Survive!: Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive - Original PDF
Survive!: Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Les Stroud خلاصه: From the sun-scorched sands of the Kalahari to the snake-infested jungles of the Amazon, Les Stroud has made a life of surviving in the harshest—and most remote—regions on Earth. Now, the creator, producer, and host of the hit television program Survivorman transfers his decades of knowledge and experience to the pages of Survive!, a practical guide that gives everyday readers a no-nonsense look at the real world of survival. Stroud offers readers the essential skills and tactics necessary to endure in any corner of the globe, along with a wealth of insider information born of his own experiences in the outdoors and unavailable in any other book. Readers will learn: How to make a survival shelter and why a lean-to is largely a waste of time. Why survival kits are important, and why you should make your own. Where to find water and why drinking contaminated water is sometimes warranted. How to locate and trap small animals and why the notion of tracking and hunting large game is largely a pipe dream. Whether seasoned in the outdoor arts or new to adventuring, all readers will learn something from Survive!. Stroud's many colorful anecdotes and cut-to-the-chase philosophy not only make for an entertaining read, but also enhance anyone's ability to focus on the main goal when everything else has gone wrong—survival.
Vaccines: What You Should Know, Third Edition - PDF
Vaccines: What You Should Know, Third Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Paul A. Offit, Louis M. Bell خلاصه: Get the straight facts about vaccines and make informed choices Do you wonder whether vaccines are safe and whether they are all really necessary? This completely revised and updated edition of the classic Vaccines: What You Should Know helps you sort through the latest information about vaccines in order to determine what is right for your family. Coauthored by Paul Offit, a member of the CDC advisory committee that determines which vaccines are recommended for use in the United States, this guide tells you what vaccines are made of and clearly explains how they are made, how they work, and the risks associated with them. This updated edition includes recommendations for the smallpox vaccine, the latest information on vaccines for travelers, and the latest on the progress of combination vaccines. Expanded information on vaccine safety includes discussion of vaccines and autism, mercury in vaccines, and the ability of children to tolerate numerous vaccines at once.
You Can't Take it With You: Common-Sense Estate Planning for Canadians - PDF
You Can't Take it With You: Common-Sense Estate Planning for Canadians - PDF
نویسندگان: Sandra E. Foster خلاصه: Since it was first published ten years ago, You Can't Take It With You has been a trusted source of advice on estate planning, and it is more relevant today than ever. The Canadian population is aging, billions of assets are set to be transferred to the next generation over the coming decade, and estate planning is quickly becoming the single biggest financial planning issue of the next ten years for baby boomers and their parents.Estate planning is everybody's issue. If you don't plan for what happens to your money, your children, your house and other assets upon your death, the government will make those decisions for you. In these turbulent financial times, planning for the future is more important than ever, especially when it involves the financial security of those you love.Completely revised and updated in its fifth edition, this national bestseller continues to be the definitive resource on the financial, legal and human issues around estate planning.* Covers all areas of estate planning: financial and tax planning, wills and powers of attorney, life insurance, guardianship of your children, trusts and living wills, and funeral planning, as well as new information on current legislation and emerging trends such as estate mediation, and much more.* Prepares you for dealing with your financial adviser or lawyer--and may even help you to save hundreds of dollars in professional fees and taxes.* Features practical examples, tips, and question-and-answer boxes.
Volunteer Vacations: Short-Term Adventures That Will Benefit You and Others - 10th Revised edition - Original PDF
Volunteer Vacations: Short-Term Adventures That Will Benefit You and Others - 10th Revised edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Bill McMillon, Doug Cutchins, Anne Geissinger خلاصه: For those looking for a way to make a difference while on vacation--simultaneously getting away and using their talents to improve the world--this guide shows you how a short-term volunteer stint can transform your life as much as the people, animals, and ecology you choose to help. This fully updated edition is filled with in-depth information and profiles of more than 150 select organizations running thousands of quality programs in the United States and around the world. Inside, you’ll discover ways to Each listing includes complete contact information with locations, costs, dates, and project details you won’t find anywhere else. In addition, it features some of the better established long-term projects as well as organizations specifically tailored for families, seniors, and people with disabilities. Stories from recent volunteers and a host of photographs help you further imagine your volunteer adventure.
What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...) - Original PDF
What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kate Shoup Welsh خلاصه: This book is part of a series of major-based career guides. Here youwill see how the book is organized and find out how to make itwork for you. In the following sections, I describe the chapters you willfind in this book. Feel free to read the chapters in whatever order ismost helpful to you.Chapter 1: Majoring in BusinessThis chapter outlines what students majoring in business can expectwith regard to course work and requirements. You’ll also find waysto tailor your education to help you land that dream job when yougraduate—or at the very least, an entry-level position that puts you onthe right path—by choosing a concentration during the course of yourstudies.Chapter 2: Choosing a CollegeKnowing you want to study business can make choosing a collegemuch easier. This chapter describes the most outstanding undergradu-ate business programs in the nation.1Chapter 3: Making the Mostof Your Time at CollegeThis chapter is designed to illustrate to business majors how to increasetheir chances of gainful employment upon graduation by maximizingtheir college experience.Chapter 4: Attending Graduate SchoolWhether you received an undergraduate degree in business or in someother field, you may well decide that you want to pursue an MBA. Thischapter is designed to help you decide whether an MBA is right foryou, determine how obtaining an MBA can help you with your jobsearch, discover what sort of undergraduate background and grades arerequired, find out how to obtain excellent letters of recommendationfrom professors and other sources, figure out how to pay for yourschooling, and estimate how much time you can expect to devote toyour studies. You’ll also find information about the top MBA programsin the nation.Chapter 5: Career Optionsfor the Business MajorA business major acquires several skills and abilities that transfer well toany number of jobs in any number of industries. All these, plus thework ethic and self-discipline you’re sure to develop during the courseof your studies, will serve you well upon graduation. In this chapter,you’ll get a glimpse of a few of your options.Chapter 6: Breakinginto the Job MarketThis chapter is designed to help college students, recent grads, or anyoneinterested in changing careers find—and land—a great job in business.What Can You Do with a Major in Business?2Chapter 7: Case StudiesMeet six people who earned undergraduate degrees in business or whoreturned to school for an MBA. These people describe what they doand what they like and dislike about their jobs. They tell you how theygot to where they are today and discuss their successes and mistakes soyou can benefit from their experience
The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Gary, Ph.D. Namie, Ruth, Ph.D. Namie خلاصه: Life for the Namies changed in 1996 when Dr. Ruth ran into ahorrific woman supervisor as an employee in a psychiatric clinic.In her life before completing a PhD in clinical psychology and special-izing in chemical dependency treatment, Ruth had been a corporatetraining director, management consultant, and retail manager. Gary(PhD, social psychology) was a professor at several universities, thedirector of two corporate training departments, and a managementconsultant.The couple’s fight for justice began in 1998 with the founding of theCampaign Against Workplace Bullying. The nonprofit organizationmorphed during its first decade into the Workplace Bullying Institute,which serves Americans and Canadians. The accomplishments ofwhich we are most proud are that we imported the British term “work-place bullying” to the United States, started the national dialogue,and sustain it in more ways than originally imagined.Research—data from empirical surveys and over 5,000 intensiveinterviews—distinguishes WBI from well-intentioned newcomers tothe fight against bullying. Surveys started with a modest set of ques-tions in 1998, growing to the national scientific survey conductedwith partner Zogby International, and continuing with state-of-the-artdescriptive empirical studies, scientific conference presentations, andpublications in peer-reviewed academic journals. Interviews beganxiiThe Bully at Workwhen we offered toll-free advice starting in 1998. Financial compli-cations from the practice compelled its termination, but we learnedmuch of what we know from those who shared their suffering.The Namies educate the public. Their bullying-related researchand work have been featured numerous times on network TV—CNBC,The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, Nightline,CNN—on local TV, and in the national press—New York Times,Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, ChicagoTribune, Wall Street Journal, National Post, Financial Post, TorontoStar, Maclean’s—and radio across the United States and Canada.Appearances total over 700 in all media.Work Doctor, Inc., is the premier consulting firm that focuses onemployer solutions to correct and prevent workplace bullying. Thefirm, established in 1985, has focused exclusively on bullying-relatedorganizational problems since 1998.The original website grew into the Namie network of eight websitesreflecting the breadth of their services and information on the topic.
Homeowners Association and You (You and Your Homeowner's Association) - PDF
Homeowners Association and You (You and Your Homeowner's Association) - PDF
نویسندگان: Coleman, Huss خلاصه: Homeowners Association and You is designed as an informationresource and a practical guide for solving problems regardingAssociations. The book is presented in three parts. The first partaddresses how the Community and its Association are structured.The second part provides an overview of the legal issues theAssociation confronts and what to do about them. The third partaddresses how the Community is managed and the part you canplay—whether as a knowledgeable resident, Committee member, orBoard member—in improving its operation and success.The chapters are laid out by major topic areas—those thateveryone must know something about. Within the chapters, eachsubject area is discussed in detail with questionnaires, checklists, andforms provided. The appendices provide you with additionalresources and information to assist you as you go forward.EVALUATING THE COMMUNITYThe questionnaires and checklists are evaluation and improvementtools for determining the state of your Community and yourAssociation. They can and should be used more than once. That way,you can track your progress based on the point at which you started.Even more, the questionnaires and checklists will provide you withthe opportunity to develop a vision for your Community. No matterwhere you live or in what type of Community, each resident has a pic-ture of how that Community should look, feel, and operate. The eval-uations allow you to determine how you are progressing toward thatINTRODUCTIONvision, where there are opportunities for improvement, and whatactions should be taken so that the vision can and does become reality.As you read through the book, you may want to gather a groupof other residents to join you in completing some of the evaluations.If you are a member of the Board, you may want to arrange a spe-cial session to discuss the evaluations and the Board’s vision for theCommunity.You may decide to get alternative views from non-Board orCommittee members—in effect, the silent majority of residents—about how they see the Community and its operations. Think of itas an informal focus group. Marketing companies do it all the timeto make sure that they are on the right track. Why not use a triedand true technique for getting as much input as possible?The main thing in using the questionnaires and checklists is tobe as honest and objective as possible. It is very rare that everythingis perfect or perfectly awful. Most situations are a combination ofwhat you want and what you are surprised to find—for the goodand the bad. So when you use the evaluations, use them one at atime, take your time in answering them, and consider the answerscarefully before you decide to take action.
Building Organizational Memories: Will You Know What You Knew? (Premier Reference Source) - Original PDF
Building Organizational Memories: Will You Know What You Knew? (Premier Reference Source) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John P. Girard خلاصه: Much has been written about how organizations create and exchange knowledge to achieve a competitiveadvantage. To date most researchers have concentrated on the present and how organizational leadersmay use knowledge to create value today. This book builds on the many great works in the knowledgemanagement domain; however, it is unique in that the focus will be on what leaders should be doingnow (or soon) to ensure the next generation of organizational leaders know what they knew.The following is a real-world example of why this area of research is important; there are many morereasons articulated in the pages ahead. During an interview on CBS News on September 11, 2006, NewYork Fire Department Deputy Fire Chief John Norman described the unfathomable loss of life of theDepartment’s Special Operations Command five years earlier. On that tragic day, September 11, 2001,Special Operations Command lost 95 men – totaling 1600 years of experience. This is simply unimagi-nable when one considers this specialized unit pioneered techniques for urban rescue and terrorist at-tacks. Surely, it would be impossible to reconstitute the unique and vital knowledge of these brave men.Au contraire, Norman’s team proved that they had plans in place to quickly rebuild their team and onceagain become the best in world. Five years later the knowledge loss was virtually unnoticeable as theteam responded to 50 calls (Pitts, 2006).This story is not meant to demean the heartbreaking loss of very brave men, but rather it is to com-memorate the outstanding leadership, courage, and culture of a team that would not give up. Fortunately,most organizations do not have to suffer the tragic loss that Norman described, but perhaps we can learnfrom their tragedy. Virtually all organizations must deal with organizational memory loss to varyingdegrees. Could your organization rebuild from such devastation?Regrettably, organizational memory loss is not new, consider:One horrible day 1,600 years ago, the wisdom of many centuries went up in flames. The great libraryin Alexandria burned down, a catastrophe at the time and a symbol for all ages of the vulnerability ofhuman knowledge. The tragedy forced scholars to grope to reconstruct a grand literature and sciencethat once lay neatly cataloged in scrolls. (E. Linden, 1991)The message is clear; organizations must develop a strategy to maintain the intellectual capital thatmakes them unique. To be sure, most organizations cannot capture all of their tacit and explicit knowl-edge; however, that is not necessary and perhaps not even desirable. Rather organizational leaders mustput in place the tools and techniques to ensure that mission critical knowledge is maintained for thenext generation
The Complete Canadian Eldercare Guide: Expert Solutions to Help You Make the Best Decisions for Your Loved Ones - PDF
The Complete Canadian Eldercare Guide: Expert Solutions to Help You Make the Best Decisions for Your Loved Ones - PDF
نویسندگان: Caroline Tapp-McDougall خلاصه: E ldercare and its inherent superhero responsibilities are the new facts of life for aging Canadians and the invincible baby boomers. Today, as adult sons and daughters with high-maintenance careers, as spouses with ailing partners or rela- tives, we find ourselves juggling work, life, and care responsibility. We are, as the saying goes, “sandwiched” between the care needs of others and our still-dependent children. Research shows that families are, for the most part, unpre- pared for the eldercare challenges that lie ahead. Many move directly into “care in crisis” mode, make plans on the fly, and regret not making decisions about aging issues in advance. Workplace health, wellness, and productivity issues are huge. Today, employers and governments identify productivity, absen- teeism, presenteeism, and retention as key factors for their aging work forces with the statistics pointing to eldercare as one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. Of note: • More than 3.5 million Canadians are currently over the age of 65. By the year 2020, that number will more than double.1 • For 70% of Canadians age 30 to 60, caregiving for aging parents is now a reality with eldercare being shared across families.2 • More than 70% of informal caregivers are women, most often wives (24%) or adult daughters (29%).
Business Words You Should Know: From accelerated Depreciation to Zero-based Budgeting - Learn the Lingo for Any Field - PDF
Business Words You Should Know: From accelerated Depreciation to Zero-based Budgeting - Learn the Lingo for Any Field - PDF
نویسندگان: Gregory Hartley, Maryann Karinch خلاصه: When Dean and I first started talking about writing this book, we thought it would be very straightforward. We knew we wanted to take the language of business and translate it into plain English. He would choose the words, write the definitions, and take the role of busi- ness guru, ensuring the information was accurate. I would write the sen- tences, handle the technical part of writing a book, and take the role of target audience, ensuring the information was understandable. And we would have the next book in the excellent Words You Should Know series. To a certain extent, that is what happened. Over and over throughout the last year, Dean would present me with a definition, and I would say “But what does it mean?” until he had simplified it enough that even I could understand it. So it was straightforward. Dean has indeed chosen words and written definitions. I have written sentences. And you are reading this book. But something else happened as well. Once we started writing it, we came to realize it had far more potential than we originally recognized, and that was really exciting. Yes, this book can be used in a very straightforward manner: When you hear a business word you don’t understand, look it up and close the book. Easy. But it can be much more than that as well, depending on your needs. Perhaps you need to know more about a concept than simply its defi- nition and usage. An Internet search on “management style,” for instance, turns up more than 200 thousand results! This book offers related words for each term. Combine a few of them in your search, and suddenly you are closer to finding the information you actually need. Also, throughout the book, you will find boxes with further explana- tions of many of the defined words. While the definitions for these words are easy to understand, the concepts sometimes are not. The information found within the boxes will help clarify the concepts and how they apply to the business world.

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