The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Gary, Ph.D. Namie, Ruth, Ph.D. Namie
خلاصه: Life for the Namies changed in 1996 when Dr. Ruth ran into ahorrific woman supervisor as an employee in a psychiatric clinic.In her life before completing a PhD in clinical psychology and special-izing in chemical dependency treatment, Ruth had been a corporatetraining director, management consultant, and retail manager. Gary(PhD, social psychology) was a professor at several universities, thedirector of two corporate training departments, and a managementconsultant.The couple’s fight for justice began in 1998 with the founding of theCampaign Against Workplace Bullying. The nonprofit organizationmorphed during its first decade into the Workplace Bullying Institute,which serves Americans and Canadians. The accomplishments ofwhich we are most proud are that we imported the British term “work-place bullying” to the United States, started the national dialogue,and sustain it in more ways than originally imagined.Research—data from empirical surveys and over 5,000 intensiveinterviews—distinguishes WBI from well-intentioned newcomers tothe fight against bullying. Surveys started with a modest set of ques-tions in 1998, growing to the national scientific survey conductedwith partner Zogby International, and continuing with state-of-the-artdescriptive empirical studies, scientific conference presentations, andpublications in peer-reviewed academic journals. Interviews beganxiiThe Bully at Workwhen we offered toll-free advice starting in 1998. Financial compli-cations from the practice compelled its termination, but we learnedmuch of what we know from those who shared their suffering.The Namies educate the public. Their bullying-related researchand work have been featured numerous times on network TV—CNBC,The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, Nightline,CNN—on local TV, and in the national press—New York Times,Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, ChicagoTribune, Wall Street Journal, National Post, Financial Post, TorontoStar, Maclean’s—and radio across the United States and Canada.Appearances total over 700 in all media.Work Doctor, Inc., is the premier consulting firm that focuses onemployer solutions to correct and prevent workplace bullying. Thefirm, established in 1985, has focused exclusively on bullying-relatedorganizational problems since 1998.The original website grew into the Namie network of eight websitesreflecting the breadth of their services and information on the topic.