Empires, Post-Coloniality and Interculturality - Original PDF
Empires, Post-Coloniality and Interculturality - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Leoncio Vega خلاصه: Empires, Post-Coloniality and Interculturality: New Challenges for Comparative Education, presents some outcomes of the 25th Conference of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE), held in Salamanca, in June 2012. The central aim proposed for the debates of the Conference revolves around an intellectual effort to re-think and re-direct the scientific discipline of Comparative Education based on the broad cultural trends that influence the internationalization and/or globalization of education. Reconsidering and/or re-thinking our discipline involves studying the influence exerted on it by three major international forces. First, empires, not so much in terms of discipline or governance but more related to cultural, technological and knowledge perspectives. This area addresses both historical process and contemporary circumstances and is expressed through networks, research programs, academic reform in universities supported by criteria of governance and efficiency, transnational mobility, and linguistic monopolies. Second, it is necessary to re-think the influence of post-colonialism in educational models and models of citizens’ education not only from the perspective of their impact on the curricular reorganization of education systems but also of their educational and sociocultural expression. Both forms were acclaimed both in the 19th century and the 20th century within different international geographic contexts. The third component of the discourse triangle is the reconsideration (not only historical) of the impact of migratory fluxes, or better said, of “cultural migrations”, and their relationship with the reordering of curricular and educational processes in both education systems and in the social framework. Education is now in a transition from “monoculture” to multiple cultures in the classroom. This publication is structured along four themes that illustrate the academic contributions to the Conference. The themes are as follows: I. From Empires, History and Memory: Comparative Studies of Education, II. Learning and Assessment Processes: an International Perspective, III. Transnational Education and Colonial Approach, IV. International Education: Comparative Dimensions.
Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide - Original PDF
Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jack Palmer خلاصه: This book offers a novel sociological examination of the historical trajectories of Burundi and Rwanda. It challenges both the Eurocentric assumptions which have underpinned many sociological theorisations of modernity, and the notion that the processes of modernisation move gradually, if precariously, towards more peaceable forms of cohabitation within and between societies. Addressing these themes at critical historical junctures – precolonial, colonial and postcolonial – the book argues that the recent experiences of extremely violent social conflict in Burundi and Rwanda cannot be seen as an ‘object apart’ from the concerns of sociologists, as it is commonly presented. Instead, these experiences are situated within a specific route to and through modernity, one ‘entangled’ with Western modernity. A contribution to an emerging global historical sociology, Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide will appeal to scholars of sociology and social theory with interests in postcolonialism, historical sociology, multiple modernities and genocide.
Tourism and Politics: Global Frameworks and Local Realities - Original PDF
Tourism and Politics: Global Frameworks and Local Realities - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Peter M. Burns, Marina Novelli خلاصه: Tourism and Politics aims to disseminate ideas on the critical discourse of tourism and tourists as they relate to politics, through a series of case studies from around the world written by specialists with an emphasis on linking theory to practice. That tourism is a profoundly important economic sector for most countries and regions of the world is widely accepted, even if some of the detail remains controversial. However, as tourism matures as a subject, the theories underpinning it necessarily need to be more sophisticated; tourism cannot be simply 'read' as a business proposition with a series of impacts. Wider questions of politics, power and identity need to be articulated, investigated and answered. While the making and consuming of tourism takes place within complex political milieux with multiple stakeholders competing for benefit, the implications are not fully understood. Literature on tourism and politics is surprisingly limited. This book will make a substantial contribution to the theoretical framework of tourism. *Examines the intersection between tourism, tourists, and politics *Uses international case studies to link theory to practice *Adopts a critical perspective and contributes to the theoretical framework of tourism
Biomarkers in Diabetes - Original PDF
Biomarkers in Diabetes - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. Preedy خلاصه: Easy-to-look-up, comprehensive handbook Provides a thorough overview on biomarkers in diabetes Offers insights into bioinformatics and network analysis of biomarkers in diabetes
The MicroRNA Quantum Code Book - Original PDF
The MicroRNA Quantum Code Book - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Yoichi Robertus Fujii خلاصه: Each chapter provides overview to provide fundamental information on the topic and broaden their understanding Describes the basic theory of biological data science for medical investigation with miRNA to its implementation Contains supplementary material on DNS and ETFS, MTES, and QCR
Methodologies of Multi-Omics Data Integration and Data Mining - Original PDF
Methodologies of Multi-Omics Data Integration and Data Mining - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kang Ning خلاصه: Features multi-omics big-data integration and data-mining techniques Provides in detail and with supportive examples the “What”, “Why” and “How” of the topic Shed light on a data-driven and better understanding of in cancer, inflammation disease, and microbiome researche
Hope and Fear: Modern Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudo History - Original PDF
Hope and Fear: Modern Myths, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudo History - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ronald H. Fritze خلاصه: Description: A myth-busting journey through the twilight world of fringe ideas and alternative facts. Is a secret and corrupt Illuminati conspiring to control world affairs and bring about a New World Order? Was Donald Trump a victim of massive voter fraud? Is Elizabeth II a shapeshifting reptilian alien? Who is doing all this plotting? In Hope and Fear, Ronald H. Fritze explores the fringe ideas and conspiracy theories people have turned to in order to make sense of the world around them, from myths about the Knights Templar and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, to Nazis and the occult, the Protocols of Zion and UFOs. As Fritze reveals, when conspiracy theories, myths, and pseudo-history dominate a society’s thinking, facts, reality, and truth fall by the wayside.
Dread and Hope: Christian Eschatology and Pop Culture - Original PDF
Dread and Hope: Christian Eschatology and Pop Culture - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Joshua Wise خلاصه: Description: Christianity was born in the midst of great expectation and fear about the world’s future. The existing Jewish paradigm of the coming Messiah, his antithesis, and the initiation of the coming age set the stage for Christian beliefs about the end of the current age. However, the unexpected death and resurrection of Jesus caused that paradigm to be reformed within the burgeoning Christian faith, reshaping hopes, and reworking old patterns. Dread and Hope explores the ways in which those old paradigms were challenged by Jesus’s death and resurrection, how the resulting eschatological landscape was understood within Christianity, and how modern popular culture has consumed and modified various components of Christian Hope. Joshua Wise examines how the central Christian eschatological themes such as the Antichrist, the Great Persecution, Heaven, and Hell have both been transformed and preserved in novels, television, films, and video games. Drawing on works such as 1984, Diablo, The Stand, What Dreams May Come, and the Fallout series, Dread and Hope considers how the human fears and desires shaped by Christian beliefs are expressed in popular culture.
Hope Behind Bars: Notes from Indian Prisons - Original PDF
Hope Behind Bars: Notes from Indian Prisons - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Sanjoy Hazarika; Madhurima Dhanuka خلاصه: prisons – the perils of freedom versus infinite detention. Focus is also brought to a lightly documented category of persons – the children of prisoners – in chapter ten by K. R. Raja, who highlights their secondary vulnerabilities and invisible suffering. A prison is a world of its own, where residents live without the support systems that those on the outside take for granted. Prisoners hope and will each day to be their last in confinement. We believe that the stories in Hope Behind Bars provide insight into lives less ordinary.
Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in Personality Disorders - Original PDF
Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in Personality Disorders - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Otto F. Kernberg خلاصه: Introduction The present volume continues my investigation of the psychopathology and treatment of severe personality disorders. It focuses on the analysis of particular clinical features of personality pathologies and describes contemporary psychoanalytic object relations theory as a general theoret- ical frame of treatment that allows us to conceptualize both normal per- sonality functioning and the very nature of personality disorders. This volume also includes my recent contributions to understanding the rela- tionship between neurobiological dispositions and their interaction with psychodynamic developments, again, both in normality and psychopa- thology. Finally, this volume explores the application of object relations theory to group processes, love relations, and therapists’ training. Part I of the book includes major theoretical statements. Chapter 1, “Object Relations Theory and Transference Analysis,” presents a brief, updated summary of contemporary object relations theory and its direct relevance to transference analysis, the fundamental therapeutic approach of transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP). This chapter summarizes the theoretical approach that informs the new psychotherapeutic devel- opments in the treatment of severe personality disorders that are de- scribed throughout the entire volume. Chapter 2, “Some Implications of New Developments in Neurobiology for Psychoanalytic Object Relations Theory” summarizes developments in neurobiology regarding the con- ceptualization of affect systems and their role as the motivational basis ix x HATRED, EMPTINESS, AND HOPE for establishing internalized dyadic self- and object-relations structures. This chapter shows how the underlying limbic and cortical brain struc- tures and functions contribute to embedding the fundamental concepts of self and of significant others. It proposes that the formation of such dy- adic structures is an essential task of higher levels of psychic functioning. Part II, on technique, updates empirical studies of the Personality Disorders Institute at Weill Cornell Medical College, expanding the ap- plications of TFP, exploring its relationship to standard psychoanalytic technique, and outlining a general comprehensive theory of technique that applies to both psychoanalysis and its derived psychotherapies. Chapter 3, “Extensions of Psychoanalytic Technique: The Mutual Influ- ences of Standard Psychoanalysis and Transference-Focused Psycho- therapy” presents an updated view of TFP in comparison with standard psychoanalytic technique that differentiates more sharply these two technical approaches and discusses the problems in training therapists efficiently in both modalities. Chapter 4, “Therapeutic Implications of Transference Structures in Various Personality Pathologies,” presents an overview of transference developments in different modalities of severe personality disorders and the modifications in technical approaches to transference analysis related to these structural differences. It is a highly specialized description of TFP in action. Chapter 5, “Affective Domi- nance, Dyadic Relationship, and Mentalization,” focuses on two basic premises from which the therapist enters every therapeutic session—that is, the alertness to affective dominance and the diagnosis of the predom- inant dyadic object relationship linked to it. By illustrating this approach with clinical cases, the chapter also points to similarities and differences between TFP and mentalization-based therapy (MBT), an alternative psychodynamic approach to severe personality disorders. Chapter 6, “Reflections on Supervision,” describes my personal experience as well as general controversial issues regarding the supervision of psychoan- alytic and derivative treatments. In the process, the chapter details our collective experience of training and supervising clinicians in TFP over many years at the Personality Disorders Institute. Part III, on specific psychopathologies, deals with particular disor- ders within the broad field of severe personality disorders. Chapter 7, “Psychodynamics and Treatment of Schizoid Personality Disorders,” presents our experience with these complex disorders. Schizoid struc- ture has received less attention in recent times than other types of severe personality disorders, particularly borderline and narcissistic personal- ity disorders. This chapter presents a diagnostic update and summa- rizes the specific contributions of the TFP approach to the treatment of schizoid personality. Chapter 8, “Psychotic Personality Structure,” ex- plores the differences between borderline personality organization and psychotic personality organization. It describes the development of psy- chotic features as a potential transitory regression in patients with bor- xiIntroduction derline personality organization, as well as a reflection of a psychotic structure that only emerges during treatment. It proposes correspond- ing differences in technique for transitory psychotic developments aris- ing in sessions, for transference psychosis, and for the emergence of major psychotic illness during the course of TFP. The chapter also ana- lyzes the nature and shifts in reality testing in the context of transference analysis. Chapter 9, “Narcissistic Pathology of Love Relations,” deals with the specific pathology of narcissistic personalities, the great diffi- culties of these patients in establishing and maintaining a love relation in depth, and the general study of sexuality and the capacity to love as part of the diagnostic evaluation of all patients with severe personality disorders. It also considers the influences of the therapist’s own emo- tional maturity in the assessment of this aspect of psychopathology. Part IV deals with the application of object relations theory to inpa- tient hospital treatment, to group regression and political leadership, and to psychoanalytic education. Chapter 10, “Psychoanalytic Ap- proaches to Inpatient Treatment of Personality Disorders: A Neglected Dimension,” examines the inpatient treatment of patients with person- ality disorders, a neglected therapeutic approach in the United States. Although pioneered predominantly in the United States, inpatient treat- ment has been developed in new ways in recent European experiences, with relatively extended hospital treatment of severe personality disor- ders. This chapter summarizes both the North American and recent Eu- ropean experiences with an important therapeutic instrument that, mostly for financial reasons, has been underutilized in the United States. It offers important technical tools that are relevant for the repetitive brief hospitalizations of regressed borderline patients that have replaced se- lective long-term inpatient treatment. This approach may be the basis for the development of optimal treatment of very regressed stages of illness in the future. Chapter 11, “Malignant Narcissism and Large Group Re- gression,” applies psychoanalytic object relations theory and the devel- oping knowledge of the social functioning of some personality disorders to the study of the mutual influences of severe leadership pathology in organizational and political structures and the psychological conditions that underpin large group regression. Political circumstances that foster such large group regression in social subgroups and leadership with ma- lignant narcissistic features tend to reinforce each other, with potentially damaging and dangerous consequences to the social community. This chapter is a contribution to the clarification of these potentially threaten- ing and damaging social developments. Chapter 12, “Challenges for the Future of Psychoanalysis,” applies the psychoanalytical approach that underlies this volume to the analysis of particular conditions of psycho- analysis today as a profession, an educational enterprise, and a social or- ganization within the mental health sciences. This chapter and the book end with recommendations for innovations that may strengthen the role xii HATRED, EMPTINESS,AND HOPE of psychoanalysis as a profession, a treatment approach, and a social or- ganization. It proposes solutions to organizational problems, particu- larly stressing the urgent need for development of empirical research, psychoanalytic psychotherapies, and radical renovation in its educa- tional structure.

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