Dr. Joe & What You Didn't Know: 99 Fascinating Questions About the Chemistry of Everyday Life - PDF
نویسندگان: Dr. Joe Schwarcz
خلاصه: What does being barefoot and pregnant on a cactus have todo with cherry ice cream? You probably think that's a prettybizarre question. But there is method to the madness. For overtwo decades now, I've tried to answer the public's questionsabout everyday chemistry on the radio, I hope with somedegree of success. Then, a few years ago, I had an idea. Whynot spice things up by turning the situation around and askingmy audience questions?Everybody seems to like quiz shows, especially when thereare prizes at stake, so I took to beginning each program with aquestion, offering a prize for the first right answer. We're talkinglocal radio here, not national TV, so the prizes were modest, buwe did manage to come up with some books, gift certificates,restaurant meals, and highly coveted "Dr. Joe" T-shirts. A newadventure was in the offing! I started off with some prettystraightforward questions — like, "Why does ouzo turn whitewhen you add water to it?"; and, "What is emu oil?"; and, "Whydoes lemon juice lighten the color of tea?" All good questions, Ithought, and somewhat challenging.Indeed, for the first few weeks, callers struggled to answermy questions; then suddenly it seemed as though they hadtaken smart pills. They started providing the correct answers7INTRODUCTIONDR. JOE SCHWARCZwith impressive frequency. It didn't take long for me to figureout what was going on. I wasn't testing the audience anymore,I was posing my questions to Google. And Google, as weknow, is pretty smart. As soon as a question passed my lips,those little fingers hit the keyboard. I tried instituting an honorcode, requesting that respondents not run to their computers.Yeah, sure.Obviously, another approach was needed. I attempted tophrase the questions in ways that would confound the searchengines. Like, "What is the connection between tangerine trees,marmalade skies, and morning glory?"; or, "What is the linkbetween Frankenstein and frog legs?" This approach seemed towork, and that's why you'll find a number of unusual-sound-ing questions in this little volume, which is a collection of thequestions I've posed on my radio show over the years. Ofcourse, you'll also find the answers — at least, my version ofthem.The questions come from a number of fields, but all havesome interesting scientific connection. There is no specific orderto the questions, no systematic attempt to educate. What I'vetried to do is demonstrate science's broad scope and show howscientific pursuit links to so many areas of our culture. So,come along for the ride, poke around, read a little here, a littlethere, pick up some bits of knowledge to fling around thedinner table, and have some fun doing it. And if you want toknow what being barefoot and pregnant on a cactus has to dowith cherry ice cream, just turn the page.