Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probabilities and Statistics on Everything You Do - PDF
Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden Influence of Probabilities and Statistics on Everything You Do - PDF
نویسندگان: Kaiser Fung خلاصه: WHAT ARE THE ODDS YOU'LL WIN THE LOTTERY? How long will your kids wait in line at Disney World? Who decides that “standardized tests” are fair? Why do highway engineers build slow-moving ramps? What does it mean, statistically, to be an “Average Joe”? NUMBERS RULE YOUR WORLD In the popular tradition of eye-opening bestsellers like Freakonomics, The Tipping Point, and Super Crunchers, this fascinating book from renowned statistician and blogger Kaiser Fung takes you inside the hidden world of facts and figures that affect you every day, in every way. These are the statistics that rule your life, your job, your commute, your vacation, your food, your health, your money, and your success. This is how engineers calculate your quality of living, how corporations determine your needs, and how politicians estimate your opinions. These are the numbers you never think about-even though they play a crucial role in every single aspect of your life. What you learn may surprise you, amuse you, or even enrage you. But there's one thing you won't be able to deny: Numbers Rule Your World… "An easy read with a big benefit." —Fareed Zakaria, CNN "For those who have anxiety about how organization data-mining is impacting their world, Kaiser Fung pulls back the curtain to reveal the good and the bad of predictive analytics." —Ian Ayres,Yale professor and author of Super Crunchers: Why Thinking By Numbers is the New Way to Be Smart "A book that engages us with stories that a journalist would write, the compelling stories behind the stories as illuminated by the numbers, and the dynamics that the numbers reveal." —John Sall, Executive Vice President, SAS Institute "Little did I suspect, when I picked up Kaiser Fung's book, that I would become so entranced by it - an illuminating and accessible exploration of the power of statistical analysis for those of us who have no prior training in a field that he explores so ably." —Peter Clarke, author of Keynes: The Rise, Fall, and Return of the 20th Century's Most Influential Economist "A tremendous book. . . . If you want to understand how to use statistics, how to think with numbers and yet to do this without getting lost in equations, if you've been looking for the book to unlock the door to logical thinking about problems, well, you will be pleased to know that you are holding that book in your hands." —Daniel Finkelstein, Executive Editor, The Times of London "I thoroughly enjoyed this accessible book and enthusiastically recommend it to anyone looking to understand and appreciate the role of statistics and data analysis in solving problems and in creating a better world." —Michael Sherman, Texas A&M University, American Statistician
Bird Flu (Everything You Need to Know) - PDF
Bird Flu (Everything You Need to Know) - PDF
نویسندگان: John Farndon خلاصه: A bird flu pandemic is inevitable—so we are told. First identified in China, this apparently merciless virus, which originated in chickens, has the potential to mutate and kill thousands, even millions of people. John Farndon offers a compact, one-stop read that tells it straight. The public doesn’t want to spend months doing research, and Bird Flu provides readers with all the necessary information. This is something that can’t be pushed aside and ignored––people really do need to know if there is anything to fear, and if so, what can they do about it?
Devotions to Leave You Smiling - PDF
Devotions to Leave You Smiling - PDF
نویسندگان: Brian Kelley Bauknight خلاصه: The pastor preached a very short sermon one Sunday morning. He explained: “My dog got into my office and chewed up some of my notes." At the close of the service, a visitor made this request: “If your dog ever has puppies, please let my pastor have one of them!” God intends for us to smile. Far more muscles are used when we frown than when we smile. So why overwork facial muscles? Laughter is as much a part of the heart of God as are tears. This book is a collection of devotions built around some of the lighter fare of life. Each devotion presented here begins with a smile-a brief, humorous reflection. Each includes a Scripture reference. And each concludes with a “sendoff”-a prayer, challenge, or thought for the day. Highlighted with original illustrations by “Close to Home” cartoonist John McPherson.
Iran (Everything You Need to Know) - PDF
Iran (Everything You Need to Know) - PDF
نویسندگان: John Farndon خلاصه: Iran’s President Ahmadinejad shocked the world when he described the Holocaust as a myth and called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Could Iran build and use nuclear weapons? How would we be affected if Iran cut off oil supplies? Many see Iran as part of the “axis of evil,” and America is not alone in arguing that it presents a huge danger. But is Iran really the rabid Islamic dog that some paint it? Or is it in fact the most prosperous, sophisticated, cultured nation in the Middle East, despite its president’s belligerence? This book gives you the facts and lets you form your own opinion.
PETA's Vegan College Cookbook: 275 Easy, Cheap, and Delicious Recipes to Keep You Vegan at School - PDF
PETA's Vegan College Cookbook: 275 Easy, Cheap, and Delicious Recipes to Keep You Vegan at School - PDF
نویسندگان: PETA خلاصه: special thanks to: Rebecca Fischer, Lara Sanders, and PatriciaTrostle for their invaluable assistance throughout the entire cook-book writing process. To Dan Shannon, Joel Bartlett, Ryan Huling, ChrisGarcia, and P.J. Smith for their guidance and input. To Becky Fenson,Amy Elizabeth, Heidi Parker, and Lindsay Pollard-Post for their amazingability to capture the college voice. To Blake Simmons and Laura Brownfor their organizational and research abilities. To Erin Nevius, SaraAppino, and Carrie Gellin at Sourcebooks, Inc., for their help in makingthis work come together. And to the following people for lending us theirrecipes, opinions, and taste buds in order to make this book come to life:Claire Marlatt, Christine Doré, Rachel Owen, Jennifer Cierlitsky, AlkaChandna, David Perle, Kelly Respess, Paul Kercheval, Chris Holbein,Jenny Lou and Josh Browning, Sean Conner, Caleb Wheeldon, MichaelCroland, Teresa Cooper, Christine Tynes, Sarah Pearson, Megan Hartman,Karen Porreca, Patti Tillotson, Meg Caskey, Kelli Provencio, ColleenHiggins, Roxanne Conwell, Jannette Patterson, Julian Carr, DesireeAcholla, Colleen Borst, Jessica Johnston, Jennifer Hurst, Melissa Kessler,Elizabeth O’Mara, Tracy Reiman, Liesel Wolff, Kim DeWester, TravisPoland, Laura Frisk, Kaci Fairbanks, Jenny Woods, Allison Liu, JessicaJagmin, Carrie Ann Knauss, Katie Smith, Kim Terepka, Anita DeWester,Jessica Roland, Madalyn Grimm, Ashley Byrne, and Libby Simons.Finally, a big thank you to Ingrid E. Newkirk for trusting us with thisproject, writing a rockin’ foreword, and submitting many, many recipes.aCKnoWledgments
You and Your Arrhythmia: A Guide to Heart Rhythm Problems for Patients & Their Families - PDF
You and Your Arrhythmia: A Guide to Heart Rhythm Problems for Patients & Their Families - PDF
نویسندگان: John A. Kastor خلاصه: Cardiac arrhythmias are among our most common afflictions. Usuallythey have little clinical importance and present no risk to the life ofpatients who have them. Occasionally, however, they can produce trou-blesome symptoms and may even bring about the patient’s death.*Arrhythmias produce rapid, slow, or irregular heartbeats of whichsome patients may be acutely conscious, whereas others may beunaware. Explaining what arrhythmias are and how doctors treatthem—when that is necessary—is the purpose of this book.First I explain the anatomy and physiology of the heart, particularlyof the electrical components that give rise to arrhythmias.Then I describe most of the arrhythmias that patients maydevelop. Each chapter has been built around the experiences of apatient for whom the author or one his colleagues has cared. In somecases, I have changed the stories slightly to facilitate understandingand to avoid confusing the picture with issues that the doctors mighthave needed to consider but are unrelated to the topic being dis-cussed. In the next section, I explain how cardiologists use drugs andixPreface* For a more comprehensive discussion of the subject, some readers may want to con-sult the author’s text Arrhythmias (Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 2000).devices such as pacemakers and implantable defibrillators to treatarrhythmias.I then invite the reader to take a short course in electrocardiography,for it is this familiar test that we use to diagnose arrhythmias and evaluatethe effects of treatment. The reader will find electrocardiograms of someof the arrhythmias discussed in the case reports to see how cardiologistsrecognize which arrhythmia is which.The analysis of arrhythmias has, in recent decades, become so complexthat a subspecialty of cardiology has developed for those who study thissubject. Some call the practitioners of this art arrhythmologists, a name thatno reader of this book is required to learn. Many arrhythmologists work incardiac electrophysiology laboratories, large rooms filled with electroniccomputerized equipment where the details of patients’ arrhythmias arestudied and appropriate treatments are planned and instituted. By describ-ing what goes on in these laboratories, I will try to relieve some of the con-cern that patients who undergo these procedures may have and dispelsome of the mystery about what those working in these laboratories aredoing.
If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition - Original PDF
If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Grant Cardone خلاصه: The Importance of FirstAlthough the concept of first or last may sound unfair anddifficult to accept for some, in the real world—regardlessof your business or career—first place is the only place thatmatters. It’s a position that allows you to weather all storms,gets you extra attention, and has the competition chasingyou—rather than the other way around. But let’s face it: ifyou didn’t compromise on any point, you would certainlyrather the position of first than any other, right? Given thechoice between first and any other position, we all knowwhat’s preferable.Unlike systems or cultures where everyone getsrewarded for just participating and regardless of theirefforts, abilities, or even the score—the only positionthat ultimately makes sense in business—and the onethat earns the greatest rewards—is, of course, first. If youaren’t in the dominant position in your market, then youare at risk. When economies are abound with business, thecompany in first position continues to gain customers andexpand its size and presence while the weaker players ekeout increasingly smaller gains, helped along solely by thevi INTRODUCTIONrich nature of the market. However, when these profitabletimes wane, the dominant company benefits from its first-place position and grabs market share away from all theother contenders while those in every other position paythe price.Merriam-Webster’s defines the word first as “pre-ceding all others in time, order, or importance.” Beingfirst to the market is not as important as being numberone in your category; you don’t necessarily have to bethe company introducing a product to be the best choicein the buyer’s mind. Order and importance are muchmore vital here than time. There is also a big differencebetween being first and third in Google search results, asevidenced by companies like first-place Intel and second-place Advanced Micro. As of December 2009, Intel hadearned $32.7 billion in revenue and had $13 billion incash, whereas Advanced Micro had $4.92 billion in rev-enues and $2.5 billion in cash. And consider the competi-tion between Barack Obama and John McCain. Only afew points separated a name that has made history. Again,Barack was not first to the market; he actually came 30years after his opponent and had much less experience.Yet he managed to win not just the number one spot, butthe most powerful position in the world.So quit compromising and being “reasonable.” Let’sget you fighting—every minute of every day—for thenumber one spot in your business. You want to be on topwhen the market is great and take market share when itis not.
Building Organizational Memories: Will You Know What You Knew? (Premier Reference Source) - Original PDF
Building Organizational Memories: Will You Know What You Knew? (Premier Reference Source) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John P. Girard خلاصه: Much has been written about how organizations create and exchange knowledge to achieve a competitiveadvantage. To date most researchers have concentrated on the present and how organizational leadersmay use knowledge to create value today. This book builds on the many great works in the knowledgemanagement domain; however, it is unique in that the focus will be on what leaders should be doingnow (or soon) to ensure the next generation of organizational leaders know what they knew.The following is a real-world example of why this area of research is important; there are many morereasons articulated in the pages ahead. During an interview on CBS News on September 11, 2006, NewYork Fire Department Deputy Fire Chief John Norman described the unfathomable loss of life of theDepartment’s Special Operations Command five years earlier. On that tragic day, September 11, 2001,Special Operations Command lost 95 men – totaling 1600 years of experience. This is simply unimagi-nable when one considers this specialized unit pioneered techniques for urban rescue and terrorist at-tacks. Surely, it would be impossible to reconstitute the unique and vital knowledge of these brave men.Au contraire, Norman’s team proved that they had plans in place to quickly rebuild their team and onceagain become the best in world. Five years later the knowledge loss was virtually unnoticeable as theteam responded to 50 calls (Pitts, 2006).This story is not meant to demean the heartbreaking loss of very brave men, but rather it is to com-memorate the outstanding leadership, courage, and culture of a team that would not give up. Fortunately,most organizations do not have to suffer the tragic loss that Norman described, but perhaps we can learnfrom their tragedy. Virtually all organizations must deal with organizational memory loss to varyingdegrees. Could your organization rebuild from such devastation?Regrettably, organizational memory loss is not new, consider:One horrible day 1,600 years ago, the wisdom of many centuries went up in flames. The great libraryin Alexandria burned down, a catastrophe at the time and a symbol for all ages of the vulnerability ofhuman knowledge. The tragedy forced scholars to grope to reconstruct a grand literature and sciencethat once lay neatly cataloged in scrolls. (E. Linden, 1991)The message is clear; organizations must develop a strategy to maintain the intellectual capital thatmakes them unique. To be sure, most organizations cannot capture all of their tacit and explicit knowl-edge; however, that is not necessary and perhaps not even desirable. Rather organizational leaders mustput in place the tools and techniques to ensure that mission critical knowledge is maintained for thenext generation
You've Got To Be Kidding!: How Jokes Can Help You Think - Original PDF
You've Got To Be Kidding!: How Jokes Can Help You Think - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Capps, Donald Capps خلاصه: This book came about through a happy confluence of seemingly unrelated events. One of us, a psychologist, was writing a book on humor, and stum- bled onto Ted Cohen’s Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters (1999). He told the other, a philosopher, about the book, and this led both to begin thinking about collaborating on a book on humor. Our initial idea was to write a book in psychology, one that would combine humor, cogni- tive therapy, and philosophy. Then, however, the fact that the philosopher was teaching undergraduate courses in logic and critical thinking led us to think that a philosophy book would be more useful. This idea was exciting to the psychologist because he thought it would be nice to contribute to a philosophy book. It was also daunting because, although he had been an undergraduate philosophy major, this was many years ago, and he had forgotten much of what he had learned in logic courses. Then, however, he discovered Jamie Whyte’s Crimes against Logic (2005). The back cover identified Whyte as a past lecturer of philosophy at Cambridge University and winner of a philosophy journal’s prize for the best article by a philosopher under thirty. The words “past” and “under thirty” suggested that the author and the psychologist-reader had certain life experiences in common. More importantly, the subtitle – Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders – suggested that the book would enable him to pick up where he had left off years ago. After reading it, he sent off a proposed set of chapter headings to the philosopher who responded with a carefully formulated table of contents. The project was now underway
Cup of Comfort Book of Prayer: Stories and reflections that bring you closer to God (A Cup of Comfort) - PDF
Cup of Comfort Book of Prayer: Stories and reflections that bring you closer to God (A Cup of Comfort) - PDF
نویسندگان: Cup of Comfort Book of Prayer: Stories and reflections that bring you closer to God (A Cup of Comfort) خلاصه: When life throws us curve balls, prayer is often our greatest consolation. In A Cup of Comfort Book of Prayer, ordinary people just like you share the prayers that have brought them closest to God. From Psalm 23 and the Sermon on the Mount to the inspiring words of Anne Bradstreet and St. Francis of Assisi, these are the prayers that people turn to when they most need God's help, people such as: Paula, who finds confidence in the Breton's Fisherman Prayer when she feels overwhelmed by her role as single mom Susan, whose chance encounter in a customer service line allows her to share the grace of An Old Irish Blessing with a heartbroken stranger Clement, who during Operation Desert Storm shared the hope of John Cosin's Lord, Be Thou a Light to My Eyes with a war-torn Kuwaiti family In this blessed little volume, bestselling authors James Stuart Bell and Susan B. Townsend have collected fifty heartwarming stories of the power of prayer in our lives-a power upon which you can draw to strengthen your resolve, lift your spirits, and sustain your faith, through good times and bad. James Stuart Bell is the coauthor of Christian Miracles, A Cup of Comfort for Christians, A Cup of Comfort Devotional, among many others. He was for many years the editorial director of Moody Press. Susan B. Townsend, author of A Bouquet for Mom, is a writer and stay-at-home mother. She lives on a farm in southeastern Virginia with her husband, five children, and a menagerie of animals. Her work has appeared in A Cup of Comfort for Mothers and Daughters and A Cup of Comfort for Teachers.

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