Volatility Trading, Second Edition - Original PDF
Volatility Trading, Second Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Euan Sinclair(auth.) خلاصه: Trading models are fundamentally different. The BSM model isn’t good because it is an accurate representation of reality. It is actually fairly poor in this regard, with most of the model’s assumptions being gross oversimplifications. It is a good model because the weaknesses are well understood and the model gives results that are intuitively sensible. The model fits its purpose. It is useful. It makes as little sense to say it is correct or incorrect as to say that German is incorrect and French is correct. The standard derivation of the BSM equation can be found in any number of places (for example, Hull 2005). Although good derivations carefully lead us through the mathematics and financial assumptions they don’t generally make it obvious what to do as a trader. We must always remember that our goal is to identify and pro
The Routledge Guide to William Shakespeare - Original PDF
The Routledge Guide to William Shakespeare - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Robert Shaughnessy خلاصه: Demystifying and contextualising Shakespeare for the twenty-first century, this book offers both an introduction to the subject for beginners as well as an invaluable resource for more experienced Shakespeareans. In this friendly, structured guide, Robert Shaughnessy: introduces Shakespeare’s life and works in context, providing crucial historical background looks at each of Shakespeare’s plays in turn, considering issues of historical context, contemporary criticism and performance history provides detailed discussion of twentieth-century Shakespearean criticism, exploring the theories, debates and discoveries that shape our understanding of Shakespeare today looks at contemporary performances of Shakespeare on stage and screen provides further critical reading by play outlines detailed chronologies of Shakespeare’s life and works and also of twentieth-century criticism The companion website at www.routledge.com/textbooks/shaughnessy contains student-focused materials and resources, including an interactive timeline and annotated weblinks.
From Data to Trade: A Machine Learning Approach to Quantitative Trading - Original PDF
From Data to Trade: A Machine Learning Approach to Quantitative Trading - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Gautier Marti خلاصه: Machine Learning has revolutionized the field of quantitative trading, enabling traders to develop and implement sophisticated trading strategies that leverage large amounts of data and advanced modeling techniques. In this book, we provide a comprehensive overview of Machine Learning for quantitative trading, covering the fundamental concepts, techniques, and applications of Machine Learning in the financial industry. We start by introducing the key concepts and challenges of Machine Learning for quantitative trading, including feature engineering, model selection, and backtesting. We then delve into the various Machine Learning approaches that are commonly used in quantitative trading, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. We also discuss the challenges and best practices of implementing Machine Learning models in the live market, including the role of data quality, the importance of risk management, and the need for ongoing model monitoring and validation. Throughout the book, we provide numerous examples and case studies to illustrate the concepts and techniques discussed, and we also include practical tips and resources to help traders and practitioners get started with Machine Learning for quantitative trading. This book is an essential resource for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of how Machine Learning is transforming the world of finance. This groundbreaking work offers a unique perspective on the use of Machine Learning in the financial markets, as it was created by an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) using its own Machine Learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and construct a comprehensive guide on the subject. Machine Learning is a type of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn and adapt without being explicitly programmed. It involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to analyze data and make predictions or decisions based on the patterns and trends that it identifies. In Machine Learning, a computer is trained to recognize patterns in data by being presented with a large number of examples of the patterns that it should recognize. As the computer processes these examples, it "learns" the characteristics of the patterns and becomes better at recognizing them. Once the computer has learned to recognize the patterns, it can then be used to make predictions or decisions based on new data that it has not seen before. There are many different types of machine learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Each type of Machine Learning involves a different approach to training the computer and making predictions or decisions based on the data. Machine Learning is used in a wide range of applications, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing (NLP), recommendation systems, and fraud detection. It has the potential to transform many different industries by automating tasks that would be difficult or impossible for humans to perform, and by enabling computers to make decisions and predictions based on data in a way that is more accurate and efficient than human judgment. In “From Data to Trade: A Quantitative Approach to Machine Learning,” readers will learn about the latest techniques and approaches for using Machine Learning in quantitative trading, as well as practical advice for implementing these methods in their own trading strategies. From basic concepts to advanced techniques, this book covers it all and is an invaluable resource for traders at any level of experience.
Handbook of LGBTQ-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy - Original PDF
Handbook of LGBTQ-Affirmative Couple and Family Therapy - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Author(s): Salvador Minuchin, Michael D. Reiter, Charmaine Rebecca G. Harvey (editor), Megan J. Murphy (editor), Jerry J. Bigner (editor), Joseph L. Wetchler (editor) خلاصه: This comprehensive second edition inspires therapists to utilize clinical work to pragmatically address intersectional oppressions, lessen the burden of minority stress, and implement effective LGBTQ affirmative therapy. A unique and important contribution to LGBTQ literature, this handbook includes both new and updated chapters reflecting cutting-edge intersectional themes like race, ethnicity, polyamory, and monosexual normativity. A host of expert contributors outline the best practices in affirmative therapy, inspiring therapists to guide LGBTQ clients into deconstructing the heteronormative power imbalances that undermine LGBTQ relationships and families. There is also an increased focus on clinical application, with fresh vignettes included throughout to highlight effective treatment strategies. Couple and family therapists and clinicians working with LGBTQ clients, and those interested in implementing affirmative therapy in their practice, will find this updated handbook essential.
Re-Visioning Family Therapy, Third Edition: Addressing Diversity in Clinical Practice - Original PDF
Re-Visioning Family Therapy, Third Edition: Addressing Diversity in Clinical Practice - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Monica McGoldrick (editor), Kenneth V. Hardy (editor) خلاصه: A leading text for courses that go beyond the basics of family systems theory, intervention techniques, and diversity, this influential work has now been significantly revised with 65% new material. The volume explores how family relationships--and therapy itself--are profoundly shaped by race, social class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and other intersecting dimensions of marginalization and privilege. Chapters from leading experts guide the practitioner to challenge assumptions about family health and pathology, understand the psychosocial impact of oppression, and tap into clients' cultural resources for healing. Practical clinical strategies are interwoven with theoretical insights, case examples, training ideas, and therapists' reflections on their own cultural and family legacies. New to This Edition *Existing chapters have been thoroughly updated and 21 chapters added, expanding the perspectives in the book. *Reflects over a decade of theoretical and clinical advances and the growing diversity of the United States. *New sections on re-visioning clinical research, trauma and psychological homelessness, and larger systems.
The Practice of Family Therapy: Key Elements Across Models - Original PDF
The Practice of Family Therapy: Key Elements Across Models - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Suzanne Midori Hanna (Editor) خلاصه: Now in its fifth edition, The Practice of Family Therapy comes at a time when traditional approaches to psychotherapy have given way to multidimensional strategies that best serve the needs of diverse groups who are grappling with the many challenges unique to family therapy practice. With expanded coverage of different models, along with new developments in evidence-based and postmodern practices, this integrative textbook bridges the gap between science and systemic/relational approaches, as it guides the reader through each stage of family therapy. Part I lays the groundwork by introducing the first-, second-, and third-generation models of family therapy, teaching the reader to integrate different elements from these models into a systemic structure of practice. Part II explores the practical application of these models, including scripts for specific interventions and rich case examples that highlight how to effectively work with diverse client populations. Students will learn how to make connections between individual symptoms and cutting-edge family practices to respond successfully to cases of substance abuse, trauma, grief, depression, suicide risk, violence, LGBTQ families, and severely mentally ill clients and their families. Also included are study guides for each model and a glossary to review main concepts. Aligned with the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards’ (AMFTRB) knowledge and content statements, this textbook will be key reading for graduate students who are preparing for the national licensing exam in marriage and family therapy.
Solving Modern Family Dilemmas: An Assimilative Therapy Model - Original PDF
Solving Modern Family Dilemmas: An Assimilative Therapy Model - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Patricia Pitta خلاصه: Context is the unifying principle that guides a therapist’s formulation of the modern family’s presenting dilemmas, functioning, relationships, and attitudes. We can no longer assume that a family is comprised of a mother, father, and children; the composition and systems a family operates within can be fluid and ever-changing, requiring an equally elastic model. The Assimilative Family Therapy Model is sensitive to the many unique contexts presented by the modern family and is shaped by the inclusion of necessary interventions to address the specific dilemmas of a client or family. In Solving Modern Family Dilemmas, readers will learn about many schools of thought and experience their integration to help heal clients through differentiation, anxiety reduction, and lowering emotional reactivity. There is also no need for readers to abandon their theoretical framework; theories, concepts, and interventions can be inserted into the model, enabling readers to create their own model of family therapy. End-of-chapter questions enable self-examination, and readers are treated to references for further exploring theories, concepts, and interventions. Family therapists, psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors find this book essential in their work with all clients, and professors use it in courses to teach different modes of integrating theories, concepts, and interventions.
Contemporary Families: Translating Research Into Practice - Original PDF
Contemporary Families: Translating Research Into Practice - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Scott Browning, Kay Pasley خلاصه: Written for researchers, practitioners, and students in advanced courses, this book furthers our understanding of the complexity of contemporary families. Seven types of families are the focus of this book, based on the research available and the challenges they present for mental health professionals. The family forms discussed are • Adoption • Foster care • Interracial families • Family members with special needs (with a focus on autism) • Families with LGBTQ members • Grandparent-headed Families • Family members with chronic medical conditions The volume establishes an innovative format that fits the new age of evidence-based practice. Each chapter is written by a collaborative team of authors consisting of researchers and practitioners. The former address the prevalence and characteristics of the family form and then present the research findings most relevant to clinical practice; the latter use this as the foundation for their portion of the chapter, in which they discuss strategies for good therapeutic intervention, representing a true integration of science and practice. Readers learn about relevant research findings regarding each family described, as well as gain explicit instruction and case material for which to augment therapeutic efforts with these populations.
Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice - Original PDF
Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ascher, Michael S.; Glick, Ira D.; Heru, Alison M.; Rait, Douglas Samuel خلاصه: Fifth edition of a classic text that views couples and family therapy through a psychiatric lens Written by clinicians with a biopsychosocial perspective on illness and family dysfunction Draws on case studies to present family-oriented interventions in an accessible manner Explores underlying principles along with a wide range of practical therapeutic techniques Culturally inclusive, enabling readers to work with patients from diverse backgrounds
Tolteca The way of the warrior-seer - Original PDF
Tolteca The way of the warrior-seer - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Carlos Castaneda Florinda Donner Taisha Abelar Armando Torres Eric Berne Arthur Janov Jiddu Krishnamurti خلاصه: The Toltec Way is undeniably a map to Freedom. The Mastery of Awareness is the modern-day version of an extremely ancient tradition. Although the seers of today are linked to that ancient tradition, they are seers of a new cycle and have a new focus. The essential character of the New Seers and the modern Seers of the New Era is that they are the Warriors of Total Freedom. They are such Masters of Awareness, Controlled Folly, and Intent, that they are not caught by death, 1 ike the rest of mortal Men, but choose the moment and the way of their departure from this world.

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