I Will Teach You To Be Rich - PDF
I Will Teach You To Be Rich - PDF
نویسندگان: Ramit Sethi خلاصه: At last, for a generation that's materially ambitious yet financially clueless comes I Will Teach You To Be Rich, Ramit Sethi's 6-week personal finance program for 20-to-35-year-olds. A completely practical approach delivered with a nonjudgmental style that makes readers want to do what Sethi says, it is based around the four pillars of personal finance— banking, saving, budgeting, and investing—and the wealth-building ideas of personal entrepreneurship. Sethi covers how to save time by not wasting it managing money; the guns and cars myth of credit cards; how to negotiate like an Indian—the conversation begins with "no"; why "Budgeting Doesn't Have to Suck!"; how to get things rolling—for real—with only $20; what most people don't understand about taxes; how to get a CEO to take you out to lunch; how to avoid the Super Mario Brothers trap by making your savings work harder than you do; the difference between cheap and frugal; the hidden relationship between money and food. Not to mention his first key lesson: Getting started is more important than being the smartest person in the room. Integrated with his website, where readers can use interactive charts, follow up on the latest information, and join the community, it is a hip blueprint to building wealth and financial security. Every month, 175,000 unique visitors come to Ramit Sethi's website, Iwillteachyoutoberich.com, to discover the path to financial freedom. They praise him thoughtfully ("Your site summarizes everything I want with my life—to be rich in finances, rich in experience, rich in family blessings," Dan Esparza) and effusively ("Dude, you rock. I love this site!" Richard Wu). The press has caught on, too: "Ramit Sethi is a rising star in the world of personal finance writing . . . one singularly attuned to the sensibilities of his generation. his style is part frat boy and part silicon Valley geek, with a little bit of San Francisco hipster thrown in" (San Francisco Chronicle). His writing is smart, his voice is full of attitude, and his ideas are uncommonly sound and refreshingly hype-free.
Living Well with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You...That You Need to Know - PDF
Living Well with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You...That You Need to Know - PDF
نویسندگان: Mary J. Shomon خلاصه: From the author of Living Well With Hypothyroidism, a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia--vital help for the millions of people suffering from pain, fatigue, and sleep problems. Recent studies indicate that 3 to 6 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia--a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. This terrible condition is often accompanied by chronic fatigue syndrome, a persistent and debilitating sense of exhaustion that is estimated to affect 800,000 Americans--twice the number of people with multiple sclerosis. Yet there are no official blood tests of diagnostic procedures that can confirm that yes, you definitely have these conditions, and in fact, a whole segment of the medical world doesn't even believe these two diseases actually exist. In addition, the few books that are on the market tend to focus on single solutions or eschew conventional and pharmaceutical approaches, which could alienate readers who use conventional medicine in whole or part. In her trademark accessible, easy-to-follow style, patient advocate Mary J. Shomon integrates the latest findings regarding these misunderstood conditions. Highlighting the pros and cons of the antibiotic, metabolic/endocrine, hormonal, musculoskeletal, and many other approaches to treatment, Shomon explores the fads and viable alternatives--both conventional and alternative--and provides helpful, clear solutions to help sufferers of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. At various points since 1995, Mary J. Shomon has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Since then, she has transformed her health challenges into a mission as a nationally-known patient advocate. She has worked for more than 20 years in writing, advertising, public relations, and communications and is the founder and editor-in-chief of several thyroid, autoimmune, and nutrition newsletters, as well as the internet's most popular thyroid disease website, www.thyroid-info.com.
First Kisses 4: It Had to Be You - PDF
First Kisses 4: It Had to Be You - PDF
نویسندگان: Sabrina Jordan خلاصه: Chapter OneIam a girly-girl.With three older brothers who areobsessed with sports and cars and videogames, it would have been easy for me to growup a tomboy, but I didn’t.From the time I was little, I’ve loved beinga girl! Dresses with ruffles. Colored tights.Shiny black Mary Janes. I used to wear themall! Very rarely would I wear T-shirts andjeans, but if I did, there was always somethingfeminine about them. Like my jeans wouldn’t1be blue. They’d be yellow or purple andtrimmed with lace on the cuffs. And my T-shirts would say things like: DADDY’S LITTLEGIRL or SWEET AS SUGAR.I used to have tea parties with my stuffedanimals and I would serve cakes made with myEasy-Bake oven. Cliché, I know. I even hadevery Barbie imaginable, including all theaccessories, as well as a few Bratz dolls.Confession: I always loved my Barbies morethan my Bratz dolls. Barbie just seemed moreelegant. And she had her own Dream House!I’ve always had pierced ears. My oldestbrother, Rob, who’s nineteen and just finishedhis first year of college, says this is becausewhen I was a baby and our mom used to takeme out in my carriage, people would alwaysstop her and say, “What a cute baby boy!” eventhough I was wearing pink and I had a PebblesFlintstone hairstyle (a tuft of hair sticking upon the top of my head and tied with a bright-colored ribbon).Earrings are fun. My jewelry box is filledwith all sorts of different styles. Some days I2like wearing tiny hoops. Other days I likewearing earrings that are long and dangling.Sometimes I’ll just go simple and wear goldstuds. My mom has a fabulous earring collec-tion and sometimes she’ll let me borrow a pair,but only if I ask permission. Sneaking into herjewelry box is not allowed. That’s because herearrings are made of real gold and silver anddiamonds while mine are all pretty much cos-tume jewelry.When I was little, my mom used to braidmy hair in pigtails. Some days she’d give me aponytail. But whatever hairstyle she gave me,she always used silk ribbons and cute barrettesand hair clips. My hair is still long and I lovestyling it in different ways. No short-and-sassyhairstyle for me! My hair reaches past myshoulders to the middle of my back and thecolor is chestnut brown, although sometimes,like during the summer, if I’m out in the sun fora long time, highlights will appear. My bestfriend, Caitlyn, is always telling me she wouldkill to have my hair. I don’t know what she’scomplaining about. Her hair is super curly and3a gorgeous red color. Not carrot red but a richauburn. Like in shampoo ads in magazines. Butshe hates the color and is always trying tostraighten the curls out of her hair.Caitlyn and I have been best friends sincekindergarten. On the first day of school, weboth brought our Cabbage Patch Kids toschool for show-and-tell. The dolls were identi-cal and we decided that they were long-lost sis-ters and it was up to us to make sure theystayed in touch.Caitlyn practically lives at my house andwhen we’re not hanging out together, we’reeither on the phone or instant messaging whenwe’re online. We tell each other everythingalthough there’s a secret I’ve been keepingfrom her.It’s not that I don’t want to tell her mysecret, but I can’t. I’ve been told that part of thejob I’ve just taken is keeping my identity asecret.I know this all sounds mysterious and con-fusing, but it really isn’t. And there’s a perfectlylogical explanation.4This September I’ll be a freshman at NorthMarshall High School and I’ve been picked toinherit the job of being the anonymous fresh-man advice columnist, Dear Daisy, for the highschool’s website. Daisy has been around forever.I think she was even giving out advice whenmy parents were both freshmen there! Beforewebsites existed, she had her own column inthe school’s newspaper. Every year a newfreshman takes over as Daisy, writing the col-umn and dispensing advice.Working on my junior high’s newspaper,writing and editing articles, is what got me thejob of Dear Daisy. I know the importance ofextracurricular activities. Colleges look for thatkind of stuff in addition to good grades, so it’snever too early to start participating.My guidance counselor, who I met when Iwent to pick up my class schedule in June, wasthe one who told me about the Dear Daisyposition. He thought I would be good at it, buthe also told me that there were five other girlswho were just as qualified as I was to take overthe column. If I was interested in becoming5Dear Daisy, then I’d have to submit a samplecolumn and after all the columns were com-pared, a decision would be made
Alternative Minimum Tax: What You Need To Know About the ''Other'' Tax - PDF
Alternative Minimum Tax: What You Need To Know About the ''Other'' Tax - PDF
نویسندگان: Peckron خلاصه: This book deals with one of the more challenging areas inthe tax law—the alternative minimum tax (AMT). Since itsorigin in the Tax Reform Act of 1969, it has steadily affectedmore and more individual taxpayersmaking it a chal-lenge worth understanding. After all, imagine the surpriseof a married couple expecting a large refund, only toreceive a letter from the IRS demanding a payment of sev-eral thousand dollars because of this stealth tax known asthe AMT. In view of the expanded impact of the AMT onindividual taxpayers, it has become essential not only tounderstand the fundamentals of it, but also to determinethe means of planning around it.The purpose of this book is to lay out, in as muchsimple English as possible, the basics of the AMT. Will yoube capable of filing your own Form 6251, AlternativeMinimum Tax—Individuals? Perhaps. However, one thingis definite. You will understand why your tax preparer isdoing (or not doing) an AMT for you and your family. AndPrefaceeven more important, it will give you ways to reduce, orin some cases eliminate, this added tax burden.The book begins with a brief introduction on the natureof the AMT and computing the AMT (with actual examplesand IRS materials). Special chapters on adjustments and taxpreference items, use of the tax credits and the importanceof the AMT credit, and the oft-overlooked other areasimpacting the AMT (like the kiddie tax and estimated taxpayments) follow. The final chapter describes the means toreduce or eliminate the AMT. The chapters have been keptintentionally short and descriptions terse and to the point.The most beneficial way to master this subject is to readthis book from cover to cover. However, you can go straightto the areas or chapters that hold the greatest interest for you.More importantly, this book is a companion that beatsany tax preparer or CPA, because it’s on-call 24/7 and aidsyou in your quest for an answer. If the exact answer is notfound, chances are that you will find it at one of the many24/7 websites identified throughout the book.
Fast Facts for the New Nurse Practitioner: What You Really Need to Know in a Nutshell - PDF
Fast Facts for the New Nurse Practitioner: What You Really Need to Know in a Nutshell - PDF
نویسندگان: Dr. Nadine Aktan Ph.D. RN FNP-BC خلاصه: This book is a Fast Facts for students considering the NP track, NP students, and new NPs - a quick all-in-one read that features what you "really need to know"about NP education and practice. It incorporates humor and real-life examples, useful tips, comparative salary tables, and other ready to access resources, such as professional organizations, networks, associations, and websites. Included is discussion on the history of the nurse practitioner (NP) role and the coming practice degree, the DNP. It contains insight coming directly from experts in the field. Key Features The "all-in-one," fast facts for potential or current NP students and newly practicing NPs Explores reasons to become a nurse practitioner Clarifies NP education hurdles: from choosing the right program to selecting the best clinical preceptor, and more Offers suggestions on how to survive the first year of practice Discuses contractual relationships with institutions, doctors and related health providers Outlines legal/malpractice issues Explores the DNP degree as the coming mandate for NP practice Features personal stories from the author and colleagues in a straight-from-the-shoulder style Includes check lists to facilitate important decision making, and charts/tables with "hot topics" or key elements
Damn, it Feels Good to Be a Banker: And Other Baller Things You Only Get to Say If You Work On Wall Street - PDF
Damn, it Feels Good to Be a Banker: And Other Baller Things You Only Get to Say If You Work On Wall Street - PDF
نویسندگان: Leveraged Sellout خلاصه: In one word: egregious. Damn It Feels Good To Be A Banker is a Wall Street epic, a war cry for the masses of young professionals behind desks at Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity shops around the world. With chapters like "No. We do not have any `hot stock tips' for you," "Mergers are a girl's best friend," and "Georgetown? I wouldn't let my maids' kids go there," the book captures the true essence of being in high finance. DIFGTBAB thematically walks through Wall Street culture, pointing out its intricacies: the bushleagueness of a Men's Warehouse suit or squared-toe shoes, the power of 80s pop, and the importance of Microsoft Excel shortcut keys as related to ever being able to have any significant global impact. The book features various, vivid illustrations of Bankers in their natural state (ballin'), and, in true Book 2.0 fashion, numerous, insightful comments from actual readers of the widely popular website LeveragedSellOut.com. Thorough and well-executed, it's lens into the heart of an often misunderstood, unfairly stereotyped subset of our society. The view--breathtaking. Reader Responses "After reading this clueless propaganda, I strongly believe that you are a racist, misogynist jerk. FYI, Size 6 is not fat." --Banker Chick "Strong to very strong." --John Carney, Editor-In-Chief, Dealbreaker.com "I used to feel pretty good about making $200K/year." --Poor person
You Are Not I: A Portrait of Paul Bowles - Original PDF
You Are Not I: A Portrait of Paul Bowles - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Millicent Dillon خلاصه: "I believe you; I just don't see it." He was being polite again."It must make you irritable, this stranger coming and telling you""I'm not irritable. I'm not an irritable person."After that day, Paul did not come again to the Villa de France to talk of Jane. He made it clear to me that he felt uncomfortable, giving an excuse about thenoise at the hotel. I had not realizedothers would tell me this laterthat in the four years since Jane's death he had become reluctant to go out to publicplaces. (Nor had it occurred to me that at the hotel he could not smoke kif, whichI was also to learnwas so helpful to him in alleviating anxiety.) Hesuggested that I interview him in his flat, saying that we could talk better there. When I mentioned that other people were usually around, makingdiscussion difficult, he said he would make the time to see me alone.And so began our daily conversations about Jane, extended conversations that went on for four or five hours at a time. Each day he waited for me tobegin. As he waited, perhaps he was steeling himself, as for an ordeal, but he never gave any direct indication that this was so. He did make it clear,however, how much he admired her work, how he regretted that it had not been adequately recognized in her lifetime.I soon learned that if I came to him with my theories about Jane's writingfor theorizing, working at an abstract level, was part of my history (part of myselfthat was often at odds with storytelling)he would listen politely, but the conversation would go nowhere. At such times hisanswers had the quality of reiteration, of having been solidified. But if I could make myself stay with the specific, a phrase in her work or in a letter she hadwritten to him, a phrase that was provocative and mysterious at the same time, something new appeared in his response: a new incident in her life, a newmemory. Then there would be a new story, a revealing that was like a skein unwinding after the proper thread had been pulled.When he responded to my questions, he was forthcoming but in a way that is difficult to describe. It has been said of Paul many times that he is verydeceptive; he even said so himself in his autobiography. Yet, listening to him, I did not have a sense of deceptionthere was withholding, yes, but not in thesense of a deliberate refusal to tell. Rather, it seemed to me that his withholding was a process akin to his method of telling a story, where what isrevealed is revealed only at the necessary moment.I was being immersed in a world of stories: her stories, his stories about her, his stories about the two of them when they were together, about the gamesthey would play together. And then there were all the other stories, the subsidiary stories surfacing around me, arising out of the world of his daily life.One afternoon as Paul and I were just about to begin work, Mrabet came into the flat and sat down. He began a story about taking Jane to the market, inwhich he featured as a central character."I take Janie with me in car. Janie buy three bottle wine, one kilo meat, chocolate. Janie like chocolate. I look [at the bill]. Seventy-five hundred francs. I toldhim [an Italian shopkeeper], with seven thousand francs I could buy" Mrabet listed in Spanish a number of items that he couldbuy with this sum. "Janie told me no. I told Janie this day, 'Shut up.'""Glad I wasn't there," Paul said."Janie became small.""Like Alice in Wonderland," Paul interjected."Italiano hit me." And then, broadening the base of his accusation, "Cherifa hit me. Ayse [a Moroccan woman who had worked for Jane] hit me.""Ay, ay, ay," said Paul."Everybody hit me. Never buy anything from Italiano.""And Ang?le?" Paul asked. Ang?le was a Spanish woman who had also worked for Jane."Ang?le hit me.""One time," noted Paul, "Janie had six servants altogether. Not all at the same time. They rotated.""Culpa," announced Mrabet loudly. "Your fault.""According to him," Paul turned to me, "everything is my fault because I didn't command her, make her do this or that. Nobody could make her doanything," he insisted.Mrabet said something about men needing to control women."All right, it's my fault. It's all over, so don't tell me it's my fault." Whereas earlier in Mrabet's story Paul had prompted him to further telling, now the tone ofhis voice was aggrieved."Besides, Mrabet," I interjected, "Paul wouldn't have wanted to tell her.""He has a different ideathe man has to command," Paul explained."In this world," Mrabet said expansively, "every woman has to have a man over her." Then he added something about Paul not having been seriousenough and supplemented it with an aside to Paul in Spanish."He says the man has to keep the bit in the mouth, otherwise the woman runs away. Never let her do what she wants, or it's too late," Paul translated."It was too late when he met her," I said."It's never too late," Mrabet pronounced and got up and lef
Your Modeling Career: You Don't Have to Be a Superstar to Succeed - Original PDF
Your Modeling Career: You Don't Have to Be a Superstar to Succeed - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Debbie Press خلاصه: Shoot for the moon, and even if youmiss, you’ll land among the stars.” That was the quote that fell out of mycoworker’s fortune cookie.“Here, you take it. You need it more than I do,” my friend said as hehanded me the tiny piece of paper. I taped it on the first page of my newday planner and finished writing out a list of all the agencies I plannedto visit during my first week in New York. That quote stayed with methroughout my journey.I’m proud of this book for many reasons, but mostly because it hasallowed me the opportunity to help others gain insight into the mod-eling business. I have been given a wonderful opportunity to helppotential models make educated decisions concerning the direction oftheir modeling careers. It has been a privilege to hear from readers fromall over the world and hear their stories as well as offer them encour-agement.XMy modeling journey began with aglance through the local Sunday news-paper in my hometown of Beckley,West Virginia. For some reason, my eyeslocked on a small ad that read:Modeling Contest. Under Size 12 NeedNot Apply. Big Beauties and LittleWomen of New York needs new faces intheir full-figure division. Twelve finalistswill be selected and flown to New YorkCity to compete for cash, prizes andmodeling contracts.“I could do that,” I thought tomyself. After all, I had the required fullfigure. Other people would tell me,however, that it was a silly idea. At agetwenty-three, I still lived in a smalltown in southern West Virginia where I grew up. I had a fine job with alocal coal company. For some reason, though, I could not get that littlead out of my mind.
The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Gary, Ph.D. Namie, Ruth, Ph.D. Namie خلاصه: Life for the Namies changed in 1996 when Dr. Ruth ran into ahorrific woman supervisor as an employee in a psychiatric clinic.In her life before completing a PhD in clinical psychology and special-izing in chemical dependency treatment, Ruth had been a corporatetraining director, management consultant, and retail manager. Gary(PhD, social psychology) was a professor at several universities, thedirector of two corporate training departments, and a managementconsultant.The couple’s fight for justice began in 1998 with the founding of theCampaign Against Workplace Bullying. The nonprofit organizationmorphed during its first decade into the Workplace Bullying Institute,which serves Americans and Canadians. The accomplishments ofwhich we are most proud are that we imported the British term “work-place bullying” to the United States, started the national dialogue,and sustain it in more ways than originally imagined.Research—data from empirical surveys and over 5,000 intensiveinterviews—distinguishes WBI from well-intentioned newcomers tothe fight against bullying. Surveys started with a modest set of ques-tions in 1998, growing to the national scientific survey conductedwith partner Zogby International, and continuing with state-of-the-artdescriptive empirical studies, scientific conference presentations, andpublications in peer-reviewed academic journals. Interviews beganxiiThe Bully at Workwhen we offered toll-free advice starting in 1998. Financial compli-cations from the practice compelled its termination, but we learnedmuch of what we know from those who shared their suffering.The Namies educate the public. Their bullying-related researchand work have been featured numerous times on network TV—CNBC,The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, Nightline,CNN—on local TV, and in the national press—New York Times,Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, ChicagoTribune, Wall Street Journal, National Post, Financial Post, TorontoStar, Maclean’s—and radio across the United States and Canada.Appearances total over 700 in all media.Work Doctor, Inc., is the premier consulting firm that focuses onemployer solutions to correct and prevent workplace bullying. Thefirm, established in 1985, has focused exclusively on bullying-relatedorganizational problems since 1998.The original website grew into the Namie network of eight websitesreflecting the breadth of their services and information on the topic.
The Ugly Truth about Small Business 50 Things That Can Go Wrong and What You Can Do About It - PDF
The Ugly Truth about Small Business 50 Things That Can Go Wrong and What You Can Do About It - PDF
نویسندگان: Ruth King خلاصه: Being an entrepreneur is scary. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, more than 50 percent of small businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within the first five years. And often, the future of the business can ride on one crucial decision.The Ugly Truth about Small Business is a collection of stories and lessons from 50 entrepreneurs who faced crises in their businesses. A unique business inspiration book, The Ugly Truth about Small Business tackles head-on the problems entrepreneurs face:--We didn't know if anyone would show up--My customer wouldn't pay us--I lost 25 percent of my business in one day--Do what you believe despite the oddsEach story ends with the lessons that each entrepreneur took from their experience, and how to apply that to any business. A great self-purchase or gift that tomorrow's leaders need as they start up today.

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