Don't Listen to Phil Hellmuth: Correcting the 50 Worst Pieces of Poker Advice You've Ever Heard - PDF
Don't Listen to Phil Hellmuth: Correcting the 50 Worst Pieces of Poker Advice You've Ever Heard - PDF
نویسندگان: Dusty Schmidt and Paul Christopher Hoppe خلاصه: What if many of the fundamental “truths” you’ve heardabout poker turned out to be false?Recognize any of these commonly held beliefs?• Preflop play doesn’t matter that much.• The key to getting paid off is playing looseso no one can put you on a hand.• Bigger 3-bets get more folds.• Calling is weak.• You have to bet this flop becauseyou don’t want to give up.There is certainly an element of truth to some of thesestatements, but by and large they are big misconceptions.Perhaps this shouldn’t bother us because, as poker pros, weprofit off the mistakes of others. But when we see so manyhigh-level players making so many fundamental mistakes intheir games, and having those moves endorsed by televisionannouncers, it’s enough to make us scream, “Stop! That’snot how it’s done!”This book focuses on correcting the greatest fallacies inpoker. There are an astonishing number of them, providingour common understanding of the game with an incrediblyshaky foundation. This did not come entirely as a surprise.Like many new players, we struggled to sift through allthe competing voices. One author would say this, anotherwould say that. For Dusty, it took more than 3 millionhands to generate an income that exceeded the sum totalof his bonuses.Hoping to give our readers a better leg up than wehad, we systematically take on what we recognize as flawedadvice. The two of us have combed through more than fourdecades of conventional poker wisdom. No one is spared:world champions, on-air commentators or other flavors ofthe month. Not even we are excluded from our criticism.One by one, we challenge each misconception, takingon what we feel are the top 50 ways to lose at poker. Byproving these misconceptions false, we think we benefit ourreaders in such a way that, by implementing these newfoundunderstandings, they can become more profitable tomorrow.We want this book to ultimately function as aFactCheck.org or “MythBusters” for poker. We hope you’llcome to look at us as watchdogs out to protect your interestsby questioning the powers that be.As we did in our previous books, Treat Your Poker LikeA Business and Way of the Poker Warrior, in this book wecover the game’s most frequent scenarios, seeking to providesolutions to situations that arise every 10 minutes rather thanonce a month. Our criteria for choosing misconceptions weresimple. Are they costing people money, and can we prove it?We hope to relate with our readers, letting them know thatthe scenario that’s vexing them now once did the same to us.Unlike our previous books, this is a comprehensivemanual that aims to troubleshoot the poker process fromthe top down, complete with hand analyses and a readerquiz at book’s end.The process of writing this book has led us to thinkabout coaching. Golfers don’t have 10 swing coaches.Baseball players don’t have 10 hitting coaches. Footballteams don’t have 10 offensive coordinators. But in poker,we tend to entertain advice from all comers, which leadsto confusion and a fragmented playing style. Why do wedo this?Profit motive.
Healing Hepatitis C: A Patient and a Doctor on the Epidemic's Front Lines Tell You How to Recognize When You Are at Risk, Understand Hepatitis C Tests, Talk to Your Doctor About Hepatitis C, and Adv - PDF
Healing Hepatitis C: A Patient and a Doctor on the Epidemic's Front Lines Tell You How to Recognize When You Are at Risk, Understand Hepatitis C Tests, Talk to Your Doctor About Hepatitis C, and Adv - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Kennedy Lawford, Diana Sylvestre خلاصه: Get the facts about Hepatitis C Having hepatitis C can be a transformative, extremely tough experience—especially without the right information. Healing Hepatitis C remedies that by combining the personal story of Christopher Kennedy Lawford, who unknowingly contracted the virus during his years of drug use, with the medical expertise of Dr. Diana Sylvestre, who has devoted her career to treating hepatitis C sufferers. Together they deal with the stigma and misinformation, and the fears and frustrations of this illness. Healing Hepatitis C serves as a valuable sourcebook for medical and treatment information: from what hepatitis C is to what it does, and from what to expect during treatment to how to communicate with your physician, to finding the support you need. Most of all, it walks you through the process of facing the diagnosis and treatment head-on, showing you that it is possible to get through hepatitis C—to be cured of it—without surrendering your life to it. Together Lawford and Sylvestre offer hope, humor, and medical expertise to help patients, their friends, and families navigate the numerous challenges of hepatitis C virus education, testing, and treatment.
The Transplanted Executive: Why You Need to Understand How Workers in Other Countries See the World Differently - Original PDF
The Transplanted Executive: Why You Need to Understand How Workers in Other Countries See the World Differently - Original PDF
نویسندگان: P. Christopher Earley, Miriam Erez خلاصه: With the passage of NAFTA and GATT, the steady integration of the European Community, and the emergence of promising new markets in Eastern Europe and the Pacific Rim, businesses around the world are globalizing their operations with unprecedented speed. But as executives working in foreign countries have discovered, organizational cultures can differ dramatically from country to country, and management practices effective back home can fail miserably abroad. The Transplanted Executive provides a comprehensive resource for managers of any nationality striving to understand the diversity of workplace values and traditions--and how they can be used to maximize employee efficiency, morale, and the bottom line. Offering sensible solutions to everyday problems, this informative volume shows how employees with different cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds respond to specific managerial techniques. The authors demonstrate, for example, why effective incentive systems in Japan might decrease productivity in United States, and why successful efforts to create team-based cooperation in Russia could alienate rather than motivate workers in England. Each chapter focuses on a different management problem--effective communication, motivation of workers, turning groups into teams, leadership skills, and quality management production--and following each chapter are quick reference charts that neatly summarize the text. The authors also include a table which provides cultural profiles of nearly 50 countries from major business centers around the world. Now more than ever, multinational managers need to be in touch with the range of cultural issues that can affect their overseas operations. With The Transplanted Executive in hand, managers the world over will have a user-friendly guide to understanding and mastering the subject.
How to Date Like a Grown-Up: Everything You Need to Know to Get Out There, Get Lucky, or Even Get Married in Your 40s, 50s, and Beyond - PDF
How to Date Like a Grown-Up: Everything You Need to Know to Get Out There, Get Lucky, or Even Get Married in Your 40s, 50s, and Beyond - PDF
نویسندگان: Lisa Daily خلاصه: "Witty and smart, this is a must-read for any woman ready to find Mr. Right. Or at least Mr. Right Now." Christopher Hopkins, Oprah's Makeover Guy and author of Staging Your Comeback: A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45 By the time you hit forty, you have a pretty good idea of what you want when it comes to dating, love, and romance. But how do you get it? HOW TO DATE LIKE A GROWN-UP will tell you everything you need to know to find the love you're looking for (even after a long marriage or other dating hiatus), how to get married (if that's what you're after), or how to just get lucky. Dating expert, bestselling author, and TV personality Lisa Daily (Daytime) uses her hilarious and compassionate voice to offer up realistic, counterintuitive advice that will help you finally find the relationship (and the guy) you deserve, including: Where (and how) to meet better men 5 easy tips to chat up any stranger What you may be doing to make yourself a magnet for losers How to deal with the pitfalls and fringe benefits of dating younger men Little-known secrets to dramatically improve your dating odds How to break it to your kids that you have a better social life than they do A foolproof way to find the best dating site for you How to face getting naked in front of someone new for the first time How to accommodate changes in your body (and the little blue pill) The one simple thing you can do in the bedroom that will make a man speed up his marriage proposal Why men are rushing to the altar, and why you might just want to wait Dating: It's Not Just For Kids Anymore
You Are Here: A Portable History of the Universe - PDF
You Are Here: A Portable History of the Universe - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Potter خلاصه: You Are Here is a dazzling exploration of the universe and our relationship to it, as seen through the lens of today's most cutting-edge scientific thinking. Christopher Potter brilliantly parses the meaning of what we call the universe. He tells the story of how something evolved from nothing and how something became everything. What does a material description of everything and nothing look like? What is it that science does when it describes a reality that is made out of something? In between nothing and everything is where we live. Here, for the first time in a single span, is the life of the universe, from quarks to galaxy superclusters and from slime to Homo sapiens. The universe was once a moment of perfect symmetry and is now 13.7 billion years of history. Clouds of gas were woven into whatever complexity we find in the universe today: the hierarchies of stars or the brains of mammals. Potter writes entertainingly about the history and philosophy of science, and he shows that science advances by continually removing humankind from a position of primacy in the universe, but the universe responds by placing us back there again. With wisdom and wonder, Potter traverses the cosmos from its conception to its eventual end—while exploring everything in between.
Uncle Sam Wants You: World War I and the Making of the Modern American Citizen - PDF
Uncle Sam Wants You: World War I and the Making of the Modern American Citizen - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Capozzola خلاصه: In April 1917, the United States embarked on World War I--with little history of conscription, an army smaller than Romania's, and a political culture that saw little role for the federal government other than delivering the mail. Uncle Sam Wants You tells the gripping story of the American homefront in World War I, revealing how the tensions of mass mobilization led to a significant increase in power in Washington.Christopher Capozzola shows how, in the absence of a strong federal government, Americans at first mobilized society by stressing duty, obligation, and responsibility over rights and freedoms. In clubs, schools, churches, and workplaces, Americans governed each other. But the heated temper of war quickly unleashed coercion on an unprecedented scale, making wartime America the scene of some of the nation's most serious political violence, including notorious episodes of outright mob violence. To solve this problem, Americans turned over increasing amounts of power to state institutions. In the end, whether they were some of the four million men drafted under the Selective Service Act or the tens of millions of homefront volunteers--or counted themselves among the thousands of conscientious objectors, anti-war radicals, or German enemy aliens--Americans of the World War I era created a new American state, and new ways of being American citizens.Based on a rich array of sources that capture the voices of both political leaders and ordinary Americans, Uncle Sam Wants You offers a vivid and provocative new interpretation of American political history.
California Workers' Comp: How to Take Charge When You're Injured on the Job (2008) - PDF
California Workers' Comp: How to Take Charge When You're Injured on the Job (2008) - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher A. Ball خلاصه: Maximize the medical care and benefits you're entitled to! From industrial injuries to carpal tunnel syndrome, more than a million Californians a year suffer job-related injuries or illness. For many, receiving compensation can be a nightmare. California Workers' Comp shows you how to handle a California workers' compensation claim from start to finish. Find out how to: file a claim protect your legal rights receive the medical care you need get the benefits you're entitled to deal with uncooperative employers, doctors and insurance agencies negotiate a settlement present your case before a judge The 7th edition is completely updated with the latest regulations and labor codes, and explains how the new AMA Guides affect your permanent-disability award. Recent laws give employers and insurance companies far greater rights and employees fewer medical benefits. Learn to work with your insurance company to receive the medical treatment and benefits you deserve. Workers' Compensation Forms Forms to File With the Division of Workers' Compensation DWC-1: Workers' Compensation Claim Form Application for Adjudication of Claim Declaration in Compliance With Labor Code Section 4906(G) Declaration of Readiness to Proceed Declaration of Readiness to Proceed to Expedited Hearing (Trial) Pre-Trial Conference Statement Notice of Change of Address Proof of Service Cover Letter to Workers' Compensation Appeals Board Record-Keeping Forms and Worksheets Record of Income and Benefits Received Record of Time Off Work Record of Medical Expenses and Request for Reimbursement Record of Mileage & Transportation and Request for Reimbursement Settlement Worksheets and Documents Settlement Worksheet: Value of Workers' Compensation Claim Stipulations with Request for Award Compromise and Release Forms to File With Your Employer Employee's Designation of Personal Physician Letter to Employer Requesting Copies of Documents and Evidence Objection to Treating Physician's Recommendation for Spinal Surgery (20090101)
You Suck: A Love Story - PDF
You Suck: A Love Story - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Moore خلاصه: Being undead sucks. Literally. Just ask C. Thomas Flood. Waking up after a fantastic night unlike anything he's ever experienced, he discovers that his girlfriend, Jody, is a vampire. And surprise! Now he's one, too. For some couples, the whole biting-and-blood thing would have been a deal breaker. But Tommy and Jody are in love, and they vow to work through their issues. But word has it that the vampire who initially nibbled on Jody wasn't supposed to be recruiting. Even worse, Tommy's erstwhile turkey-bowling pals are out to get him, at the urging of a blue-dyed Las Vegas call girl named (duh) Blue. And that really sucks.
The One-Hour Activist: The 15 Most Powerful Actions You Can Take to Fight for the Issues and Candidates You Care About - PDF
The One-Hour Activist: The 15 Most Powerful Actions You Can Take to Fight for the Issues and Candidates You Care About - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher Kush خلاصه: No matter what your political persuasion, The One-Hour Activist is your guide to influencing lawmakers, candidates, and reporters. The One-Hour Activist reveals fifteen powerful, proven grassroots actions that persuade lawmakers and candidates to see things your way. Each action is designed to grab the attention of your representatives and build relationships that serve your issues over the long run. And each action takes less than an hour to complete, so you can make a difference without giving up your life! The One-Hour Activist is packed with insider advice from elected officials, professional organizers, lobbyists, and journalists who share state-of-the-art tips for getting your message across. Real-life examples of effective letters, e-mail, phone calls, public testimony, and news story pitches from concerned citizens just like you illustrate the actions.
Mitrokhin Archive II, The: The KGB and the World - Epub + Converted Pdf
Mitrokhin Archive II, The: The KGB and the World - Epub + Converted Pdf
نویسندگان: Vasili Andrew خلاصه: Mitrokhin Archive II, The: The KGB and the World by Vasili Andrew, Christopher; Mitrokhin

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