The Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation - Original PDF
The Politics of Children’s Rights and Representation - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Bengt Sandin • Jonathan Josefsson Karl Hanson • Sarada Balagopalan خلاصه: The Oscar winning documentary film Born into Brothels, written and directed by Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman, received critical public acclaim and was praised by many children’s rights advocates at the time of its release in 2004. The film seductively weaves together a narrative of com- passion together with showcasing the actions taken by Zana Briski, a New York-based photographer, to remove children of sex workers from Sonagachi, a red-light district in Kolkata, India, from their debilitating environments. Despite their alleged neglect by their sex worker mothers
Rebuilding Communities After Displacement - Original PDF
Rebuilding Communities After Displacement - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Mo Hamza · Dilanthi Amaratunga · Richard Haigh · Chamindi Malalgoda · Chathuranganee Jayakody · Anuradha Senanayake خلاصه: The number of people worldwide forced to flee their homes due to conflict, violence, disaster risk, and environmental degradation driven by climate change is on the rise. These displacement situations are also becoming more protracted, with many lasting several years or slowly turning to a permanent form of relocation. Forced displacement has become a significant development and humanitarian challenge. There is an urgent need to develop more sustainable and resilient approaches that can better support displaced communities and ensure a long-term prospect for such a population. But the picture is not complete without including the host communities and the kind of support they also need. Forcible displacement often results in resettle in areas that are already facing their own development challenges, which can lead to tensions between the two communities. Sustainable and resilient approaches for rebuilding displaced and host commu- nities go beyond addressing physical needs, including housing, safe drinking water, sanitary facilities, electricity, and transport infrastructure. The displaced have lost assets and livelihoods, and are unable to plan for the future. For some communi- ties, such as those involved with fisheries or agriculture, land or place is both a livelihood and a strong sense of identity. No access to grazing land means indige- nous people are deprived of a livelihood and a loss of local identity. No access to livelihood creates unemployment and fewer economic opportunities. This can lead to marginalisation, poverty, and further far reaching and more severe consequences such as human trafficking when vulnerable populations are exploited. Providing access to previous livelihoods or creating new economic opportunities give displaced people the opportunity for financial independence. This also helps to avoid tensions with host communities, who often view immigrants as a threat to their livelihoods or a drain on local resources
Serotonin und akustisch evozierte Potentiale - PDF
Serotonin und akustisch evozierte Potentiale - PDF
نویسندگان: Georg Juckel خلاصه: Aufgrund dieser Bedeutung des serotonergen Systems konzentrierte sich zunachst die psychopharmakologische Forschung im wachsendem Mane auf die Entwicklung von Substanzen, die moglichst selektiv das serotonerge System beeinflussen (2.B. Selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer (SSRI)), und auf die Beobachtung der klinischen Response auf diese Pharmaka bei Untergruppen psychiatrischer Patienten (Montgomery und Fineberg, 1989; Feighner und Boyer, 1991). Zudem gelang es der neurobiologischen Forschung, auf der Suche nach der Klarung der pathogenetischen Rolle des serotonergen Systems bei verschiedenen psychiatrischen Erkrankungen wie Depression oder Zwangsstorung, wesentliche Bestandteile und Aspekte seiner Neurotransmission zu ergrunden. lnsgesamt jedoch ist das serotonerge System hinsichtlich seiner Funktion und pathogenetischen Bedeutung aufgrund seiner Komplexitat und nicht zuletzt aufgrund der bisher fehlenden validen lndikatoren fur seinen generelien Funktionszustandes nicht vollstandig verstanden worden und lasst noch viele Fragen offen
نویسندگان: P. BERNARD et CH. BRISSET خلاصه: Le même problème se retrouve dans l'opposition entre le sujet et le monde des objets comme centre ou origine de la vie psychique. Sur le plan métaphy- sique et « gnoséologique » (théorie de la connaissance), cette opposition doc- trinale fonde le rationalisme idéaliste (Platon, Berkeley, Descartes) et le réa- lisme empirique (Hume). Sur le plan de la psychologie, à propos de la conscience, de la perception, du Moi, etc., le problème se pose de saVoir si la conscience, la perception, le Moi, etc., doivent être considérés comme gouvernés par les formes de l'organisation interne du sujet, ou considérés comme des effets de l'action formatrice du monde des objets. Autrement dit, la vie psychique doit-elle être considérée sur le modèle de l'expérience intime de la pensée du sujet ou sur celle de l'expérience objective du milieu naturel ou social ? Mais là encore depuis Kant, les deux termes de cette antinomie sont le plus souvent dépassés dans une conception plus totaliste de la vie psychique (Bergson, W. James, Husserl, Nicolaï Hartman) qui ne s'accommode ni d'un idéalisme transcendantal ni d'un réalisme naïf. C'est dans des notions dynamiques comme « structures », « formes » qui font interVenir l'activité psychique comme intégration du subjectif et de l'objectif, que la psychologie contemporaine, soit dans certains de ses aspects « gestaltistes » (Krueger, Ehrenfeld, Mei- nong) ou structuralistes (Dilthey, Brentano), soit dans des démarches phé- noménologiques (Husserl, Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty), soit encore dans son orientation bio-psychologique totaliste (Monakow et Mourgue, y. Weizsäcker , etc.), a soumis à une révision profonde le problème de l'objec- tif et du subjectif. Elle a mis en effet au premier plan de ses préoccupations l'unité même du subjectif et de l'objectif, du Moi et de son Monde, comme le sens même ou si l'on Veut le fonctionnement de l'activité psychique.
Handbuch der Forensischen Psychiatrie Band 3 Psychiatrische Kriminalprognose und Kriminaltherapie - Original PDF
Handbuch der Forensischen Psychiatrie Band 3 Psychiatrische Kriminalprognose und Kriminaltherapie - Original PDF
نویسندگان: H.-L. Kræber D. Dælling N. Leygraf H. Saû خلاصه: Neben dem Anliegen, die Mitglieder einer Gesellschaft durch die glaubhafte Androhung von Negativkonsequenzen mæglichst von der Verletzung straf- rechtsbewehrter Normen abzuhalten (Generalpråvention) und, im Falle be- reits eingetretener Normverletzungen, das hierdurch begangene Unrecht nachtråglich durch den Vollzug dieser Konsequenzen zu vergelten (Sçhne), haben Strafen im hiesigen Rechtssystem auch den Zweck, auf den einzelnen Rechtsbrecher einzuwirken mit dem Ziel, dass dieser zukçnftig ein Leben ohne weitere Normçbertretungen fçhrt (Spezialpråvention; zur sog. ¹Ver- einigungstheorieª der verschiedenen Strafzwecke vgl. z. B. Jescheck u. Wei- gend 1996). Neben gegenwarts- und vergangenheitsbezogenen Zwecken ver- folgen strafrechtliche Sanktionen somit auch zukunftsbezogene Absichten. Insoweit orientieren sich ihre Auswahl und Bemessung zu einem gewissen Grad an den Erwartungen an das zukçnftige Verhalten des Betroffenen und an den Erwartungen an ihre Wirkung auf dieses Verhalten. In be- stimmten Fållen sieht das deutsche Strafrecht auch Rechtsfolgen vor, die unmittelbar an der ¹Gefåhrlichkeitª des Rechtsbrechers ± also an der Erwartung zukçnftiger gravierender Normçbertretungen ± anknçpfen; ent- sprechende Prognosen stellen die wichtigste Voraussetzung fçr die Ver- hångung freiheitsentziehender Maûregeln der Besserung und Sicherung dar.
La psychiatrie médiévale persane - Original PDF
La psychiatrie médiévale persane - Original PDF
نویسندگان: B. Thierry de Crussol des Epesse خلاصه: Cet ouvrage est soumis au copyright. Tous droits réservés, notamment la reproduction et la repré- sentation, la traduction, la réimpression, l’exposé, la reproduction des illustrations et des tableaux, la transmission par voie d’enregistrement sonore ou visuel, la reproduction par microfilm ou tout autre moyen ainsi que la conservation des banques de données. La loi française sur le copyright du 9 septembre 1965 dans la version en vigueur n’autorise une reproduction intégrale ou partielle que dans certains cas, et en principe moyennant le paiement des droits. Toute représentation, reproduc- tion, contrefaçon ou conservation dans une banque de données par quelque procédé que ce soit est sanctionnée par la loi pénale sur le copyright. L’utilisation dans cet ouvrage de désignations, dénominations commerciales, marques de fabrique, etc. même sans spécification ne signifie pas que ces termes soient libres de la législation sur les marques de fabrique et la protection des marques et qu’ils puissent être utilisés par chacun. La maison d’édition décline toute responsabilité quant à l’exactitude des indications de dosage et des modes d’emploi. Dans chaque cas il incombe à l’usager de vérifier les informations données par comparaison à la littérature existante
Routinedaten in der Psychiatrie - Original PDF
Routinedaten in der Psychiatrie - Original PDF
نویسندگان: W. Gaebel z H. Spießl z T. Becker خلاصه: Die psychiatrische Basisdokumentation (BADO) hat eine lange Geschichte, beginnend mit dem „Normalschema“ von Flemming 1846, der DGPN- BADO von Dilling und Mitarbeitern 1982 und schließlich der DGPPN-BADO von Cording und Mitarbeitern 1995 [2]. Daneben wurden in den letzten zehn Jahren weitere „BADOs“ entwickelt, z. B. Psy-BADO oder PsyBaDo-PTM für den Bereich Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, BADO-K für den gemeinde- psychiatrischen komplementären Bereich, AmBADO für psychiatrische Insti- tutsambulanzen, CL-BADO für den Konsil- und Liaisondienst oder PO-BADO für den Bereich der Psychoonkologie
Corporatizing Canada Making Business Out of Public Service - PDF
Corporatizing Canada Making Business Out of Public Service - PDF
نویسندگان: JAMIE BROWNLEE, CHRIS HURL, AND KEVIN WALBY خلاصه: Jamie Brownlee, Chris Hurl, and Kevin Walby Social activists and critical scholars have often used the concept of “corporatization” to describe the changing nature of the Canadian state over the past thirty years. The concept evokes the image of economic elites controlling public institutions and using business metrics to evaluate their performance. Corporatization is also used to describe the expanding discretion of senior managers to set priorities in health and social services, the creation of market-friendly public sector cultures, the development of new contractual arrangements between the public and private sector, and the “capture” of regulatory agencies by industry. In the popular press, the term corporatization is invoked to explain changes in areas as diverse as mental health, foreign aid, LGBTQ pride events, and the funeral industry. (1) Clearly, corporatization means different things to different people, with it becoming a sort of catch-all concept to describe a multifaceted set of political and economic processes associated with neoliberalism and growing corporate power. However, little attention has been devoted to exploring what corporatization means, to assessing its process and impacts, or to investigating how it is taken up across different types of public agencies and institutions. A small body of research has examined the effects of corporatization around the world, initially looking at North America and Western Europe, and, more recently, the Global South. (2) Much of this literature focuses on public utilities, such as electricity and water, as well as health care and higher education, although research has increasingly focused on other areas of service delivery. Some researchers have also examined the growing impact of corporatization on civil society. For instance, recent scholarship has exposed how social activist organizations increasingly look and act like multinational corporations, and how non-governmental and non-profit organizations are pursuing partnerships with the same corporations they ostensibly oppose. (3
Economics for Business - PDF
Economics for Business - PDF
نویسندگان: Dermot McAleese خلاصه: The economic policy consensus has evolved not because the principles of economics have changed, but because over time we have learned more about the inferences that can be drawn from them. Accompanying this consensus are policy priorities, which are having a major impact on global standards of living, income distribution and lifestyles. The global reach of the economic consensus is its most remarkable characteristic. In Europe and North America, the key turning points were the policy reforms of Prime Minister Thatcher and President Reagan in the first half of the 1980s. New Zealand and Australia developed even more radical pro-market policies. In South America, dramatic policy initiatives were taken in Chile during the 1980s, and Chile’s example was followed by Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil. In Asia, India embraced a reform package in the early 1990s which focused on a more intensive use of market incentives in domestic labour and product markets, openness to trade and foreign investment, and fiscal stability. China too has become more conscious of the need to use market mechanisms. Throughout Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, policy-makers have turned away from economic planning and price controls, and are searching for ways of making their markets function more efficiently, through privatisation programmes, market flexibility measures, competition policy and more enterprise-friendly tax regimes
نویسندگان: ROSE MACAULAY خلاصه: After the Great War (but I do not say how long after), when the tumult and the shouting had died, and those who were left of the captains and the kings had gone either home or to those obscure abodes selected for them by their more successful fellows (to allay anxiety, I hasten to mention that three one-time Emperors were among those thus relegated to distance and obscurity), and humanity, released from its long torment, peered nervously into a future darkly divined (nervously, and yet curiously, like a man long sick who has just begun to get about again and cannot yet make anything coherent of the strange, disquieting, terrifying, yet enchanting jumble which breaks upon his restored consciousness)—while these things happened, the trains still ran through the Bakerloo tube, carrying people to their day's work.

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