified Newman-Lampert methylene blue stain solution (cow’s milk and ewe’s milk) or methyl green-pyronin Y stain solution (goat’s milk) or by mixing the milk in reagent tube with ethidium bromide stain solution (milk from all species). Subsequently, the microscopic slide with fixed smear and stained cells is examined using a microscope or epifluorescence microscope with immersion oil objective at magnification 500× to 1000×. Somatic cells are counted in several microscopic fields. Consequently, the somatic cells count is calculated using one of several mathematical formulas listed in international standard. The direct microscopic somatic cell count method is suitable for precise laboratory analysis of somatic cell in raw milk. However, this microscopic method has some limitations that may influence the results of analysis. This book contains the theoretical and practical information about this laboratory method.
More: A History of the World Economy from the Iron Age to the Information Age - Epub + Converted Pdf
More: A History of the World Economy from the Iron Age to the Information Age - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Philip Coggan خلاصه: More: A History of the World Economy from the Iron Age to the Information Age - Epub + Converted Pdf
PVC Compounds and Processing - Original PDF
PVC Compounds and Processing - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Patrick, Stuart خلاصه: This overview covers the basics of PVC formulation and processing, while extending the information to include the latest developments in materials and technology. PVC processing technologies and fabrication and treatment of PVC are reviewed. Over 400 references from recent literature are cited in the review, which is accompanied by abstracts from the Rapra Polymer Library database, to facilitate further reading.
La psychiatrie médiévale persane - Original PDF
La psychiatrie médiévale persane - Original PDF
نویسندگان: B. Thierry de Crussol des Epesse خلاصه: Cet ouvrage est soumis au copyright. Tous droits réservés, notamment la reproduction et la repré- sentation, la traduction, la réimpression, l’exposé, la reproduction des illustrations et des tableaux, la transmission par voie d’enregistrement sonore ou visuel, la reproduction par microfilm ou tout autre moyen ainsi que la conservation des banques de données. La loi française sur le copyright du 9 septembre 1965 dans la version en vigueur n’autorise une reproduction intégrale ou partielle que dans certains cas, et en principe moyennant le paiement des droits. Toute représentation, reproduc- tion, contrefaçon ou conservation dans une banque de données par quelque procédé que ce soit est sanctionnée par la loi pénale sur le copyright. L’utilisation dans cet ouvrage de désignations, dénominations commerciales, marques de fabrique, etc. même sans spécification ne signifie pas que ces termes soient libres de la législation sur les marques de fabrique et la protection des marques et qu’ils puissent être utilisés par chacun. La maison d’édition décline toute responsabilité quant à l’exactitude des indications de dosage et des modes d’emploi. Dans chaque cas il incombe à l’usager de vérifier les informations données par comparaison à la littérature existante
Thinking Through Philosophy[2002] - Original PDF
Thinking Through Philosophy[2002] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Paul Cleghorn خلاصه: Thinking Through Philosophy by Paul Cleghorn (Author)
Technologies of Choice?:  ICTs, Development, and the Capabilities Approach (Information Society Series)[2013] - Original PDF
Technologies of Choice?: ICTs, Development, and the Capabilities Approach (Information Society Series)[2013] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Dorothea Kleine خلاصه: Technologies of Choice?: ICTs, Development, and the Capabilities Approach (Information Society Series) by Dorothea Kleine (Author)
Forex Price Action Scalping:  an in-depth look into the field of professional scalping[2011] - Original PDF
Forex Price Action Scalping: an in-depth look into the field of professional scalping[2011] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Volman, Bob خلاصه: Forex Price Action Scalping: an in-depth look into the field of professional scalping by Bob Volman (Author)
The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics[1996] - Original PDF
The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics[1996] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Buys, Susan, Oakley, Victoria خلاصه: The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics by Susan Buys (Author), Victoria Oakley (Author)
Case-Based Learning for Group Intervention in Social Work[2020] - Original PDF
Case-Based Learning for Group Intervention in Social Work[2020] - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Corcoran, Jacqueline خلاصه: Case-Based Learning for Group Intervention in Social Work by Jacqueline Corcoran (Author)

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