Building an Electronic Disease Register: Getting the Computer to Work for You (Primary Care Health Informatics) - PDF
Building an Electronic Disease Register: Getting the Computer to Work for You (Primary Care Health Informatics) - PDF
نویسندگان: Alan Gillies, Bev Ellis, Nick Lowe خلاصه: This book has two aims. The first is to demonstrate that computers can work foryou and not the other way around. No, please don't laugh ... it really is possible.Computers can play a major role in improving patient health and patient care.However, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to do a number of things:• computerise patient records• implement systems to process those records in accordance with best knownpractice and available evidence• change working practices and procedures• train staff to give them new skills• manage the process of change.Thus the second aim of the book is to show how to do these things in practice. Weshall use the example of an electronic coronary heart disease register (CHD) toshow how this may be achieved.We shall draw upon a case study from a local primary care group (PCG) wherewe shall consider the implementation in two practices, with different proprietarygeneral practice systems. We shall consider the example from the perspective of aGP and a practice manager.
Basic and Translational Applications of the Network Theory for Dystonia - Original PDF
Basic and Translational Applications of the Network Theory for Dystonia - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Aasef Shaikh, Anna Sadnicka خلاصه: Discusses new findings in dystonia research Provides information on the network theory of dystonia Resource for those studying movement disorders and motor control
Advances in Maternal-Fetal Biomedicine - Original PDF
Advances in Maternal-Fetal Biomedicine - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Marcelo Gonzalez-Ortiz خلاصه: Contains molecular descriptions of relevant pathologies of pregnancy Written by a leading group of researchers who are at the frontier of knowledge in maternal-fetal biomedicine Offers an integrative view that includes clinical information and translational medicine approaches
Oncology: Genomics, Precision Medicine and Therapeutic Targets - Original PDF
Oncology: Genomics, Precision Medicine and Therapeutic Targets - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Hardeep Singh Tuli, Mükerrem Betül Yerer Aycan خلاصه: Provides complete information about cancer biology, drug targets, precision and personalized medicine Focuses on many aspects of cancer initiation and regulation processes with quality artwork Highlights the challenges in drug discovery and development with chemotherapeutic drugs
Sex Differences in Brain Function and Dysfunction - Original PDF
Sex Differences in Brain Function and Dysfunction - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Claire Gibson, Liisa A. M. Galea Sheds light on how brain function and resultant خلاصه: Sheds light on how brain function and resultant behaviors may differ between the sexes Explains why the effect of sex and gender impacts upon our knowledge of the pathology and development of treatments Provides useful information to both mental health and neurology professionals and preclinical researchers
Libraries, the First Amendment, and Cyberspace: What You Need to Know - PDF
Libraries, the First Amendment, and Cyberspace: What You Need to Know - PDF
نویسندگان: Robert S. Peck خلاصه: Too often misinformation about free speech is circulated as if it wereauthoritative. The final straw for me and the inspiration for thisbook was a panel discussion at a state library association convention.There, as a member of the audience, I was treated to a confidently ren-dered but distorted description of First Amendment law as it applies topublic libraries. As a legal matter, the speaker said, obscenity is some-thing you know when you see it. This was decidedly wrong as a state-ment of the law, and I was unable to await my own scheduled talk laterthat day. I stood up during the question period and explained what theU.S. Supreme Court had actually said about obscenity and how theConstitution requires substantial procedural safeguards to be followedbefore a librarian may adjudge material obscene and take the matter tocourt. In defense, the panelist, a nonlawyer, justified her statements asbased on what her city attorney had told her.Of course, few city attorneys have much experience with FirstAmendment law. Their loyalties may not run to civil liberties as much asto whatever powers hold sway locally. In such instances, libraries arestuck with advice that has a more political than legal basis. For toomany who provide that advice, the need to avoid controversy over-whelms fidelity to the law. Such political considerations, however,should not be part of the constitutional calculus—for the reasons toknuckle under to would-be censors are infinite and can only expandwith each new concession. The result of such a standard operating pro-cedure would then be an abandonment of the library’s very purpose andmission: to assist in the diffusion of knowledge.vI N T R O D U C T I O NNeither ignorance of the law nor frustration over its complexity oughtto deter compliance with the principles it sets out. Even though the law isfilled with subtle touchstones, guidelines, and three-part tests that courtshave difficulty applying, there are some basic and unimpeachable tenetsthat all can understand and act upon. Librarians and library policymak-ers, dedicated as they are to providing access to information, need an ac-curate basis upon which to base intelligent and legally appropriatepolicies about Internet access, as well as the other issues that librariesoften face. This book aims to provide that foundation.The development of constitutionally informed policies can ease someof the conflict that is bound to arise. To be sure, it will not end that con-flict because speech, the written word, and pictures have an unquench-able capacity to generate controversy. It is almost a guarantee thatwhatever policies are eventually adopted will still be matters of greatcontention, activating factions who object to the materials thus madeavailable or unavailable to the community. It is indisputable that li-braries have become the front lines in modern free-speech wars. Still, awell-conceived policy can absorb some of the pain that accompaniesthat unfortunate reality and make all the difference in the litigation thatmay well follow.The role of libraries at the center in the battle over the nation’s intel-lectual freedoms is a familiar and long-running one. Almost from themoment of inception for public libraries, vociferous debates have en-sued about material that someone or another has deemed inappropriatefor shelving. One of the most enduring controversies over a book in theUnited States has been over Mark Twain’s Adventures of HuckleberryFinn. As far back as 1885, the Concord, Massachusetts, Public Librarybanished the now-classic book as “the veriest trash” and “more suitedto the slums than to intelligent, respectable people.” 1 The book remainsenormously controversial to this day.As recently as October 19, 1998, the U.S. Court of Appeals for theNinth Circuit was forced to rule on yet another attempt to remove thatbook—this time from a mandatory high-school freshman reading list inTempe, Arizona. The court concluded that assignment of the book didnot violate the constitutional right to equal protection of the laws, norcould it be removed because it allegedly contributed to a racially hostilelearning environment.2 Huckleberry Finn has endured more than a cen-tury of controversy with no sign that the hackles it raises will abate.Cyberspace now poses additional challenges for libraries.
If You Build It Will They Come: Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity - PDF
If You Build It Will They Come: Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity - PDF
نویسندگان: Rob Adams خلاصه: Know if you'll hit your targets before pulling the trigger on any marketing planMore than sixty five percent of new products are commercial failures, and if you compound this with a recession, now more than ever you can't afford to be wrong. In If You Build It Will They Come, business professor and strategy consultant Rob Adams shows you how to make sure you hit your target market before you spend a lot of money. He shows you the fast, systematic and proven approach of performing Market Validation in advance of making a large product investment.Adams outlines a simple and effective market validation and testing strategy that is proven, giving entrepreneurs and managers the ability to dramatically improve the prospect of product success. He explains how to quickly gather information on competitors, directly interview members of your target market, and figure out what the market really wants to buy, versus what customers say they want. The steps to quickly understanding the viability of your marketWhere to go to gather the information needed to hit the market requirementsHow to follow through with the right product launched in the right wayAdams cuts through the fancy terms and expensive market research that gives lots of data but no real product oriented information about usage, pricing, features and competitive forces. In the end you'll produce results on your first release of a far more mature product, shipped in a faster timeframe with features customers will actually use. This book is for anyone involved with designing, developing and launching new products. Its examples and advice cover everything from the fledgling start-up that needs their first product to work just to survive to the successful Fortune Class company establishing new worldwide markets. Examples cut across all major industrial sectors including consumer, retail, manufacturing, technology, life sciences and services. This book offers the step-based guidance you need to make sure failure is not an option.
How to Retire Happy: The 12 Most Important Decisions You Must Make Before You Retire - Second Edition - PDF
How to Retire Happy: The 12 Most Important Decisions You Must Make Before You Retire - Second Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Stan Hinden خلاصه: "Everyone in the workforce today should read this book!"--Horace B. Deets, former Executive Director, AARP With the right planning, retirement can be the happiest time in life. Award-winning Washington Post retirement columnist and financial expert Stan Hinden helps you guarantee that your retirement will be as enjoyable as possible. How to Retire Happy provides answers to all your complicated retirement questions. From Social Security and Medicare to long term care insurance and estate planning, Stan covers all the bases. This fully updated and expanded edition of the bestselling guide includes: Practical advice on the 12 most important decisions to make before retiring Guidance on the critical emotional, psychological, and health issues of retirement The latest information on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and changes to the rules governing IRAs and 401(k)s Expert tips on how to arrange an estate to save money on taxes and probate
The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need - PDF
The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need - PDF
نویسندگان: Joanna Martine Woolfolk خلاصه: Everyone's favorite astrology book, having sold over 500,000 copies, includes an interactive CD-ROM and a new redesign for 2008! This edition of The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need still includes detailed information about how to cast your own chart the old-fashioned way and more importantly, how to interpret it once you're finished. Find your place is the cosmos and determine the strengths and weaknesses of each Zodiac sign, and use the CD-ROM to cast your chart in minutes. Once your personalized astrological report is created, you will be directed to the corresponding pages in the book to read further about moon and sun signs, ascending signs, placement of the planets in their houses, and more.
No More Kidney Stones: The Experts Tell You All You Need to Know about Prevention and Treatment - PDF
No More Kidney Stones: The Experts Tell You All You Need to Know about Prevention and Treatment - PDF
نویسندگان: John S. Rodman MD, R. Ernest Sosa MD, Cynthia Seidman MS RD خلاصه: A Proven Plan to Prevent Painful Kidney Stones At last! Whether you are a chronic kidney stone sufferer or at risk of developing stones, this practical, comprehensive guide will help you take charge of your health and eliminate this painful disease from your life forever. Written by a team of experts in the field, No More Kidney Stones includes the latest information on risk factors, dietary and lifestyle choices, and state-of-the-art treatments. It includes: * Specific, detailed remedies to prevent the formation of the four major types of kidney stones * Prescriptions for creating a diet that works and dietary troublemakers to avoid * Treatment options, including Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, percutaneous stone surgery, and open surgery * Case histories showing what types of treatment are appropriate for what specific conditions * Guidance on what to expect before, during, and after treatment * Advice on finding the right specialist

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