First Kisses 4: It Had to Be You - PDF
نویسندگان: Sabrina Jordan
خلاصه: Chapter OneIam a girly-girl.With three older brothers who areobsessed with sports and cars and videogames, it would have been easy for me to growup a tomboy, but I didn’t.From the time I was little, I’ve loved beinga girl! Dresses with ruffles. Colored tights.Shiny black Mary Janes. I used to wear themall! Very rarely would I wear T-shirts andjeans, but if I did, there was always somethingfeminine about them. Like my jeans wouldn’t1be blue. They’d be yellow or purple andtrimmed with lace on the cuffs. And my T-shirts would say things like: DADDY’S LITTLEGIRL or SWEET AS SUGAR.I used to have tea parties with my stuffedanimals and I would serve cakes made with myEasy-Bake oven. Cliché, I know. I even hadevery Barbie imaginable, including all theaccessories, as well as a few Bratz dolls.Confession: I always loved my Barbies morethan my Bratz dolls. Barbie just seemed moreelegant. And she had her own Dream House!I’ve always had pierced ears. My oldestbrother, Rob, who’s nineteen and just finishedhis first year of college, says this is becausewhen I was a baby and our mom used to takeme out in my carriage, people would alwaysstop her and say, “What a cute baby boy!” eventhough I was wearing pink and I had a PebblesFlintstone hairstyle (a tuft of hair sticking upon the top of my head and tied with a bright-colored ribbon).Earrings are fun. My jewelry box is filledwith all sorts of different styles. Some days I2like wearing tiny hoops. Other days I likewearing earrings that are long and dangling.Sometimes I’ll just go simple and wear goldstuds. My mom has a fabulous earring collec-tion and sometimes she’ll let me borrow a pair,but only if I ask permission. Sneaking into herjewelry box is not allowed. That’s because herearrings are made of real gold and silver anddiamonds while mine are all pretty much cos-tume jewelry.When I was little, my mom used to braidmy hair in pigtails. Some days she’d give me aponytail. But whatever hairstyle she gave me,she always used silk ribbons and cute barrettesand hair clips. My hair is still long and I lovestyling it in different ways. No short-and-sassyhairstyle for me! My hair reaches past myshoulders to the middle of my back and thecolor is chestnut brown, although sometimes,like during the summer, if I’m out in the sun fora long time, highlights will appear. My bestfriend, Caitlyn, is always telling me she wouldkill to have my hair. I don’t know what she’scomplaining about. Her hair is super curly and3a gorgeous red color. Not carrot red but a richauburn. Like in shampoo ads in magazines. Butshe hates the color and is always trying tostraighten the curls out of her hair.Caitlyn and I have been best friends sincekindergarten. On the first day of school, weboth brought our Cabbage Patch Kids toschool for show-and-tell. The dolls were identi-cal and we decided that they were long-lost sis-ters and it was up to us to make sure theystayed in touch.Caitlyn practically lives at my house andwhen we’re not hanging out together, we’reeither on the phone or instant messaging whenwe’re online. We tell each other everythingalthough there’s a secret I’ve been keepingfrom her.It’s not that I don’t want to tell her mysecret, but I can’t. I’ve been told that part of thejob I’ve just taken is keeping my identity asecret.I know this all sounds mysterious and con-fusing, but it really isn’t. And there’s a perfectlylogical explanation.4This September I’ll be a freshman at NorthMarshall High School and I’ve been picked toinherit the job of being the anonymous fresh-man advice columnist, Dear Daisy, for the highschool’s website. Daisy has been around forever.I think she was even giving out advice whenmy parents were both freshmen there! Beforewebsites existed, she had her own column inthe school’s newspaper. Every year a newfreshman takes over as Daisy, writing the col-umn and dispensing advice.Working on my junior high’s newspaper,writing and editing articles, is what got me thejob of Dear Daisy. I know the importance ofextracurricular activities. Colleges look for thatkind of stuff in addition to good grades, so it’snever too early to start participating.My guidance counselor, who I met when Iwent to pick up my class schedule in June, wasthe one who told me about the Dear Daisyposition. He thought I would be good at it, buthe also told me that there were five other girlswho were just as qualified as I was to take overthe column. If I was interested in becoming5Dear Daisy, then I’d have to submit a samplecolumn and after all the columns were com-pared, a decision would be made