Green Building Fundamentals (2nd Edition)
Green Building Fundamentals (2nd Edition)
نویسندگان: Mike Montoya خلاصه: This book helps readers understand the fundamental concepts of sustainable design and green building practices, which will soon become common practice on every project.
Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition
Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition
نویسندگان: Lisa B. Zaoutis, Vincent W. Chiang خلاصه: Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids: Islamic Children's Books on the Quran, the Hadith and the Prophet Muhammad
Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids: Islamic Children's Books on the Quran, the Hadith and the Prophet Muhammad
نویسندگان: Saniyasnain Khan خلاصه: Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author with more than 100 children’s books to his credit. The books are about subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translated into other languages, including French, German, Turkish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Bosnian, Norwegian, Russian, Uzbek, Arabic, Malay, Bengali and Urdu. He has also created board games for children on Islamic themes.
From Object to Experience:  The New Culture of Architectural Design
From Object to Experience: The New Culture of Architectural Design
نویسندگان: Harry Francis Mallgrave خلاصه: Harry Francis Mallgrave combines a history of ideas about architectural experience with the latest insights from the fields of neuroscience, cognitive science and evolutionary biology to make a powerful argument about the nature and future of architectural design.
Feminist Theories of Crime (The Library of Essays in Theoretical Criminology)
Feminist Theories of Crime (The Library of Essays in Theoretical Criminology)
نویسندگان: Merry Morash, Meda Chesney-Lind خلاصه: This collection re-imagines the field of criminology with insights gleaned from feminist theory.
Extending Your Vocal Range (Improve Your Singing Voice Book 7)
Extending Your Vocal Range (Improve Your Singing Voice Book 7)
نویسندگان: Neil Firth خلاصه: Extending Your Vocal Range.
Engineers Solve Problems (Engineering Close-Up)
Engineers Solve Problems (Engineering Close-Up)
نویسندگان: Reagan Sikkens Miller خلاصه: "Most people try to avoid problems--but not engineers! They go out and look for problems! In this fun, new title readers will learn about the kinds of problems engineers help solve. Readers are also introduced to the tool engineers use to solve problems: The Engineering Design Process"--
Engineers Build Models
Engineers Build Models
نویسندگان: Reagan Miller خلاصه: Text and illustrations look at how engineers use different kinds of models and what makes them alike and how they are different.
Engineering in Our Everyday Lives (Engineering Close-up)
Engineering in Our Everyday Lives (Engineering Close-up)
نویسندگان: Reagan Miller خلاصه: "From video games and sports equipment, to cars and cleaning products, many of the things we use everyday were designed by engineers.
Drawing School: Fundamentals for the Beginner: A comprehensive drawing course (The Complete Book of ...)
Drawing School: Fundamentals for the Beginner: A comprehensive drawing course (The Complete Book of ...)
نویسندگان: Jim Dowdalls خلاصه: Structured like a traditional drawing class, Drawing School: Fundamentals for the Beginner covers the concepts all serious beginning artists need in order to master basic drawing skills, including form, space, depth, proportion, composition, perspective, and more.

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